Looking for friends!...

Hi all. I have been on MFP for years but in the last 5 years have gradually put more and more weight on until i have creeped over into the obese category! I only just realised this and has totally shocked me. Four years ago, I only had 7lbs to lose and now have about 40lbs excess weight. My waist measurement is also in the dangerzone. My exercise levels are quite high, run 5km 3-5 times per week, walk lots, HIIT and have three young children. But my food intake is awful. Meals are all healthy but my snacking is the problem. I eat my emotions (all of them) and just cannot seem to get a grip of it, despite knowing the numbers are not good for my health!
I have changed my username here, cleared out all my friends (they were all inactive) and now looking for the determination to stick to changing my lifestyle choices.
Please be my friend? And we can motivate each other
