Quarantine weight gain?



  • MichelleWithMoxie
    MichelleWithMoxie Posts: 1,818 Member
    edited May 2020
    Nice to hear I'm not alone. I know it's all technically excuses, but it has been a crazy year for me. Before covid, work was going down the drain, and I started planning a big move - again (I was miserable where I was living - moved from CA to TX 6/1/2019 and hated it). Had those balls all rolling down the hill (including my job preemptively hiring my replacement so they would have plenty of transition time), and the covid hit.

    I completed the move, but all the jobs I was applying to got frozen or cancelled. My replacement was still starting. I was moving to an area I've not so much as visited (driven through a couple times in my life, but that's it). Gyms were closed, racing shut down, track days shut down - all my normal "motivation" closed down.

    I've stayed active in terms of finding a barn to ride horses at, I've been out at least once a week out in the mountains on my motorcycle, gone hiking a few times, walks with the dog, etc.

    But my usual gym workouts - I'm not set up at home to replicate that, and I just don't enjoy body weight work as much.

    Meanwhile, my stress eating and desire for "comfort" foods got even worse with all the stress (ongoing job stress, losing my job in this economic situation, not really knowing people in the area, and.....ya). Bad HoneyBadger. Started to have some mild depression from the isolation - figured out that was the trigger and have resolved that, which is improving my overall attitude, which will help getting back on the wagon I took a face-first dive off of.

    I've put on over half the weight I lost since last fall :( starting to crack back down on myself, but kinda sad if I think about it too much. Lower activity + stress + eating like crap + isolation = undoing a lot.

    It happened FAST too. The first couple/few pounds were slow....then it shot up really fast for the next ~8 pounds. Hoping a few will come off a bit easier, but I know I've got a few months to undo what I've been doing during the isolation :(

    Dude I feeeeel you!! I am samesies 😩

    ETA “dude” Is meant as gender neutral 🙂
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    My weight took a continuous nose dive downward pivoting on March 16 exactly (rather amusing actually to look at the trend plot). That was the Monday night when NYS shut down bars and restaurants, and gatherings became verboten (so also no more potlucks, snack tables at dances, wine tables at dances, ...). .. And having been aware for quite some time that I have pretty much no self control around tasty things, I don't have any of that crap in my house. And it no longer has the ability to magically appear in front of me somewhere else. This is the 1 time where many of us are actually in pretty much complete control over what food we have easy access to.

    With dances and most other social events canceled, the only beloved hobbies remaining were trail running and cycling. Worth noting that I learned long ago that I need a decent amount of exercise to keep my anxiety and depression in check. I'm clinging to them even more now than ever. And the now minimal rush hour traffic makes it easier to get those activities in (in addition to the lack of competing more-sedentary social events) .

    So.. More calories burned, less calories consumed. (by a lot).

    I keep seeing the posts on fb about "oh no.. We're all getting fat". They are interspersed with piles and piles of boredom baking posts. A whole hell of a lot of people apparently really need to stop hoarding piles of junk food and baking ingredients at home.
  • KrissFlavored
    KrissFlavored Posts: 327 Member
    Lol... cant even find flour on the shelves here..

    I will admit that I have limited sympathy for the people baking all day and then complaining that they cant stop eating the baked goods and are gaining weight.

    Stop. Baking.
  • littlegreenparrot1
    littlegreenparrot1 Posts: 693 Member
    Lol... cant even find flour on the shelves here..

    I will admit that I have limited sympathy for the people baking all day and then complaining that they cant stop eating the baked goods and are gaining weight.

    Stop. Baking.

    This is exactly why I am not baking!

    A couple of weeks in I made a cake, scoffed the lot in two days. I cannot work alone in the kitchen all day with a freshly made cake and leave it alone, so best not to put myself in that position.
  • netitheyeti
    netitheyeti Posts: 539 Member
    I've been maintaining, I started working out more and upped my intake around the time everything got shut down, now planning to drop it down again to lose those last 5-10lbs (I'm a short woman in the normal BMI range so not expecting fast results)