Intermittent Fasting 16/8 Newbie

Hi there! Newbie here, I started practicing intermittent fasting this Monday (4/13) and so far so good. Just created this fitness pal account and was wondering if anyone out there is also practicing the intermittent fasting strategy to teach their weight loss goals! 😄
SW: 192.4
CW: 192 (only 3 days so far)
GW: 135


  • KateFDR
    KateFDR Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there!

    I too just started 16/8 IF, on Wednesday April 15. I ate too much on the first two days during my 8 hour window, but now have recognized that mistake, so I came back here to count the calories. I plan on keeping them to 1400. A long time ago, I tried 1250 calories, and it was just too low for me, couldn't keep it up.

    SW: 169
    GW: 140

  • eminater
    eminater Posts: 2,477 Member
    Welcome to MFP. The key is to successfully track your calorie intake during your eating window. Make sure to weigh everything to be as accurate as possible. It seems to me you would enjoy one of the accountability challenges such as the "Just give me 10 days" challenge, found in the Challenges thread. Here is the link to the current one:

    Just Give me 10 days - round 111

    Some of the members in there also practice the 16:8 IF. Good luck ... and welcome to MFP.
  • lindsaypmartin
    lindsaypmartin Posts: 5 Member
    It’s awesome meeting you guys! Thanks for the encouragement and sharing your progress with me. I agree with you I downloaded MFP to hold myself accountable for the calorie intake. I have not bought a food scale yet but plan on it! :)
  • Desikudinspain
    Desikudinspain Posts: 32 Member
    Me too. 20 days on MFP.

    SW 67.3
    CW 66
    GW 56
  • lauhil
    lauhil Posts: 101 Member
    Hi there. I started the 16:8 intermittent fasting on April 1, and my clothes started to fit me better and my mood was better as well. On the night of April 19 however,I fell off the wagon, and all of a sudden I was feeling moody and depressed for the past couple of days! I am now back on it not only to lose the weight, but to feel better again. Welcome to MFP by the way!
  • Hi! I just started IF on 4/23
    SW: 300
    CW: 292
    GW: 158
  • SuzieQ136
    SuzieQ136 Posts: 38 Member
    @rmstorms90 welcome! How are you feeling so far?
  • The mornings are easy.... I break my fast around 11:30am. I stop eating by 7:30. It's the evenings and nights that are hard... but the last three days I have stayed within my window.
  • SuzieQ136
    SuzieQ136 Posts: 38 Member
    What’s everyone else’s view? Hope everyone is enjoying a fantastic evening!
  • taryn5491
    taryn5491 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi everyone. I’m new to this and Ive started my fast tonight!
  • JCH187
    JCH187 Posts: 39 Member
    Also new to this, I started on MFP 2 weeks ago and have just finished my third day on IF 16:8 today, all going well so far 👍🏼
  • ZeroTX
    ZeroTX Posts: 179 Member
    I'm re-starting here with new issues -- seemingly insulin resistance, or blood sugar that stays too high all the time. This is preventing me from losing weight.

    I'm strongly considering the 16:8 (12:00pm to 8:00pm eating window). TBH, I really don't strongly crave breakfast. I could get by on black coffee, which I think would be allowable. But, I do get to jones'ing for a mid-morning snack, so that will have to be stopped. Evenings are fine so long as I get dinner in early enough and continue to drink calorie-free liquids until bed time.

    I'm going to be honest and say that whatever I do has to incorporate at least 3-5 beers per week. I'll take a beer over sweets or even a meal sometimes. I enjoy the flavor and I try hundreds of different ones. I've probably had 400 different beers over the past 2 years. Just one at a time. I previously lost weight with beer (moderation, moderation), but even that has stopped now. I'm older, body is more insulin resistant, been obese since age 7 (yes, 7.... and I'm 44 now).

    Thanks for any tips on starting with 16:8 and your thoughts on if it will help me.

