the scales have stayed around the same after many months of gaining weight

i’ve just weighed myself after many months of eating AWFULLY to the point i’ve noticed that some of my clothes don’t anymore. so the scale said 11 stone 4 pounds which is near the weight i was when i lost eight pounds in october

i really don’t understand this bc i have gained weight bc of the clothes not fitting and it wouldn’t of been losing muscle bc i didn’t spend thag much time building muscle.

can someone please explain why this is? or should i just be happy about it?


  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    edited May 2020
    Don't understand - if you weigh nearly the same as seven months ago then you haven't had "many months of gaining weight"?
    What was your weight in October?

    Yes you could have lost muscle (and gained fat) if you weren't exercising as muscle atrophy doesn't just happen to people with lots of muscle, it happens primarily due to not using your muscles.

    Got any photos or body measurements for you to make comparisons?
  • trulyhealy
    trulyhealy Posts: 240 Member
    my weight in october was 11 stone 3 and my weight now is 11 stone 4.

    i say many months of gabon ing weight bc i look a lot bigger and many of my clothes don’t fit right. for example i started my job in october and the trousers were falling off pretty much and now they dig into my stomach for being too tight.

    and yeah i have photos and my so match for example looks the same pretty much but i would have to take photos in the same clothes i was wearing in october
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Weight is a number not a look. Your scales don't know what you look like now or before.

    You could take only a 1lb gain as good news if you took your eye off the ball in all that time. "Eating awfully" it would seem wasn't also eating in a significant calorie surplus.

    If you have gained size around your waist (a primary fat store) it's a good chance that you have indeed gained some fat and lost some muscle. You haven't mentioned your exercise routine before or after October.

    If it's a temporary weight gain it could just be bloating. 1lb is such a small number it could be gone tomorrow (or gone up!).

  • errollmaclean
    errollmaclean Posts: 562 Member
    Body composition (how much fat vs how much muscle you have) plays a big part in how you look. There are lots of pictures of girls weighing more but looking better because of how that weight is distributed.

    So it works the other way as well, more fat less muscle can drastically change how you look even with the scale number remaining close.

    It's the difference between being skinny and being "skinny fat" and being "toned". It's all about body composition.