Full time college/uni students: How often do you workout?



  • futurefitgirl88
    I workout about 3 times a week during school year.... :) About 45-60 min workouts and I try to burn about 800 calories per day .....no less!! :)
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    i work 40 hours a week and all my classes are early in the AM and so i am up at 5:30 in the morning / 7 days a week anyways - which sucks! but i am getting used to it. I have been just working out when i get home from class/work/clinics which is usually around 4:00 or 4:30 pm but sometimes I'll wait until 9:00 pm to workout if I need a break from the day in between.

    I really would rather workout in the mornings though!! but idk if i can get up any earlier!! I'd like to start getting up 30 minutes earlier every day and doing a quick 30 minute workout before classes so i can be more alert and focused and ready for the days .. that way, if I am too tired later in the afternoon, I already know I have at least had some type of workout already done! :)
  • FaithsVegWorkout
    I have my study schedule all set for when classes start. I'm a commuter student, and I'm going to rent a locker at school, workout twice a week probably Tues and Thurs either right in the middle of the day or at the end of the day. I'm going to workout at my local gym on Sat and Sun.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    I workout 4/week. And I do one on Sat, so that's easy. Then one before on mondays, and tue/thurs I have off, so I do the others then.
  • december8teen
    I'm trying my best to go at least 2-3 times a week. That's my goal. However, life's hectic schedule sometimes gets the better of me and I have to skip a week's worth of gym. :(
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    I have classes all day on tuesdays and thursdays, so those are my rest days from exercise. The rest of the days I can work out after my morning classes, and on weekends, of course. Two weeks into the semester, I've been able to keep it up, and I'm feeling just fine.
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    i wanted to add on here ....

    that I found a very helpful study AND exercise tip :)

    i absolutely love doing the elliptical and reading my notes at the same time! the night before a big test.. i like going to the gym and hoping on the elliptical and by the time i read through my notes, i've done a good 45 minutes on the elliptical ! time flys because i am focused on my studies and also - i don't get distracted from studying because i don't really have anything else to do while i'm working out on the elliptical! haha
  • tweez8976
    tweez8976 Posts: 94 Member
    When I was a full-time student, I worked out pretty much every day (actually lost 25 lbs my freshman year). A few things that helped me - 1. I took an aerobics class one semester so that automatically gave me 3 days a week, 2. I got a job at the on-campus gym so it was very easy to either get to the gym early or stay a little late to work in another workout on my non-aerobics days. Another great tip that I have learned more recently to get the most "bang for your buck" - if you work out on a treadmill at all, USE THE INCLINE!!! It is amazing how much more of a workout you can get walking at an incline. I can burn over 400 calories in just 30 minutes walking 3.5 mph at a 12-15% incline vs only about 150-160 calories walking the same speed at 0% incline. Hope this helps - Good luck!
  • vickisaurus
    vickisaurus Posts: 3 Member
    I actually do manage to work out 6 times a week at university. It's actually really nice to go to the gym and do a class or your own routine to relax or think through your university work. Also, nothing feels better than working out the day after you may have had a little too much to drink. Sweat those toxins out!
  • colorfulcupcakes
    colorfulcupcakes Posts: 122 Member
    Sunday - home gym
    Monday, Tues, Thurs - between classes in the afternoon
    Fri, Sat - home gym
    6 days a week, but during midterms/finals this might go down to 4.

    A couple of the between classes workout are sometimes just short-ish cardio sessions. And I shower after.

    When I arrive at school in the morning it looks like I'm ready for a weekend of camping: large lunch bag, gym bag, book bag!
  • Hsanders3961
    Hsanders3961 Posts: 245 Member
    I am taking 15 hours and working full time, its rough, but I try to squeeze in at least 30 minutes 5-6 days a week. When I have a ton of homework though, I have to say that the exercise gets put on the back burner. I wish there were more hours in the day!!!
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    i wanted to add on here ....

    that I found a very helpful study AND exercise tip :)

    i absolutely love doing the elliptical and reading my notes at the same time! the night before a big test.. i like going to the gym and hoping on the elliptical and by the time i read through my notes, i've done a good 45 minutes on the elliptical ! time flys because i am focused on my studies and also - i don't get distracted from studying because i don't really have anything else to do while i'm working out on the elliptical! haha

    another good one.. record speeches, or vocab, and listed to it while you work out!
  • MoonIite
    MoonIite Posts: 341 Member
    another good one.. record speeches, or vocab, and listed to it while you work out!

    Great tip, I never thought of that.
  • MelC2564
    MelC2564 Posts: 182 Member
    I'm working full time monday-friday, have night classes monday-thursday, and work as a casual on weekends (usually only five hours or so), I either go before work in the mornings, or after classes in the evenings, at least four times a week. I feel lazy if I go any less.

    I used to love sleep more than anything else, but after a while you get used to the early mornings, and the work out really does wake you up and leave you focused for the day :)
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    it depends. this past week i couldn't get much done because it was the 1st week and I was coming off a "weight-loss" vacation of sorts, so I needed time to get back into the groove. but i usually get a chance everyday. the morning is good, but i love getting to the school gym for a group fitness class which always seems to work-out better than a solo workout. but typically I do stick w/ videos, that's what I mainly did this summer {i.e., Jillian, the firm, turbofire, etc}
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    I have a gym class as a GE requirement this semester, so that will take care of two days. My PLAN for the rest of the week is C25K in the afternoon after classes.

    The biggest excuse for me not going to the gym is that some genius built it at the bottom of a huge hill. I always dread the post-workout climb back to my dorm.
  • runbikebreathe
    I aim for four to six times a week. I try to do around 25-40 minutes of cardio each time and at least 20 minutes of strength training three times per week. I make sure to work out on weekends as that means two of my workouts are done for the week! Also, if your college/university has a gym on-campus, check it out. Although it may mean staying later after class, you'll be more inclined to get your workout in. Like others have said, I like to bring my notes along with me. I feel much more productive!
  • simplyychaos
    I'm a full time student and have a part time job in the evenings after classes. I purposely made my schedule this semester to not have class till 11 so if I wake up at 8:30 I still have time to go to the gym for a half hour to an hour and get ready for class. I find it's easier to wake up earlier to work out because then it's out of the way. By the end of the day I'm usually so exhausted from class and stressed about homework I find it easy to just say that the gym is the lowest priority. Make it the first thing you do every day and then it's out of the way. I usually work out 4-5 days a week.
  • ericalynn104
    ericalynn104 Posts: 382 Member
    I got super busy when classes first started but when it slowed down a little, I've been working out almost everyday. Right now I'm doing 30DS every night. It only requires half an hour. But I'm gonna try to get some other workouts in there (biking, swimming, elliptical.) I'm lucky enough to be done with classes by 3PM everyday so I have some time. I'm looking for a job though and that might change things a little.. Best of luck!
  • NicoleLauren17
    NicoleLauren17 Posts: 31 Member
    I work out every day. If I have a super busy day I'll skip it though. I am not a morning person by any means so I do mine after classes in the afternoon. I can barely wake up for my classes now much less waking up earlier to work out!!