Made To Crave book club (closed group)



  • Yeah....that can be our next book! Have you read Life Management for Busy Women by Elizabeth George???? Another good one!!! I will try to download the one you suggested on my kindle!!!
  • Thanks for sharing!!! Come back!!!
  • Yeah, Mereme!!!!
  • Darla0405
    Darla0405 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I was in a group that did Made to Crave this summer, but since we have finished I have been falling out of my good habits of craving God, not food. I would love a little accountability and perhaps go through the study again.
  • Jump on in ME4LeSS!!!
  • Ch 4-6...I have read these chapters 5 times....NO JOKE. So, I figured I need to write something so I can move on....
    Chapter 4 made me so happy because I do have wonderful friends to keep me on track and motivated. I KNOW this is the key for me! My sweet husband even told me that he was going to start jogging soon so I will have even more support! A true friend holds us accountable because they love us and want the best for us.....If you don't have an exercise partner, i encourage you to get one. And if that person quits, find another FAST!
    My favorite part of Ch. 5 was the author bringing home the point that we were made for victory.....So many times, it feels like I am just spinning my wheels. I am going to take the verses from page 53 and put them on note cards to remind myself to live each day for HIM. Ch. 6 was short but the most important to me so far.....I am finally realizing that food isn't sinful but when it is stopping me from living the best life that I can, then it is. Now, that I am healthier I don't feel guily and have this "i let myself down' feeling all day....And honestly, this NEW feeling is much better than any food that I have ever eaten!!!
  • LOL....already replied to some of those! OH, well!
  • denisejelinek
    denisejelinek Posts: 17 Member
    i love that food (or anything for that matter) that consumes us distracts us from God.

    let's just be so honest with ourselves...what a great question to ask ourselves: what am I attached to?
  • CarrieBeard
    CarrieBeard Posts: 117 Member
    Sarah- You aren't the only one Re-reading Chapters... So much great thoughts to "digest".

    Sadly.. I have heard this information, been taught about seeking and obeying God's will all my life, and still seem to get off track. The way this book puts the Truth - IN YOU FACE, is actually refreshing. I agree that if a friend truely cares they will hold you accountable. Today it seems the world doesn't want accountability. It is one of those tools to keep us honest.
    Sooo with that being said.... I promise to NOT get upset if anyone sees the need to "jerk" me back in line. :flowerforyou:
  • Just know....I look every day to see if you, Mary E. and Mereme are logging in! WE are all doing great and the support is wonderful! I am so busy lately....I promise to post soon! Just busy with baseball, substitute teaching and other things!
  • Good one, Carrie!
  • Ch. 7....When I read "I'm Not Defined By Numbers" it made me realize that I was having good days and bad days due to what the scale was reading or by what clothes weren't fitting any more. Chandler always says he likes it when I am on a diet* because I am much sweeter....He says it in a kidding way but i know he is right. I just feel better when I am eating healthy foods and drinking water....It is amazing that my best days are the days that I started out with exercise. All of that to say, I didn't realize my bad days weren't so much about the number on the scale but because I was angry at myself for not having will power/perserverence. Now, I can weigh and even if I am up a little (of course I am disappointed) but I still proud that I am sticking to this and feeding my body with what it needs instead of what tastes best.
    *For the first time I know this is a way of is my diet....NOT the old meaning of diet! I have actually eaten better tastier foods than I was eating before and there isn't that little guilty feeling that lurks around when you are pigging out!
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Dear Posters,

    I wanted to offer a brief explanation for the locking of this thread, as well as offer a preview of some changes that will be debuted soon at MyFitnessPal. These changes are being made with the express purpose of allowing more leeway in terms of what users can freely post on the site.

    The forum guidelines include this item:

    13) Topics about politics, religion, atheism, or sexuality are not allowed and will be deleted. This includes posting images or signatures. Unfortunately, we have seen that topics about either of these subjects are highly likely to result in heated arguments and disputes. If you really wish to discuss any of these topics, please google political forums, religious forums, etc. - there are plenty of other places to express your views.

