Eating out at restaurants.....especially buffets!

I don't know about the rest of you but I find it EXTREMELY hard to not eat like a pig at restaurants, buffets especially. Everytime after I go I tell myself that this is the last time I'm going to go and well, obviously judging by my diary, it's not. So perhaps you guys can offer some tips, encouragement or just ideas on how to say no and mean NO. I'm going to try yet again to not eat out or at least stay away from buffets! But I'm not gonna lie, I looove me some Chinese buffets. HELP! I need to stick to this. I can't continue on doing so well one minute and then it all going down the drain in practicly one evening. Any words of advice will help. Thank you :)

p.s. Do any of you maybe also find it a little difficult to eat out [not just buffets]? Or are all of you pretty stuck on with this healthy eating agenda??


  • I find it VERYYYYY difficult to eat out, buffet or not, its still hard, and it always will be, i just try and pick the best thing possible, and work extra hard the next day to burn the extra fat/calories :)
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Honestly? I rarely eat out. I just prefer to use the money I would spend in a restaurant at the grocery store buying stuff that can be prepared here (and will therefore be better controlled - calories, sodium, etc).

    When I do decide to go out, I usually have whatever I want, log it and move on with my day. But, since I don't do it often - it doesn't affect me at all (and I NEVER, EVER go to buffets, so having an all you can eat fest in front of me isn't an issue either).

    If you know it is a problem for you, I would eat something at home BEFORE you go. Drink some water too. Then when you get there, ask for a glass of water again and drink it. If you're filled up on water and healthy food you consumed at home - you'll be less likely to overeat.

    I don't usually say this - because I truly believe everything in moderation is a successful way to lose weight and maintain your weight. BUT. If it is truly a problem for you - I recommend not going until you've got a better grasp on this new lifestyle.
  • glockster972
    glockster972 Posts: 704 Member
    How about rather than spending the time and money of going to the buffet, go to the store instead. Once you're inside the store you can choose healthier foods to eat. I mean you gotta eat and you're gonna spend money to do it, so do it at a store that sells healthy foods. That will save you from going to the buffet all together.
  • idiocracy
    idiocracy Posts: 275 Member
    I would start with a biggg salad and lemon. Avoid ranch and other dressings. Just some olive oil+vinegar or simply squeeze lemon on it. That will fill you up a little bit with few calories+vitamins. Then, at the Chinese buffet, I LOVE the steamed broccoli or cauliflower. I eat a lot of that! I also eat shrimp that was not cooked in oil (or not as much like fried). I love sweet and sour chicken, but since I started MFP, I just have not been that attracted to it anymore (interesting how cravings change once you start eating better). Also, at buffets, take only 1 small plate at a time. And do not stack items on it, have them side by side. Eat that plate, then you can go for one more! Only one, with the same healthy choices. For drink, get ice water with lemon. As desert, fresh watermelon or grapes.
    Another thing Chinese buffets might have is hibachi grill. Just order there, with LOTS of vegetables. Avoid noodles or fried rice. Replace them with bean sprouts. Good luck and stay strong!!!!
  • Soccer_chick916
    Soccer_chick916 Posts: 159 Member
    I'm 22, a full time student, and I work full time. I live alone, I have no help. I dont cook because I am never home, and when I do I end up wasting the food. I have started eating special K or a higher fiber low cal-fat cereal for breakfast, I eat lean cuisine, healthy choice, or marie calendar lunches (watching my calorie and intake levels of course), and usually eat out about 3-4 times per week. I have pretty much found that when it comes to fast food, your best bet is chipotle, subway, and taco bell. I have how ever had better luck buying pre-made sandwhiches, wraps, and salads from super market deli's
  • shabydonner
    shabydonner Posts: 69 Member
    Eating out is definitely hard. Especially smaller chains and local places that don't have there nutrition information online or available. I imagine a lot of people on here will probably say to avoid it all together which may be sound advice but I know only too well how unrealistic that is if you were used to eating out a lot before. My family and I used to eat out 3 or 4 times a week, that has dropped to about 2 now but like you said, one bad meal can feel like you are undoing a weeks worth of good work.

