6 weeks in - no weight shifted - please help!

Hi guys
So it's been 6 weeks since I started calorie counting. I've only just started trying to lose weight and I've got 1 stone to lose. I figured calorie counting was the best way.

I weigh 140 pounds/10 stone and want to get to around 126 pounds/9 stone. I'm 5'3.

I currently do 45 minutes on the exercise bike 5 times a week. Lift some light dumbbells twice a week. I do around 3000-4000 steps a day according to my tracker. I know I need to up this too.

I eat around 1300-1600 calories every day, I check packages and also weigh things to calculate the calories properly.

I do eat a lot of carbs and I have one small (fun size bar) chocolate every day (major sweet tooth). Could this be the reason why I haven't lost any weight yet? I seem to be maintaining every week.

I also drink 2L of water a day.

Any tips or advice would be really appreciated as I'm really starting to lose motivation.

Does anyone know whether apple cider vinegar helps with weigh loss?


  • innaa1789
    innaa1789 Posts: 19 Member
    I’m by no means a pro. In fact, I just started my journey two months ago..
    But could you still be consuming too much some days? Maybe 1600 is a bit much. Also I’ve read in multiple places now that simple carbs retain water.. sugar also isn’t good. Im not sure what kind of carbs you’re eating, but what if you try cutting out, or at least greatly limiting simple carbs? White flour products, white rice, etc. also try avoiding any food intake 3 hrs before bedtime, especially carbs. Same with sugar. And watch salt content. You’re not terribly overweight, so I’m sure that also makes it harder to drop the lbs..
    Again, like I said I’m not a pro and don’t know too much.. but I started out at 190, down to 176, “plateau’ed” at 180, and the above is what seemed to make a difference for me. Oh and I’m 5’6”. My daily calorie max is 1230.. I try to do elliptical for 40-50 min 6 days a week, but only started that maybe 2-3 wks ago.

    Additionally I would suggest taking measurements of your body.. arms, waist, thighs, etc. I wish I did that from the beginning, because although my weight loss isn’t much since I started on March 1st, I totally notice a difference in how I look, and also how some clothing fits.
  • Steelkid
    Steelkid Posts: 74 Member
    lizw1xx wrote: »
    Hi guys
    So it's been 6 weeks since I started calorie counting. I've only just started trying to lose weight and I've got 1 stone to lose. I figured calorie counting was the best way.

    I weigh 140 pounds/10 stone and want to get to around 126 pounds/9 stone. I'm 5'3.

    I currently do 45 minutes on the exercise bike 5 times a week. Lift some light dumbbells twice a week. I do around 3000-4000 steps a day according to my tracker. I know I need to up this too.

    I eat around 1300-1600 calories every day, I check packages and also weigh things to calculate the calories properly.

    I do eat a lot of carbs and I have one small (fun size bar) chocolate every day (major sweet tooth). Could this be the reason why I haven't lost any weight yet? I seem to be maintaining every week.

    I also drink 2L of water a day.

    Any tips or advice would be really appreciated as I'm really starting to lose motivation.

    Does anyone know whether apple cider vinegar helps with weigh loss?

    That's your problem right there. Try to lower your total carb intake to 20-50 grams a day. Water weight loves carbs.
  • okbuddha
    okbuddha Posts: 22 Member
    I was just going through my past week's calorie intake this morning with the same issue...I noticed that, regardless of whether I stayed around the same amount of calories each day, I gained weight on the days I ate mostly carbs and sweets (the sweets I choose also being carbs.)
  • CharlieS96
    CharlieS96 Posts: 58 Member
    It seems like you are active enough, maybe try and double your daily steps as that will burn a few extra few calories.

    If you are not losing any weight it is to do with calories in vs calories burnt, you are not losing because your calories in match the amount your body is using in a day.

    I can't be sure how meticulous you are with your tracking but you probably need to have a day of weighing everything out and add that up, it may make you realize that it is just the portion sizes you are misjudging.

    It may not be by much but if it's 100 calories more a meal that's 300 calories a day your out by. Which makes a difference over the course of a week, or in your case 6 weeks.
  • innaa1789
    innaa1789 Posts: 19 Member
    edited April 2020

    There is no reason she has to not eat 3 hours before bed, and avoid sugars and carbs, this is a myth, you can eat all your calories at anytime of the day and still lose, carbs do not make you fat, too many calories do

    She asked for advice and I gave her advice on what worked on me. Clearly I said I’m not a pro, but these things worked, regardless of if it’s a “myth”. Didn’t say carbs make you fat. I said I read that carbs can cause water retention = water weight. This is also why I mentioned that measurements are a more accurate assessment of progress than actual weight.....
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,683 Member
    As a small female, the line between losing and maintaining your weight isn't that far apart. As an older female, mostly sedentary, I was given 1200 calories to lose weight, but my maintenance is supposedly 1400. That gives no margin for error. Fortunately for me, I get enough exercise as a runner that I have a lot more leeway in my diet and my metabolism is a bit higher than average. For you, you will need to weigh everything and be careful about what data entries you use. Some are more accurate than others. When in doubt, pick the higher calorie option rather than the lower.
  • innaa1789
    innaa1789 Posts: 19 Member

    And I am clearing up that she does not have to do that because the issue is calories not carbs. If you wanna not eat sugars and carbs and not do so 3 hours before bed, fill your boots, but that doesnt mean I cant come back and tell her that it's not necessary, because it isnt.

    Hm, okay. 👏🏼
  • innaa1789
    innaa1789 Posts: 19 Member
    Sorry guys, if you completely misunderstood my post.. it wasn’t my intent to go in that direction.
    OP I just wanted to clarify that by no means anything I said was a hard and fast rule. First time posting on here, and I didn’t realize how absolutely awful my advice was...
    I will not delete my original comment. But I wanted to add that I am not strict in limiting anything, and firmly believe that calories are what matters. But when my scale stopped moving after the first 10 lbs two weeks ago, the above things helped to make it move.. I don’t think it was actual true fat loss, more water weight (as stated repeatedly!🤦🏻‍♀️ and obviously I lost weight before that just on the basis of calorie counting.) But it also made me feel better physically.
    Also I was quite sarcastic in saying “not terribly overweight”. Clearly anyone can tell with her numbers that she is in a healthy BMI range....

    And as a side point, whereas carbs don’t make you gain weight, simple carbs (yes the “white flour” containing products, not “white foods”) are not great, neither is an abundance of sugar. Better to increase complex carbs in your diet overall, and minimize the other stuff. And that’s true for anyone...
  • innaa1789
    innaa1789 Posts: 19 Member
    Dont refrain from commenting tho, because we all learn as we go, even I get corrected from time to time, and that's great because I desire to know more so I can in turn help others, the goal here is to help others, it's great that you want to help people too, it's what makes this community a good resource for good information, because we all get a chance to learn.

    Thank you ❤️❤️❤️