Struggling to find breakfast ideas I like that aren’t super obvious..

lyssalosesit Posts: 22 Member
I’m always starving at work and end up eating bad crap from the little grocery store I have. I don’t like granola and yogurt, or fruit and yogurt, I don’t want just toast. I’m struggling to find unique (or different) breakfast ideas that are yummy and I’m able to take to work (I have an oven and microwave and fridge at work).

Ideas, please! Thank you! :)


  • lyssalosesit
    lyssalosesit Posts: 22 Member
    harper16 wrote: »
    Why do you have to eat breakfast foods for breakfast?

    I’m not looking for breakfast specified items. I’m open to anything. I’ve been having a mini turkey sandwich for breakfast lately. I’d just like some sort of ideas. If I said lunch or dinner ideas the meals would probably be too heavy for in the morning.
  • harper16
    harper16 Posts: 2,564 Member
    harper16 wrote: »
    Why do you have to eat breakfast foods for breakfast?

    I’m not looking for breakfast specified items. I’m open to anything. I’ve been having a mini turkey sandwich for breakfast lately. I’d just like some sort of ideas. If I said lunch or dinner ideas the meals would probably be too heavy for in the morning.

    What about a salad that mixes in chicken, veggies, and fruit? Or soup with half sandwich. If you have time could you prep some rice bowls.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Hard boiled eggs. Precooked scrambled eggs warm up nicely, add a sprinkle of cheese to feel like it’s fresh. Any variety of breakfast sandwich that suits your preferences. Spinach salad has all the flavors of a traditional breakfast.
  • MinTheKitCat
    MinTheKitCat Posts: 173 Member
    Breakfast salads or savory oatmeal?
    Sweet potato hash/ or toast?
    Egg or cottage cheese sandwiches (bonus points for using cute English muffins!)
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    sweet potatos and chicken is common for me - its a societal fallacy that you have to have 'breakfast' foods only when you break your fast - you can eat whatever you want - personally, i go for more savory in the morning but i still save calories for a bowl of cereal right before bed
  • rmspeedy90
    rmspeedy90 Posts: 1 Member
    Smoothie with protein is portable and the protein will help you stay full - just be careful to watch the calorie count cause some protein powder is quite caloric. Easy way to sneak fruits and veggies into your diet as well.
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,684 Member
    Make spanish tortilla on the weekend and bring a wedge to the office. This is often eaten at room temperature but you could warm it up in the microwave. If I use a non stick pan, I get away with using much less oil than most recipes call for.
  • gallicinvasion
    gallicinvasion Posts: 1,015 Member
    I love doing a trail mix with higher protein and fat than the ones you might buy at the store. Per serving, it’s usually 15 g of roasted edamame, 10 g of granola, and 20 g of almonds (raw, roasted, whatever your preference). Approx 260 calories and about 11 or 12 g of protein. Very easy to bring on a commute or to the office.

    Recently I ran out of almonds and am sheltering in so trying not to go to the store too much. So I’ve been having overnight oats (40 g, made with water and a pinch of salt), topped 10 g of brown sugar and some cinnamon, and 15 g of the roasted edamame (chopped up small, for a good crunch). Approx 250 calories and about 10 g of protein. Not as easy to commute with, but good if you’re working from home.

    I also like a good savory oatmeal when I have more time on the weekends. I’ve done caramelized onion/bacon/Parmesan versions, or cheddar/bacon/adobo/cumin versions. All made with chicken broth instead of water. Super delicious.
  • MistressPi
    MistressPi Posts: 514 Member
    I second the idea of having morning soup. It gets/keeps you hydrated in addition to providing you with nourishment. You can poach an egg in your morning soup. I also sometimes eat egg salad or tuna salad for breakfast. Or reheated leftovers from a previous dinner. Or how about a meat or cheese board?
  • sonilac
    sonilac Posts: 55 Member
    So we love quinoa in my house so we usually make these breakfast recipes (switch the fruits to your liking): quinoa flakes (used almost like oats) and quinoa puffs or pops.
    If you like eggs, but want something different, try them with fried halloumi cheese.

    Also, I love sunny side up eggs sprinkled with feta cheese over toast.
  • georgieamber2
    georgieamber2 Posts: 229 Member
    Cereal and milk weighted out? I know it’s not anything special but it’s so tasty, and I think people just forget about it because it’s not some fancy breakfast food.

    I have a sort of “cereal”. It’s 40g of gluten-free high protein rolled oats, soaked in a small amount of water overnight. In the morning I put it in a bowl and top it with chopped walnuts, Brazil nuts and pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, desiccated coconut, half a sliced banana, and light soy milk!
  • KevinWH87
    KevinWH87 Posts: 74 Member
    A lot of times I’ll have leftovers from my prior lunch or dinner. I’ll serve it with some egg whites or a fried egg to make it breakfasty.
  • happysquidmuffin
    happysquidmuffin Posts: 651 Member
    Today I had some fresh strawberries and raspberries, and sliced English cucumber sprinkled with Neapolitan herb balsamic vinegar and a little salt. Other days I eat a packet of instant grits or oatmeal, or a bowl of cereal, but I also frequently skip breakfast.
  • papayahed
    papayahed Posts: 407 Member
    I second the eggs muffins, I make mine with eggs, broccoli, sun dried tomatos, cheddar, ground turkey and onion. I'd make abatch over the weekend and eat them for breakfast the rest of the week. Lately I'm doing overnite oats but a good PB and J is always tasty in the morning.