Extremely disappointed

I'm in a stressful phase, with work, studies and loveydovey matters since my boyfriend just left me a few ago.
I'm eating normal, between 1400 and 1600 kcal and exercising 5x a week for 1h each time.
Since 2 months my weight won't go down. More than that, I've gained even 1kg, and I didn't change my new habits.
Also I all the time obsessing over food.. I go to bed thinking about what I've eaten, wake up thinking what I will eat.. the food is in my head like 24/24, looking up the whole time kcal, weighting everything.. I wasn't like that 1 month ago, so I hope to go back to normal.
But I feel so disappointed, because of my recently grown obsession, because I continue to eat as always and exercise, and since 1 month there's no result, even gained..

I just recently feel like in a black hole.. is anybody else in same situation, like stuck with the weight, and obsessing over food?
Any tricks to de-obsessed or what to do if there's a stuck phase? Shall I reduce kcal? Or just try to exercise more?


  • forme2310
    forme2310 Posts: 157 Member
    One thing that I do so I don t stress over food is I plan the night before what I am going to eat the next day. This helps me not to think about food all the time. Just a suggestion. The other thing even when I exercise I don not eat those calories I stick to my base calories. Keep on going it will pay off
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    Are your net calorie intakes between 1400-1600 per day, after exercise, or are you only eating that much and then exercising? Not being able to see your diary, I would say you aren't eating enough, and you should eat more to break the plateau. I felt the same way originally, obsessive. It's obsessive, I think, because you aren't losing, and since you are having stresses outside of eating, then you want to make sure you aren't obsessing about those things, you put your energy into obsessing on something else, food. I was that way originally too, every second of the day consumed by consumption, and diary and eating. But I re-found hobbies, re-evaluated priorities, exercised more to get my mind off food etc. It will happen. You just joined, give yourself some time to adjust.

    Hang in there.
  • sexyminxinthemaking
    a lot of people seem to hit a plateau in weight loss just ride it out a bit and the weight will startto come off again perhaps find a different excercise routine because your body adapts so that may cause a plateau you can do it keep going well done so far :)
  • wedjul05
    Oh I hear ye!!!! Stuck at the same weight for about 1 month now since injuring my ankles. Obsessing over food, watching everything I eat, not enjoying it at all, being sick of the scales stuck depsite exercising alot and burning a good load of calories.

    What I would suggest is really really really look at your food diary. I know where I am going wrong but find it hard/stubborn to cut back on what I eat even though it is all relatively good.

    Change your exercise routine. Change is good and keeps your body on it's toes.

    I am busy/stressed/watch the clock 24-7, I can never relax, talk/type/do everything at break-neck speed and find it hard to unwind. One day.

    Hope you get thru this difficult phase. As for your bf, his loss.
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    One of the things I have discovered about me ( after 50 years of dieting) is that my body eventually adapts to whatever I am doing. It helps me to do something different, at least for a month or so. Perhaps you could try changing out the diet you are on. Perhaps a few more calories for two to three weeks to see if your body is feeling seriously deprived? Perhaps lowering your refined carbs a bit? Switching out your exercise for something different--weight training if you aren't doing that, for example. I hope that helps you. I have read--don't know how true it is--that lots of stress can cause you to hold onto extra water due to hormonal changes. Good luck on finding what works for you and best wishes for a more peaceful life.
  • chedges9090
    chedges9090 Posts: 208 Member
    Ditto on switching up the excercise. :) Also, for the dark hole. I HATE when that happens! :grumble:
    See if there is a hobby or something that you would like to take up-- start-- get back into. I have found that there are things I like to do.. that even if they aren't excercise-- I don't eat while I am doing them. AND.. don't even think about eating. I have started stamping. It is amazing how much time goes by while I am doing that.. and I don't even notice :) YOU CAN DO THIS.
    Oh the boyfriend.. take it from an "old" girl-- there's another one right around the corner! :wink:
  • saraht109
    try not to obsess about food ..... i used to do that and it ended up making me eat more. Get some friends on here that you can talk to when you are feeling down that may help.

    As others have said I try to stick to my base allowance and not use my calories gained by exercise and yes vary your exercise as your body gets used to it but keep with it :-)

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Make some changes in your workout. Your body will be using new muscles and that might help you lose some and be less bored.
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    Food is always on my mind 24/7 too.
    Even when im really busy, or something has my full concentration its still in the back of my mind.
    And i think this makes me hungrier than i should be..
    I dont think there is away to just make yourself forget its there.

    And iv hit a bit of a plateu too.. =/
    Although it seems to just be the start of it.
    Maybe you should try zig-zagging your calories,
    eat about 200 calories less than ur goal every other day..
    it might help?
  • nsimportant
    nsimportant Posts: 170 Member
    When I had loads to loose i ate 1200-1300 and now I eat from 1400-1800 but I am 169cm 67kg male and I work out 5 days a week .

    Are You logging everything?

    If You don't start logging every piece of condiment :)

    Is Your workout intense enough?
    If You ain't sweating 5 minutes into Your workout you have wasted those 5 minutes.

    Do You weight train?
    If no then hit the weights.
  • applechild
    Thanks everyone and each of you for you comments and support. It might take too much to respond everyone so in general, I will put public my eating diary (where I really write down everything, and I eat everything that each of my friends or family (everyone's thin except me xD) eats).
    I'll try to not worry and obsess.. though writing down everything, already come to be an obsession, doesn't it I just want to do this now so to have a record of what I can it,.. I think, in a few weeks, I won't need this anymore. Just to get an idea of kcal-gramms-portions etc.
    About 'ex', well.. I'll try not to think about it, indeed.
    And I will be try to make more weights, maybe workout also in the morning if I can, and change a bit the workout.. I thought of doing spinning instead of just walking or dancing.

    I'll adjust some changes, I'll let you know if it get's better like this!