Just started

Looking for support I just started watching what I eat and logging it. I do miss FOOD. Or shall I say more food. Looking to make this more of a lifestyle change, I want to throw out all my fat clothes and never go back into them!! Any suggestions is appreciated. I am using the app daily today is my 3rd day!!


  • lewisduckie02
    lewisduckie02 Posts: 6 Member
    i'm on my 4th day. just do something else to take mind off food.... i, too, want MORE, but I have decided that it isn't worth it...also, i have found logging all foods keeps me focused on how much i really eat....good luck
  • I just started too - I'm very tired of my clothes not fitting. I am happy to see someone admit that they miss food, because I sure do. The 1200 calories you get to start isn't much for a day, and I'm struggling. I just took a walk to get some extra since we are going out for supper. I will be able to eat within my allowed total, but it's tough.

    Good luck to you!
  • Yvette2u
    Yvette2u Posts: 35 Member
    Testing signature
  • I just started today as well, my ticker says 0 but I have lost 25lbs and am using myfitnesspal to help me with the rest of the weight I need to loose. Give me a add if you would like to talk more or would like some motivation!
  • skinnyminniexx
    skinnyminniexx Posts: 67 Member
    I just started today too! Looking for some support from strangers, they're always honest no matter what.
  • minimommy1
    minimommy1 Posts: 84 Member
    Welcome to the group. You can do this. There is so much more to life than eating. Find a new hobby to help occupy your time.
  • Hi, I'm new here. I've been losing the same 7-8 lbs. since January and need to do something because now I've pretty much given up and gained 5 lbs. I think this will help me. It seems a lot like WW E-Tools but it looks like it might actually be easier to do. Here's hoping!!!
  • hey yo just signed up to this yesterday and completed my first entry today.. i think this will help me eat healthier as you can easily track everything. looking to loose some weight but gain/tone muscle. i hope this helps
  • I'm on day one myself and I'm looking for some motivation and some cheering on. It makes me feel like I have other people to relate to who know what I'm going through. Good luck to all of you.