    Also, has anyone read the Obesity Code? Looking for good reading, but not things that talk down to me. A 44 year old life-long obese person has literally read and tried nearly everything.
  • wabaluba
    wabaluba Posts: 2 Member
    Hey! I’m also new to this. Started tracking calories 2 weeks ago but started 16:8 2 days ago! SW: 168 GW: 143. Getting married in late September so I really hope I could do this for myself to be the best me on my big day. Let me know if anyone wants to connect :-)
  • wabaluba
    wabaluba Posts: 2 Member
    KateFDR wrote: »
    Hi there!

    I too just started 16/8 IF, on Wednesday April 15. I ate too much on the first two days during my 8 hour window, but now have recognized that mistake, so I came back here to count the calories. I plan on keeping them to 1400. A long time ago, I tried 1250 calories, and it was just too low for me, couldn't keep it up.

    SW: 169
    GW: 140

    KateFDR wrote: »
    Hi there!

    I too just started 16/8 IF, on Wednesday April 15. I ate too much on the first two days during my 8 hour window, but now have recognized that mistake, so I came back here to count the calories. I plan on keeping them to 1400. A long time ago, I tried 1250 calories, and it was just too low for me, couldn't keep it up.

    SW: 169
    GW: 140


    Lol we are the almost exact same SW and GW! How tall are you?
  • ZeroTX
    ZeroTX Posts: 179 Member
    Oh, as for me starting over, I'll go with today's numbers:
    SW: 311
    GW: 200

    My finish line is a lot farther than some of you :) Also my goal is fasting glucose of 90. Right now it's 105-130.
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,244 Member
    i love IF. I normally do 16:8 or 18:6 depending on when I eat last but normally don't eat after 6pm. It just becomes normal now and very easy.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    ZeroTX wrote: »
    I'm re-starting here with new issues -- seemingly insulin resistance, or blood sugar that stays too high all the time. This is preventing me from losing weight.

    I'm strongly considering the 16:8 (12:00pm to 8:00pm eating window). TBH, I really don't strongly crave breakfast. I could get by on black coffee, which I think would be allowable. But, I do get to jones'ing for a mid-morning snack, so that will have to be stopped. Evenings are fine so long as I get dinner in early enough and continue to drink calorie-free liquids until bed time.

    I'm going to be honest and say that whatever I do has to incorporate at least 3-5 beers per week. I'll take a beer over sweets or even a meal sometimes. I enjoy the flavor and I try hundreds of different ones. I've probably had 400 different beers over the past 2 years. Just one at a time. I previously lost weight with beer (moderation, moderation), but even that has stopped now. I'm older, body is more insulin resistant, been obese since age 7 (yes, 7.... and I'm 44 now).

    Thanks for any tips on starting with 16:8 and your thoughts on if it will help me.

    Also, has anyone read the Obesity Code? Looking for good reading, but not things that talk down to me. A 44 year old life-long obese person has literally read and tried nearly everything.

    Insulin cannot keep you from losing weight. You are machine that runs on energy. The energy either comes from dietary sources or it comes from stored sources. If the dietary source is insufficient to cover the amount of energy you need to live and move your body absolutely must use stored energy to make up the difference. When it uses stored energy you lose weight. If anything interferes with your ability to use stored energy when you are in a deficit you will die.

    The internet tends to take things out of context. It is true that even in a deficit your body will take dietary food (fat) and convert it to fat but that is only because you need energy 24 hours a day and you only eat a few meals a day. The total sum of what you have eaten compared to how much you burn determines whether you end in a surplus where fat in addition to what you started with remains or you end in a deficit meaning your total amount of stored energy is less (CICO).
  • skinnyjingbb
    skinnyjingbb Posts: 127 Member
    I started IF in Feb, and it really help with limiting my appetite, it might work a bit too well as I was eating too little thus in Mid-march I started having constipation, so I stopped IF and increased my food intake. I just start this Monday to go back on 16:8 but shifting my feeding window a hour earlier, hopefully no problem this time.
    SW: 192
    CW: 166
    GW: 140
  • ADee95
    ADee95 Posts: 3 Member
    I’m new to Intermittent fasting as well, started last week. I’d recommend using the Simple app, it’s really helping me stay on track.

    SW: 210
    GW: 150