Ok is this normal???

Hope this is not to personal for anyone!!!

I have been on MFP for 6 months now and before I can safely say I drank no water except in my tea. I try soooo hard to reach me 8 glasses but here my problem. I have 3 glasses in the morning and I am in the house until 12.30pm so needing the loo is not a problem.

After 12.30pm most days I am out and about and I literally pee about 3 times an hour and really can't wait.

For example today - Between 12.30pm and 2pm had lunch and had 2 glasses of water used toilet and left for school pick up and then headed into library took about 20 mins and I was dying for the loo when I got there. Left libray for swimming lessons and need loo twice while at the swimming. Have had 1 glasses with dinner and hour ago and have been to the loo 3 times since. I have only had 5 glasses today if I drink more this evening I know I will be up 5 or 6 times during the night. I thought my body would adjust over time but it does not seem to be. My question is this normal????

Thanks guys


  • youngmum
    It could be a sign of diabetes, or it could be nothing. If you are worried by it perhaps ask your doctor.
  • fallenfaery
    fallenfaery Posts: 1 Member
    are you drinking 3 8 oz glasses or 3 16oz glasses? basically Juice glass or dinner glass. I'm guessing you're drinking 16oz glasses. perhaps?
  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    I doubt it is normal for a lot of people, but it is for me. I have to pretty much dehydrate myself if I want to go out. I have lived like this most of my life and now that I am older it is a little worse.

    You might want to get it checked by a doc because frequent urination is a warning sign of diabetes.

    The other thing is that caffeine (even found in some tea) is a diuretic. I don't use any caffeine if I expect to have to go out.
  • laura2501
    laura2501 Posts: 107 Member
    omg i thought it was just me, i run all the time ,,really feel like my granny, the kids are getting annoyed because i have to go all the time but i dont drink soft drinks any more and i exercise a lot so i need to drink ,sorry this does not help maybe somebody will get back to u with some help
  • ckdub428
    ckdub428 Posts: 453 Member
    I had that problem when I first started drinking water. Your body isn't used to having that much water to work with so it flushes it out. After a week or so it will get better!
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    Normal for me, my family call me Leaky :grumble: I've been like it all my life apparently, it's not diabetes in my case. I have to not drink anything for about 2 hours before I go out.
  • curvygirl512
    curvygirl512 Posts: 423 Member
    I'd check with your doc. But most importantly, set yourself up a schedule to go when you can go, even if you think you don't need to go.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Most people's body's do adjust over time. Maybe the problem is that you're drinking too much at once. Try using a water bottle of some kind (I like the bobble filter bottle so I can refill it anywhere) and just sip it throughout the day. I have the 32ish ounce bobble and I don't have any problem getting in at least two full bottles. I usually aim for three or four bottles a day since I'm pregnant and need more water, but even then I'm only peeing about once an hour.

    Also, remember that the 8 glasses a day is just a guideline. It's not the right amount for everyone. The amount you need is based on your diet and exercise habits, your overall health and your climate. Whether I'm working out or not I generally need close to 100 ounces of water every day because I live in a high desert. I literally never leave the house without a water bottle because it's so dry here and hot in the summer. If you eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables and drink other beverages you may not need 8 whole glasses of water. I use a water consumption calculator like this one http://nutrition.about.com/library/blwatercalculator.htm to help me figure out just how much water I need.
  • sknopps
    sknopps Posts: 166
    the more often you incorporate water, the less you will have to go. when i started drinking 12+ glasses i was always in the bathroom.
  • Dickersondiva
    Dickersondiva Posts: 97 Member
    Are you sure you are fully emptying your bladder when you go to the potty (loo)? Sometimes if you have a bladder infection, also, this can make you feel like you are going often, in small amounts, about twenty times a day. Diabetes is certainly a possibility...even if it is prediabetes. Or...you may have INCREDIBLY efficient kidneys. :) Are you taking in much tea still along WITH your water? If so, the caffeine in the tea may be causing your kidneys to rapidly flush out your water.
  • IngeborgB
    Haha! I so know what you mean. I am exactly like this (and i don't have diabetes). I have just learnt some tricks.

