6 weeks in - no weight shifted - please help!



  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    edited April 2020
    innaa1789 wrote: »

    There is no reason she has to not eat 3 hours before bed, and avoid sugars and carbs, this is a myth, you can eat all your calories at anytime of the day and still lose, carbs do not make you fat, too many calories do

    She asked for advice and I gave her advice on what worked on me. Clearly I said I’m not a pro, but these things worked, regardless of if it’s a “myth”. Didn’t say carbs make you fat. I said I read that carbs can cause water retention = water weight. This is also why I mentioned that measurements are a more accurate assessment of progress than actual weight.....

    Well as far as your n=1...

    ETA ok i see you have listened to others, sorry for jumping in. But I'm going to leave my comment anyway because CARBS ARE NOT THE ENEMY. Nothing is. No single food makes you gain or lose weight. It's simply Ci vs Co.

    I usually aim for more protein than carbs. So probably get around 140/150g carbs per day most days. But towards the end of last week I carb loaded - so closer to 300g of carbs per day. All simple carbs. Bread, rice, sugar. I was still in deficit though.

    Guess what, I lost weight every day - I track daily and use a trend app)

    So yes carbs like water, but if you are in deficit you will still lose weight, even if you eat almost 100% carbs.
  • lizw1xx
    lizw1xx Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! Thank you so for the tips and advice. I've still not lost any weight, even after upping the exercise more.

    I'm thinking I might have to try having carb free or less carbs after all. What do you guys have for breakfast and lunch that is filling? My dinner usually consists of pasta with mince (all calorie counted) or chicken, potatoes and salad, or chicken and vegetable stir-fry. So it's really the breakfast I normally have one slice of toast, and lunch a bowel of cereal or Jacobs crackers. Not that much option with lockdown at the moment!

    Hope you're well :)
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,704 Member
    lizw1xx wrote: »
    Hi everyone! Thank you so for the tips and advice. I've still not lost any weight, even after upping the exercise more.

    I'm thinking I might have to try having carb free or less carbs after all. What do you guys have for breakfast and lunch that is filling? My dinner usually consists of pasta with mince (all calorie counted) or chicken, potatoes and salad, or chicken and vegetable stir-fry. So it's really the breakfast I normally have one slice of toast, and lunch a bowel of cereal or Jacobs crackers. Not that much option with lockdown at the moment!

    Hope you're well :)

    Breakfast: Oatmeal with plain Greek yogurt, thawed frozen mixed berries, walnuts, hemp seed, flax seed, blackstrap molasses, cinnamon; 2 x coffee with hot skim milk; iced matcha. Same thing I ate during 50+ pounds weight loss most of the time, except I think I added the hemp/flax when I got close to maintenance, and switched from a tablespoon of all-fruit spread to same amount of blackstrap molasses later. That's 80.3g of carbs, though (more importantly for me, 37.9g protein). During loss, without the swaps, about 11g fewer carbs, 6g less protein.

    Lunch in lockdown: Apple with peanut butter, or Ezekiel pita with peanut butter, possible with a big cracker thingie with about an ounce of goat cheese on it. (Weird, right?) Around 27g carbs, 20g protein.

    I think you maybe low-balling protein, for best satiation.

    No opinion about whether you should cut carbs: I never did, except to the extent needed to reduce calories. If you do it, expect a nice rewarding scale drop at first from reduced water weight, which is psychologically rewarding . . . but not fat, which is usually the main thing we want to lose.

    You seem to have been on MFP only for about a week? Have you been calorie-counting (accurately) longer than that?

    Advice: If you keep switching up what you're doing, it's going to be hard to tell what really works. Results lag multiple days behind eating (not show up in the very next day), and get averaged over multiple days, besides. You can end up thinking that X is your magic solution, when it was really the thing that you did right before X that was the more productive route.

    Are you eating back your exercise calories? If so, how many calories do you believe you burn, for what specific lengths/types of exercise? Didn't see where you'd said, if you did.

    Are you including any cheat meals/days (I'm not talking about the candy bar)? If so, how often, and what's their nature?

    And +1 to the suggestion that you temporarily make your diary public, so we can help you find any new-user logging issues you may not be aware of.