    So my best advice, do avoid buffets. They are next to impossible to do well on. I have tried once or twice and it always gets me into trouble. Love Chinese too, and most of it isn't healthy, that said I strongly believe that if you try to cut things out all together it is setting your self up for failure. The one good thing to Chinese is there are lots of dishes that come with lots of veggies, of course the sauces can be a problem but again, in moderation you can enjoy anything every so ofter. Maybe ask for the sauce on the side and dip instead of pouring it on your food, it will cut out more then you might think. Another tip that I can't personally say I have done, but think is a great idea, Ask for a box as soon as you get your food. Put together what looks like a healthy portion (typically half the meat and starch and all the veggies) and put the rest up right away, and most importantly, once it goes in the box it doesn't come back out. Finally look for the small little miniscule part of the menu that is labeled healthy or smart or whatever they want to call it. I don't always go with it but sometimes you will find something that sounds good and it can be a big help.

    Mostly it all comes down to will power, not my strong suit, but it is possible to eat out and be good, and once a week, give yourself permission to do what you want, one meal a week wont truly undo a good solid week.
  • GiniN
    GiniN Posts: 39 Member
    I have a tough time eating out, too. I have cut WAY down on the frequency of going out because I am still too new at it, and restaraunts are SO easy to overeat at.

    When I go out to a restaurant (non-buffet), I get on their web site to look at the menu and plan what to eat before we go. Most web sites now list all choices and the nutritional info. My go-to meal: grilled salmon with no sauce and steamed veggies and a big salad with dressing one the side. NO BREAD (because it is a trigger for me) and no drinks, just water.

    If it is a buffet I am familiar with, I plan ahead and start out with a BIG salad with just raw veggies and make my own vinegarette with oil/vinegar, or bring my own dressing.

    If it is a buffet I am NOT familiar with, I try to do a walk through sometime before we go, then do the same planning.

    On buffets, if crab or lobster or shrimp is available (not breaded, fried, or sauced) I will often use that to make a big seafood salad, with lemon or vinegar and a little oil.

    If I eat enough veggies and some protein, I usually forget about all the things I am NOT eating!

  • idiocracy
    idiocracy Posts: 275 Member
    I knew a guy who said he lost 300 pounds by eating weight watchers food from the supermarket. Oh, and 2 years ago I lost a few pounds by replacing my lunches with Progresso soups.
  • ritajean3
    ritajean3 Posts: 306 Member
    most buffets I have been to offer some sort of a plate of that BEFORE you get anything else. Otherwise they have some form of healthy veg again fill your plate with mostly that so there is less room for the naughty things like pasta ect. Eat slowly so you fill up and drink water with your meal, when you are full don't go back for more. Desert...if you must have something make it a very small serve and get yourself another glass of water or a tea or coffee to have with it.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    i eat out a lot in comparison to most ppl i know ^.^ I just try and exercise a lot more and make up for it over time lol.

    Today me, my mom, and her friend went out to eat and i got oysters...although still high in calories the way they were prepared, at least it was seafood....and delicious xD
  • Very well said! :bigsmile:
  • davinahilary
    davinahilary Posts: 48 Member
    Wow, I am so glad at the response I got! Ok, to the ppl who said I should spend the money on buying healthy things well, I do have healthy things but it's not my money that I'm spending to go out. People pay for me to go but I get what you're saying. And everyone else who suggested to make healthy choices, I'm going to try that when and if I go. For now I am desperately going to try to not eat out AT ALL unless it's like Subway. I've done it before so I know I can do it again! I have the will power I just need to apply it and not give up. Plus, with all this support on here I know I can do it. Thank you to everyone who responded, you all gave me some great ideas and advice :)