I'm back again!!

Started out 262.4lb now 215.5. not my lightest. The lightest I've reached is 196.5lb. lots of yo-yoing this past year hanging round the 210lb mainly!. I feel yuk!! Been on and off this site for a while now. I came off before due to server issues so hoping these have been ironed out.....so with that, I scrapped my last account, got this new one now - fresh start and all that 👌

I want to start running again!! Never felt so good last year when I was.......but I know I have to build back up on that.....it all takes time!! I will reach my goals!!!! I want to tone mainly!! Need to get rid of my mummy tummy!! It's minging lol has got me so self conscious I don't feel great at all. I just want to feel nice about myself that's all.......

Good luck on your journey everyone XxX


  • shayf22
    shayf22 Posts: 4 Member
    Im starting out at 255. I actually lost weight from 287 and came down to 243 and then gained again to 255. Im struggling again to lose weight. Your post is pretty inspiring, any tips?
  • curvy_angel
    curvy_angel Posts: 3 Member
    shayf22 wrote: »
    Im starting out at 255. I actually lost weight from 287 and came down to 243 and then gained again to 255. Im struggling again to lose weight. Your post is pretty inspiring, any tips?

    Hiya, lots of persistence. Literally keep going. Find a activity to keep you moving and something you enjoy doing as this helps mentally. Keeps a positive mind I think. Plus a good distraction if you're a grazer like me or a stress eater like me or just a foodie like me 🤦 just don't give in and be strong.

    Admittedly I've given up a few times which has led me to my weight gain because I hit a wall I found it easier to give up rather than keep going. Won't be doing that again!! Have taken a massive backwards step now and regret it. I'm gonna start working out at home doing my own little routines like I did before and once out of isolation will get in the gym. Have only ever been twice due to confidence issues but one thing this isolation has taught me is to do things in the moment!!!

    Good luck xx
  • Prorunner2020
    Prorunner2020 Posts: 1 Member
    Good job :)