Help with food tracking

Does this app have the ability to track food in grams? I see only size measurements, not weight measures. Size of food portions are way too varied. Any help is appreciated.


  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,420 Member
    Yes, find the right entries for that. Also, click on the volume measurements. There's often a menu underneath with more options. Make sure the calories fit with what's on the package/USDA website/ (maybe wikipedia for fruit and veg). Btw, congratulation for realizing the importance of weight over volume for solids! <3
  • KrissFlavored
    KrissFlavored Posts: 327 Member
    Most often I was search for things and put "usda" in the search field with it and see what comes up.

    Or I just go to the usda website find the one I want so I can select the right usda entry if there is many different ones listed.