Moms! Let’s be fitness friends

CCLmama Posts: 5 Member
Hey pals!! I’m 26 and just had my second baby 4 months ago. I exclusively breastfeed. I have been making changes here and there and working out maybe 2-3 times a week since his birth but I’m ready to commit all the way! And with having 2 little ones it isn’t always easy. So I’m looking for some mom friends or even non mom friends to share ideas, motivation and tips with! Feel free to add me :)!!


  • snowdancer03
    snowdancer03 Posts: 238 Member
    I want to be friends!!! Same life here, 2 littles and still nursing one. I'm ready to drop my squishy body.
  • poshpiggy
    poshpiggy Posts: 6 Member
    Same here ! 10m postnatal and set a goal to shift some weight before my baby’s 1st Bday! Feel free to add me
  • victorialeigh629
    victorialeigh629 Posts: 36 Member
    I have a 3yo. I was actually in the best shape of my life 9 months after I gave birth but then life happened :/ so I'm just now starting again!
  • CoffeenSquats
    CoffeenSquats Posts: 982 Member
    Welcome and congratulations! I have four boys 💙
  • meecheeroh
    meecheeroh Posts: 1 Member
    I’m in! I have 4 kids. Was in pretty good shape, but have been pandemic stress-eating/drinking and gained 15lbs😕
  • blyn0520
    blyn0520 Posts: 7 Member
    I have two boys 4 and 2 and since having them have just let myself go. I'm also looking for accountability friends!
  • victorialeigh629
    victorialeigh629 Posts: 36 Member
    How has everyone’s week been so far? I’ve been on track for the most part! I’m learning to balance family meals. Sometimes I just have to eat something else
  • MamaBugBear
    MamaBugBear Posts: 4 Member
    You’ve got this!
  • BabiReese
    BabiReese Posts: 1 Member
    Add me please. I’m trying to get back to exercising on the regular after having a little one. Would love some encouragement
  • CCLmama
    CCLmama Posts: 5 Member
    My kids (mainly my toddler) have been very bored this week so we made cupcakes (bad idea) and they’ve been keeping me very busy and yesterday I was not feeling the cooking thing so we ordered out. I’m having a hard time convincing my spouse we need to pick a somewhat healthy option if we are going to eat out! So I worked a little harder today to make up for it. Really want to stop doing that! What do you moms do when you just don’t feel like cooking??
    How has everyone’s week been so far? I’ve been on track for the most part! I’m learning to balance family meals. Sometimes I just have to eat something else

  • tabbyhammer25
    tabbyhammer25 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in! I am a mom of a 19 almost 20 yr old and 12 yr old. Would love the support and willing to give support.
  • victorialeigh629
    victorialeigh629 Posts: 36 Member
    edited May 2020
    CCLmama wrote: »
    My kids (mainly my toddler) have been very bored this week so we made cupcakes (bad idea) and they’ve been keeping me very busy and yesterday I was not feeling the cooking thing so we ordered out. I’m having a hard time convincing my spouse we need to pick a somewhat healthy option if we are going to eat out! So I worked a little harder today to make up for it. Really want to stop doing that! What do you moms do when you just don’t feel like cooking??
    How has everyone’s week been so far? I’ve been on track for the most part! I’m learning to balance family meals. Sometimes I just have to eat something else

    When I don't feel like cooking, I go for the convenience meals. The brand "kids fresh" has some healthier frozen options for the kiddos. I.e. sneaking veggies into their recipes. I buy the chicken nuggets and mozzarella sticks. They have lower calories and a decent amount of protein.
  • 12Sarah2015
    12Sarah2015 Posts: 1,117 Member
    feel free to add me. im a mum to two toddlers.
  • caitlinn116
    caitlinn116 Posts: 15 Member
    A little late to the party but hi all! I’m a first time mom to a 12 week old baby girl. I’m about 30lbs heavier than I was before I got pregnant and it’s killing me. Before, I was in the gym 5-6 days a week and eating really well...I was in great shape. Now that summer is arriving I tried on a bunch of my shorts and NOTHING FITS. Like the original poster, I’m exclusively breastfeeding my little one so I want to lose weight in a way rbag doesn’t cause issues with my milk supply. Feel free to add me!
  • lilspider
    lilspider Posts: 31 Member
    I would like to be friends! I have a 2.5 year old (Pls God help me!! haha) and I am so fat that I feel horrible looking in the mirror. I gained a lot when I was pregnant and then just kind of lost the plot with the sleepless nights etc. I started over 10 days ago and I've lost already 2kg by just changing some small habits. I know how great group support can be so PLS add me as friend :smile:
  • Ms_Alisa
    Ms_Alisa Posts: 2 Member
    I have three beautiful children that keep me super busy and don't have many mom friends in real life! I'd love to have motivational women in my life that are working towards the same goals I am of becoming stronger and healthier!!
  • poshpiggy
    poshpiggy Posts: 6 Member
    Loving this thread! My baby girl turns one in June 😭😭😭 just wanted to encourage us all with my story;

    I was obese going into pregnancy and did really well only gained 4kg during pregnancy which I managed to lose quite effortlessly by 6 weeks postnatal- but then the reality of no sleep kicked in and surviving on sugar slowly but surely my weight crept up and up until I was nearly the heaviest I have been in Feb 2020!

    I was hospitalised with Covid19 on Mother’s Day in March and separated from my daughter for 4 horrible days where I thought I wouldn’t make it out alive. Hearing them talk about me being “high risk” because of my weight It gave me the courage when I was discharged to really take back control of my life. I decided to fully commit to calorie counting on mfp (was on WW on and off for years pre pregnancy) and since being in a deficit I’ve lost 8kg in 3 months!

    In terms of exercise I used to love powerlifting but as the gyms are closed I’m doing barre 3 workouts at home & go for walks with baby in the buggy about 3-4times week. I’d like to increase my exercise more when she starts nursery in June and maybe join a spinning studio!

    My goal is to keep going and hopefully lose some more kg!

    Please feel free to add me as a friend so we can continue to support eachother
  • CMillikan08
    CMillikan08 Posts: 45 Member
    I’m a mom of 3 boys ages 5, 4, and almost 2. I have found workouts that I love and my struggle is the kitchen so I came back to MFP to hold myself accountable. Everything that goes in my mouth goes in the diary. My food diary is open on here too. Feel free to add me mamas 🤗❤️
  • ReecyCGB
    ReecyCGB Posts: 18 Member
    Hi, I'm Reecy, mum of 3 (5, 2 and 8 month old). Have at least 50 lbs to get rid, I run 3 times a week and looking to add home workouts to the mix. I would love to get back into my pre mum jeans. I eat healthy during the day but then binge on crap at night, trying to sort that. Feel free to add me, will keep my diary up to date.