No track....

Why do I do this to myself? I am up 20 pounds from last year this time. I used a weight loss product to lose the weight, decided I wanted to be healthier and eat real food that wasn't full of chemicals. Well, lately I have been stuffing my face with Nacho flavored chips, peanut butter chips, pure unadulterated junk food and it is constant. My sugar is up to 134. I know that I need to get on the scale and confirm what I have done, but I don't want to face reality. Well I do face it when I get dressed in the morning and my "other" wardrobe is tight. Oh my, I need some motivation and purpose.


  • fastbelly
    fastbelly Posts: 727 Member
    I think there's no better motivation then:

    You life depends on you changing those habits!!!

    And that's all they are, habits embeded in your mind... you're used to picking up a chocolate for a snack instead of a carrot but a carrot can satisfy you just as much (if not more). Your mind defaults into the choices you've made for the past years and you don't even consider other choices. Change the mind and you'll change your body!
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    I know what you mean, I was eating pizza like I was getting ready to be sent to slaughter. Weigh more than I have ever weighed, not pregnant....but I got my fitness pal app and have really enjoyed it....I've been using it for 35 days and have lost 8 lbs....there's no day like today...
  • ozgui
    Been there, done that too. Just getting started again.........again. If it at all helps - this time I have actually engaged with you all here on this website - which I have never done - never admitted to anyone that this needed doing. So all I can say is I think its a good thing we are here saying we are doing this, we may need help and advice, but we admit we need to do it and lets go!. Friend me if you like - I will be slowly working away at this at the same time. Good luck - just jump right in!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Step away from the junk food. Step on the scale. Face reality. Deal with it. Move on.
  • SailingMike
    SailingMike Posts: 237 Member
    Been there too.

    What helps me is:

    1. Doing it for my HEALTH not my weight
    2. Starting exercise doing things I ENJOY doing (walking, riding my bike)
    3. Being here and getting friends and family to support my efforts

    I wish you the best in your quest for GOOD HEALTH
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    Stop buying it. Don't let 'snack' food in the house. My Mom uses the excuse "but your little sister likes this stuff" when she goes grocery shopping. After talking to my little sister, I found she doesn't really care and would like to eat more healthy. If there were only good healthy foods in the house, that is all you have to eat.

    My bf and I don't buy anything we dont really want to eat. We spend a FORTUNE at Costco on meat (most of which gets tossed into the freezer), fruits (we also portion and toss in the freezer), organic foods and as snacks we buy things like edameme, brookside dark chocolate pomegrante bites, and frozen yasso greek yogurt bars. If I dont want to eat any of those when Im in my snacky mood, I just dont eat anything because obviously, I'm not that hungry.

    Its all truly a mind game with yourself.
  • HornyToad
    Sounds like you're taking the first step...admitting that you're on the fast train to Fats'ville. Second step, get off the couch and go for a brisk walk outside, fill your lungs with fresh air and maybe your body will remember how it was to feel good again. Your brain wil need a little more convincing. Then, do it again tomorrow.
  • Happy0326
    Happy0326 Posts: 159 Member
    You can do it!!! GET YOURSELF BACK IN THE GAME!!! YOU are IMPORTANT so begin again. Take lil steps & take day by day. Keep starting over every day til you get it right if you have to. Log in EVERYDAY, log food everyday, then those will become habbits. The motivation & encouragement I get from here is AMAZING!
  • mmoyer1978
    mmoyer1978 Posts: 124 Member
    I know how you feel. I lost 76 ponds in 8 months and I've been stuck at the same weight now for a month. I have been hovering just above the 200 mark for all this time and I've been beating myself up about it. Fact is, the only one who can fix it is me. I've lacked motivation to excercize, but have still been sticking to the diet for the most part. I'm reading this book right now called "What To Say When You Talk To Yourself." It pretty much says that 75% of us are pre-programmed to fail because the unconcious things that we say to ourselves set us up for failure. I'm stuck where I am because I'm reverting back to old habits. Why? Because I'm programmed to. My subconcious mind believes that I am destined to fail every diet and remain a fat-*kitten* because I've (and others around me) programmed it to believe that. And your brain is trained to do what it is told. So I'm changing my programming and teaching it some new tricks. You can too. You can do this! Hell, if I can. ANYONE can!
  • richardw106
    I couldn't agree more with SailingMike. You have to do it for the right reasons. Paramount is your health.
    As for additional sources of motivation... different things work for different people... you just have to find that thing that works for you.
    One thing that works for me is spending money on fitness. For example, a gym membership. Money is such a limited resource for me... having the feeling that I would be wasting money if I didn't go to the gym is a huge motivator. Additionally... I would feel that I am wasting money if I choose to put junk food in my body. In my opinion, 2/3 of any fitness program is what you put in your body. I have 0-self control when it comes to sweets... my solution: "Don't Buy It!". If it is not in my house, I don't even think about it... but, if I know there is a bag of cookies up in the cabinet, I will destroy them.

    Overall recommendations (that work for me, at least):
    1. Do it for your health. You need to develop a genuine concern for your life.
    2. Spend money on fitness: Increases awareness and personal accountability
    3. Fuel your body with clean sources of energy & don't buy junk food/keep it out of the house.
  • NewYorkLadyDBW
    I work in the school system and the teachers are back tomorrow. The students come in on Thursday. I don't know what your academic standing is but think of tomorrow as the begining of a new school year.

    I intend to tell my students that they have a perfectly clean slate. No mistake they made last year matters. They have a choice to start over and be a superstar from this moment on. So do you! Stop beating yourself up about what you did last year, last month, last week. I don't even want you to think about the snack that you should not have had yesterday!! The only thing that matters is what are you going to do right now!

    First, forgive yourself for being human and then from this point on fight this battle one day at a time. Promise yourself that you will do the right thing just for today. Then wake up and do the same thing tomorrow.... and the day after that. Just 24 hours at a time. And since it is so easy to give this advice and not actually take it check up on me and make sure I do my exercise at least 4 times a week. I have 30 lbs to lose and I keep losing and finding the same 10 lbs.

    I wish you luck. You can do this!!! : smile:
  • VeronicaAlamri
    VeronicaAlamri Posts: 7 Member
    What has helped me is the simple fact that I am now doing this for me. I would always diet because I wanted everyone else to not see me as fat. It was so much pressure to lose weight that I would crack and stop dieting and feel so guilty that I'd over eat and gain it all back and then some. Now I have decided that I am doing this for me and I have accepted that it isn't all going to come off overnight. I used to step on the scales and be so disappointed because I wasn't losing fast enough. Now I know as long as I'm not gaining, that's a plus. Also, don't fall for these diet fads. None of them work like good old fashioned diet and exercise. I love snacking on junk too so I just stopped bringing it into the house so I don't have that option. I get healthy things. I love snacking during movies so I keep grapes in the house for that because they are the perfect size for snacking and they taste sweet. Good luck to you.
  • BeanyFrog13
    BeanyFrog13 Posts: 161 Member
    It's so much easier to stick with habit and just eat what's there, we've ALL been there! You've done the right thing by knowing that you need to stop, and you being on here will definitely help with staying on track! You'll get there!
  • Cember59
    Just took my dog for a walk and came home to read all this encouragement. You all have a lot of good pointers, I need to do this to be healthy. I guess I need to embrace myself for trying~~~get on that scale, like I was told; and eat less and be active. I can do this.