aussie on here :)


I'm from australia and decided to join this site recently. A year ago I decided that I wanted to lose 5kilos for my wedding. I ran about 5-8km a day (but did not watch what I ate) and it took me 7 months to lose the weight. The week before the wedding I was excited to realize I hit my goal weight! I love my wedding photos because I felt so proud of how good I looked.

Then we went on honeymoon...and I came back to the same poor diet but this time without the running. Resulting in putting that 5kg back on plus a little bit more! I also changed jobs which meant running every day isn't possible, but the advantage is now that I work in an office the temptation to eat terrible is gone. So I stumbled upon my fitness pal thanks to the phone app, and have had a stark wake up call to how badly I eat. Snacking is clearly my weak point, but being able to visually track what I eat and see how all those small snacks adds up has really motivated me. I've been doing it for a week now, and already lost 1kg. My goal is to get back down to my wedding weight, aiming to lose around 1kg a week. So should take me another 5 weeks *fingers crossed*

so hi! any other aussies out there?


  • Hi!
    My name is Sam and I have only just started too. I'm currently in Canberra studying at the ANU. I'm doing Honours this year, so although I have been eating relatively well, I have found it extremely hard to find time to exercise. I realised that I have actually gained 10kg in the past two years, and would love to drop the weight again. I am hoping to get back into exercise so that I can really change my lifestyle.
    Sam xx
  • HunniBunniLisy
    HunniBunniLisy Posts: 30 Member
    Hi from a fellow Aussie! I know you will benefit greatly from this site! The tracking makes it so easy and the support network is amazing. I joined a few months ago and wanted to lose approx 9kg, I've already lost 7.5kg and it has been so easy with the help of this site. Happy to be your friend and offer support if you want to add me.

    Good luck!
  • hedkell
    hedkell Posts: 121 Member
    Hello, I am an Aussie...but am not liviing there at the moment. :sad:
    My husband and I moved to Dubai about three years ago, and I miss home and other aussies soooo much!! I joined MFP about 7 weeks ago, I think and I have lost 6 kilos. I absolutely love this site!! I have also now taken up running (on the treadmill, far too hot here). I try and run 5k 5 times a week. Last week I even managed 8k, was very excited!!
  • Brainsurgeon
    Brainsurgeon Posts: 26 Member
    Hi from across the ditch! Kiwi here. I've only just started up in earnest (even though I joined a while ago heh) , lost a kg already, and have 8 more to go. I've been walking/jogging twice a day and really looked hard at the stuff we were eating.
  • I'm in Adelaide and just started on Myfitnesspal again after somehow I stopped what I was doing so well last Christmas and never went back to it. Already lost 8kg in 9 days but I have so much to lose. I'm very determined this time though. I have been offered some extra incentive in the form of a cash per kg arrangement with a family member so it's kinda like the biggest loser :-)
  • jillfrd
    jillfrd Posts: 29 Member
    wow there seem to be lots of Aussies on here! I figured the site would be mostly Americans since it's all in calories and lbs. good to see some down under spirit :)
  • chantell7
    chantell7 Posts: 167 Member
    Hi im from Victoria =) add me if you like . Love having fellow Aussie friends
  • hi
    Im from sydney.

    aiming to loose bout 1/2 my body weight! add me as a friend if you like
  • vizamy
    vizamy Posts: 60 Member
    I'm in Sydney, too.

    I figured there must be lots of Aussies because so much of the Australian food is already on the database!
  • 6heatherb6
    6heatherb6 Posts: 469 Member
    me too me too :bigsmile:
    Sydneysider here and have lost 10kg since April...just need to maintain the loss now which is scary.....:huh:
    I've found this site SO helpful and hope you do too...
    All the very best
  • tardmagnet
    tardmagnet Posts: 15 Member
    Hi fellow Aussies,

    I'm from Adelaide, only started on here a week or so ago and think it's pretty good so far. Love the fact it has a lot of Aussie interpreted food too.

    I'm doing Lite N Easy food at the moment and have done so on and off for the last few months (odd living arrangements). I can't recommend it highly enough. Super easy, tasty and not too expensive when you consider buying and making all that food for yourself. :)

    I'm 5ft 7 and want to get to 73kgs (the weight I sit comfortably at).
  • Tisha247
    Tisha247 Posts: 849 Member
    Hya, I'm from Queensland. Been on this site since early March, I've lost around 6 kg in that time. It came off fairly quickly to begin with but I had a couple of breaks over winter so here I still am. Have a holiday to Hawaii coming up at Christmas so pretty determined now to lose the rest. Welcome to mfp, feel free to add me. : )

    btw most of my connections on here are aussies! so add them as well
  • sydneysider here too! lost 32kg in 8 months, ran city 2 surf and training for a half marathon - feel free to add me :)
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Another Aussie here. I'm from the Sunshine Coast and currently trying to gain some weight. Will be cutting again in not too long though. Feel free to add me if you wish :)
  • MiekeJ
    MiekeJ Posts: 139
    Hiya from Brissy!

    Good luck with your goals :-)
  • shauna121211
    shauna121211 Posts: 575 Member
    Hi! I'm a former Californian living in Adelaide now. I've been on for about a month and a half and lost 5 kilos... hoping to lose about 15-20 more! If you need friends, feel free to add me!

    Oh... and since you don't have much to lose, I might suggest aiming for a 1/2 kilo a week, because you might find losing 5kilos in 5 weeks a bit hard! Just a suggestion. :)
  • thelambsy
    thelambsy Posts: 8 Member
    Hi All,

    From Jamison Victoria, near Mansfield and Mt Buller. Nice to see some aussies out there. Hope you are all going
    well and add me as friend if you like.

  • I love that we can all help each other around the world! How cool is that? I am in the US (Florida) and have met people all over! This site is terrific! You will make new friends like crazy and have more fun losing weight. It is so nice to get motivation every time you log on!
  • smileyk003
    smileyk003 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi Everyone.. Another Aussie here!
    Im a Melbourne-ite. Everyone is most welcome to add me, I love having peoples info pop up on my page, its so motivating when you see how well someone else is doing, and so nice to give some encouraging words to those who need them (and to give me some when I fall off the wagon!)

    I love seeing how enthusiastic everyone is about MFP, I originally downloaded the app purely as somewhere to log my weight in when I cancelled my W Watchers memebership, then got hooked on the scanner purely for the novelty of it, and just last week I realised that 3.5 KGs had snuck back on in the last 2 months so I decided to giv it a crack tracking my calories and I love it! I have already knocked the first KG off... Woohooo!

  • HI,
    I'm new here also.
    I'm from Southern Suburbs of Sydney - and I'm looking for friends here.
    Well I've had an account for a long time - but not been using it - I started playing with the App on my phone this week and something has changed to make it easier. - Barcode scanning! Awesome!
    I lost about 6 kg this year and put it all back on again over winter - not really from bad eating - just less exercise.
    So I'm going to calorie count now - because that has to work.
    I'm also sort of doing C25K but I'm doing that on a treadmill because the pollens of spring are bothering me.