Just need a little bit of support

I know that this has not got anything to do with losing weight so am hoping that it's ok for me to post.

I have not had a normal period since May, finally went to the doctors and had a blood test last week and the results were that I am not pregnant but have low estrogen levels and they think that it is my pituitary gland failing so they did another range of blood tests and I should have those results back next week. They sent me to the optometrist and the results were that it's not affecting my vision but I do need glasses again and I have also been sent to go and have an MRI done next week so am a little bit worried but am trying not to stress and just wanted a little bit of support.


  • trimformecmb
    trimformecmb Posts: 257 Member
    Sending good vibes and lots of support
    will put you in my thoughts and prayers ----friend me if you want to, your choice
    but the best thing you can do is to BE EDUCATED!!!! RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH........and not wickipedia----got to my health .com and the jama.com
    good luck!!!!
  • suzikay
    What a worrying time. Big hugs to you. The scariest thing is not knowing. My thoughts are with you.
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    Hang in there! It's sucks being female at times. I had to deal with really, really, really heavy periods and tired lots of things to fix it. We tried the mirena which I had a totally adverse effect to, birth control pills that did nothing, and finally an ablation. For the first time in years I had no period this month. It was so nice not to bleed to death! I also found out a few years back I have an eye condition called keratoconus. It causes dry eyes, along with all sorts of other great stuff, not to mention my horrible astigmatisms! Of course the period and eye site is not related for me but a stressor none the less. Somewhere along the line you have to find a bright side. Think about what a worse possibility could be and grab hold of the fact that you don't have that. I find that by looking for the bright side, it makes the dark side easier to handle. I dealt with losing my Dad to Cancer in a 3 month window and in the mean while hubby lose t his job. This was 2 years ago. I refused to let it ruin me and take me to that dark place. I survived it and am better and stronger because of it!!! Hang in there! Things will brighten up! You can make them do it!!
  • tiarra77
    i have a couple of friends that have had same situation and with doctors help, everything is fine. all of our bodies are unique and may have a few hiccups from time to time....me -- i have a major thyroid problem. inhibits just about every hormonal function, which includes METABOLISM! it sucks but i keep up with it, monitor with proper combo of doctor/meds and keep going. life is short, just try and make the best of whatever situation comes about. i know u will be just fine! :)
  • Ginster75
    I am sure all will be ok and don't be afraid to ask the professionals lots of questions!

    Good luck with all the tests.

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  • NicolaJane1313
    (((HUGS))) Hope everything goes well!!
  • Smelerz
    Smelerz Posts: 115 Member
    Not knowing is the worst part but dont give up! Stay persistent and the doctors will help you
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    Thank you, this is why I love all my My Fitness Pal friends because you all help me to understand things better and I guess the good thing at the moment about all of this is that as far as I know my ovaries are fine so I guess that's just the silver lining for the moment, will keep you all updated and I have been researching a little bit and plan on asking as many questions as I can to help me understand why this is happening to me.
  • elinsofie
    elinsofie Posts: 69 Member
    Waiting for tests and results is no fun at all (been there, done that). Try to keep yourself busy with other things and not to worry too much until you know if there's actually anything to worry about. I know it's easier said than done, but try! If they find something they can fix, things might even get better than it was before. You'll get through this! * Hugs *
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    My Pituitary Gland is releasing pregnancy hormones even though I am not pregnant which means that I am showing signs of being pregnant, it is a benign tumor and I have an MRI this week to see how big it is. Am nervous and a little bit scared and apparently most people who go through this never get diagnosed so I am glad that I will be taking medication for it and hopefully won't have to go through surgery.
  • emandbri
    HUGS! at least you are getting answers. Sending no surgery vibes to you!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hang in there and keep us posted. Sorry you're going through this! HUGS :flowerforyou:
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    Had a good day today, spent the day in Dubbo for an MRI so should get those results next week. Fingers crossed the results are good.

    Thank you so much for all of your support and will definitely keep you all updated.
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    Got the MRI results back and there is no abnormal growth on my pituitary gland so have an appointment in December with a specialist for hormones. So now just have to wait it out and deal with my pregnancy symptoms.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    SOOO glad there's no growth!! THAT is good news!
  • Nic620
    Nic620 Posts: 553 Member
    Try not to let the stress consume you until your have your MRI results. Then you will have better facts about what's going on with you. Also as another lady said don't wikipedia stuff!! That will send you over! Until here's my positive thoughts steaming on thur the site you :smile: Keep us posted!
  • Nic620
    Nic620 Posts: 553 Member
    That's awesome!!
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    Yeah it is awesome, will keep you all updated as I find out more.
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    Was told by my doctor on Monday that I probably wouldn't get my period but I have had a bit of blood on and off since Tuesday night, early Wednesday, Wednesday night, Thursday Morning and now it's barely there and I'm not having any pain or cramps or anything so don't know what I should do.She also said to go and see her if I had any questions or problems.
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    Just an update on my hormone situation, I am all good, I have some signs of mosaic Turners Syndrome but nothing that should affect my chances of having kids. :) It was apparently caused by my birth control pill which I want to come off now but am being told no by a few people (not my boyfriend). :(