    Best wishes!
  • lizw1xx
    lizw1xx Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for your replies :)
    I've been using other apps for calorie counting, so sharing my diary won't be of much help, I mainly joined because of the forums. I'll definitely try and fill out my diary more on here as well.
    I never eat back my calories, it's hard to tell what I really burn calorie wise. My stationary exercise bike says 400 calories for 40 minutes though I feel like that might be a bit too high.
    I also tend to have a cheat day once a week on a Saturday (after I've had my weigh day), I won't be so strict on calorie counting and have a couple of slices of pizza, or have a nice dessert instead. Is once a week too often? Probably! I'll probably be more around the 1800-2000 calories on those days.
    I'm thinking of having 1 boiled egg and maybe one ryvita for breakfast instead of a toast or cereal. Do you guys reckon that would make a difference? Xx
  • Strudders67
    Strudders67 Posts: 984 Member
    The only thing that will make a difference, weight wise, is a calorie deficit. It doesn't matter WHAT you eat, just how many calories. If you like ryvita, go for it.

    400 calories seems a lot for 40 mins on an exercise bike, unless you've got a high resistance and are pedalling like mad. However, you're also burning SOME calories, not none, so should be eating some back. Perhaps try eating 50% to start with.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    lizw1xx wrote: »
    Thanks for your replies :)
    I've been using other apps for calorie counting, so sharing my diary won't be of much help, I mainly joined because of the forums. I'll definitely try and fill out my diary more on here as well.
    I never eat back my calories, it's hard to tell what I really burn calorie wise. My stationary exercise bike says 400 calories for 40 minutes though I feel like that might be a bit too high.
    I also tend to have a cheat day once a week on a Saturday (after I've had my weigh day), I won't be so strict on calorie counting and have a couple of slices of pizza, or have a nice dessert instead. Is once a week too often? Probably! I'll probably be more around the 1800-2000 calories on those days.
    I'm thinking of having 1 boiled egg and maybe one ryvita for breakfast instead of a toast or cereal. Do you guys reckon that would make a difference? Xx

    You need to log EVERYTHING even if you go over your calories for the day intentionally.

    If you are like me and only aiming for a 250 calorie deficit a day - so a slow sustainable weight loss, that's only 1750 calories in a Week. You can easily eat that in a day if you aren't tracking without knowing it, therefore causing a plateau. I know. I've done it. So I track everything, even treat days.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,704 Member
    lizw1xx wrote: »
    Thanks for your replies :)
    I've been using other apps for calorie counting, so sharing my diary won't be of much help, I mainly joined because of the forums. I'll definitely try and fill out my diary more on here as well.
    I never eat back my calories, it's hard to tell what I really burn calorie wise. My stationary exercise bike says 400 calories for 40 minutes though I feel like that might be a bit too high.
    I also tend to have a cheat day once a week on a Saturday (after I've had my weigh day), I won't be so strict on calorie counting and have a couple of slices of pizza, or have a nice dessert instead. Is once a week too often? Probably! I'll probably be more around the 1800-2000 calories on those days.
    I'm thinking of having 1 boiled egg and maybe one ryvita for breakfast instead of a toast or cereal. Do you guys reckon that would make a difference? Xx

    Zero for the exercise calorie estimate is for sure wrong. ;)

    If MFP set your calorie goal, and you set activity level based on pre-exercise activity as per directions, eat back at least some of the exercise calories.

    If that breakfast is more filling for its calories, or gives you more perceived energy vs. your current breakfast, or helps you hit your protein/fat minimums more consistently, it's a better breakfast. Calorie balance overall determines weight loss, what we eat and when is for nutrition, feeling full, energy level, etc.

    As far as the cheat days (or whatever term you prefer): Log them, even if you have to estimate (err on the high side when guessing ;) ), and look at your average daily calories for the week. Then you'll have more realistic data to judge from.

    It's fine that you don't log here . . . it's just that it closes off the community here from helping refine your logging. It's totally your call where to log. Make sure you're including bites, licks, tastes (BLT), condiments, sauces, oils in cooking or on foods, beverages that have calories, etc. Log pre-packaged foods by weight (not package estimate), don't use compound entries other people created ("Lasagna, 1 piece": Whose lasagna? What was in it?). Make your own entries based on the ingredients you use. Here, you can save those as a meal or recipe to reuse in future. Use a food scale like it was religion.

    That level of detail may not be necessary for everyone, or forever, but that attention to detail for a couple of weeks can highlight what's really going on, especially in a case where someone feels like they should be losing faster.

    Best wishes!