    In the past, with only a small crew of volunteer moderators to help keep the dialogue on the site positive and supportive, Mike has reluctantly had to create a rule which disallows any posts about these potentially divisive topics. Mike would greatly prefer to allow all of these topics to be discussed on the site, but so far, we haven’t had the resources to moderate such topics in a manageable fashion. Often the tone of the original thread is harmless, but as the threads proceed, members participating in such topics have been subject to insults or attacks, feelings have gotten hurt, and in more instances than we would like, a moderator wasn’t able to step in quickly enough to prevent this from happening.

    To help the situation and with the purpose of really letting conversation on the site blossom, two things are being done: the team is training more moderators, and the site will soon feature a new “Groups” feature.

    With Groups, Members will be able to form their own groups and invite other members to join. Each group would have it’s own forum, and group forums would have much more leeway in the range of topics discussed. So, for example, you’ll absolutely be able to create a faith-based, or politically leaning support group and discuss the exact range of topics you’d like to discuss. Groups will be able to host a much more diverse and mature range of conversations, and because groups will be able to moderate themselves, we hope they’ll be much better at protecting some of our more targeted populations from unwanted hassle. We plan to heavily promote the existence of groups to all of our members, fostering strong participation and hopefully giving you exactly the community experience you are looking for on our site.

    In the meantime, we appreciate your understanding. We’re committed to making MyFitnessPal a place where all members can communicate openly in a supportive, and positive environment that helps them to achieve their weight-loss and fitness goals.

    If you would like to review the forum guidelines, please visit the following link:

    At our discretion, this locked thread may be deleted entirely in the near future.

    With respect,

    MyFitnessPal Forum Moderator
  • Steven
    Steven Posts: 593 MFP Moderator
    Dear Posters,

    I wanted to offer a brief explanation for the locking of this thread, as well as offer a preview of some changes that will be debuted soon at MyFitnessPal. These changes are being made with the express purpose of allowing more leeway in terms of what users can freely post on the site.

    The forum guidelines include this item:

    13) Topics about politics, religion, atheism, or sexuality are not allowed and will be deleted. This includes posting images or signatures. Unfortunately, we have seen that topics about either of these subjects are highly likely to result in heated arguments and disputes. If you really wish to discuss any of these topics, please google political forums, religious forums, etc. - there are plenty of other places to express your views.

    In the past, with only a small crew of volunteer moderators to help keep the dialogue on the site positive and supportive, Mike has reluctantly had to create a rule which disallows any posts about these potentially divisive topics. Mike would greatly prefer to allow all of these topics to be discussed on the site, but so far, we haven’t had the resources to moderate such topics in a manageable fashion. Often the tone of the original thread is harmless, but as the threads proceed, members participating in such topics have been subject to insults or attacks, feelings have gotten hurt, and in more instances than we would like, a moderator wasn’t able to step in quickly enough to prevent this from happening.

    To help the situation and with the purpose of really letting conversation on the site blossom, two things are being done: the team is training more moderators, and the site will soon feature a new “Groups” feature.

    With Groups, Members will be able to form their own groups and invite other members to join. Each group would have it’s own forum, and group forums would have much more leeway in the range of topics discussed. So, for example, you’ll absolutely be able to create a faith-based, or politically leaning support group and discuss the exact range of topics you’d like to discuss. Groups will be able to host a much more diverse and mature range of conversations, and because groups will be able to moderate themselves, we hope they’ll be much better at protecting some of our more targeted populations from unwanted hassle. We plan to heavily promote the existence of groups to all of our members, fostering strong participation and hopefully giving you exactly the community experience you are looking for on our site.

    In the meantime, we appreciate your understanding. We’re committed to making MyFitnessPal a place where all members can communicate openly in a supportive, and positive environment that helps them to achieve their weight-loss and fitness goals.

    If you would like to review the forum guidelines, please visit the following link:

    At our discretion, this locked thread may be deleted entirely in the near future.

    With respect,

    MyFitnessPal Forum Moderator
This discussion has been closed.