    Like... only drink coffe, tea, soda or something if you are going to be in for the rest of the evening. Don't drink anything (or half a glass tops) before long cartrips/trainrides, movies etc.

    It can be a bit of a pain, and my friends think I'm a weirdo, but what can I do? I just try to walk the line of not becoming to dehydrated!
  • Lynnseyb
    Maybe you should ask your doctor. Their is medication you can take, maybe you have an overactive bladder. I take a fluid pill everyday and drank 64 ounces of water. I have so many trips to the bathroom it is ridiculous. I have a 64 ounce mug, I fill 8 ounces with no sugar 100% ruby red grapefruit juice and the rest with water. I also add a couple Splenda. I just sip it all day. I also drink water at the gym. Yes I pee alot!
  • NancyAnne1960
    NancyAnne1960 Posts: 500 Member
    Before I started MFP, I pee'd ALL the time - little did I know, it was diabetes. Another sign is if it's clear, like water vs if there is some coloration to it, it' might be somewhat normal. Now that I'm losing weight, and contolling my diabetes, I only pee a couple times a day, but drink tons more water. I'd probably visit with a Dr. or nurse just to make sure it's nothing.
  • domesticgypsie
    domesticgypsie Posts: 14 Member
    I think it's normal. How much liquid do you urinate? IIs it dark or almost clear? If it's a good amount and it's almost clear, then it sounds normal to me. Also, you may have a little bit of a weak bladder, common in women as they age, if your urine smells "sweet" then you can do a home diabetes test before spending all kinds of money, there are some slips you can pee on that will let you know if your blood sugar is too high.
    Anything out of the ordinary, that is bothersome,. should be reveiwed by your doctor though.
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    It's not unusual at all, especially if (as someone speculated ealier) you're taking in large amounts at a time, your body is going to pass it through sickly to keep you levels in tact. Try spacing your water intake out over longer periods. Carry the infamous water bottle with you and just take a few sips every so often. That will help.
  • LycosNyctereutes
    I can't answer about whether or not it's normal for someone who has not been used to drinking water, I have been drinking like a fish since age 13 (PCOS and now Type 2 Diabetic). However, maybe you are drinking too much at a time. Your body may be better able to absorb it if you carry a water bottle everywhere, that way you could drink small amounts more often. Maybe your metabolic rate is fast enough that you are just dumping anything you can't absorb in the time it takes to go thru your GI tract. Also, if you are healthy, as you appear to be, maybe your body just doesn't need that much.
    I have a question or two tho- are you taking in any fluids other than water and tea? Coffee is a natural diuretic and sugary drinks may make you urinate more because your body has to dump the extra sugar it doesn't need.
    Also is your urine dilute, concentrated, or normal? Your urine should be clear and a light to medium yellow. If it's a rich or dark yellow you are dehydrated. If you are simply drinking too much water and diuresing yourself, it will be a pale yellow. Another question, are you producing a bladder full every time you go or just a tiny amount? You may have a UTI if you have frequent but small urinations.
  • lauristewart
    lauristewart Posts: 379 Member
    I pee all of the time. I get in 95 oz of water a day, plus coffee and diet soda.....it might be too much, but it does help from me eating.....Anyway, your body may just need to get used to the extra water. Try to gradually get your water intake in more and more and tolerate the potty breaks a little better.....it might get better!!
  • LH2011
    LH2011 Posts: 176 Member
    I think it's normal. How much liquid do you urinate? IIs it dark or almost clear? If it's a good amount and it's almost clear, then it sounds normal to me. Also, you may have a little bit of a weak bladder, common in women as they age, if your urine smells "sweet" then you can do a home diabetes test before spending all kinds of money, there are some slips you can pee on that will let you know if your blood sugar is too high.
    Anything out of the ordinary, that is bothersome,. should be reveiwed by your doctor though.

    I think this sounds about right and I think maybe I am just drinking to much in one go will try little and often, doubt it is diabetes as trips to the loo are only a problem when I am drinking the water but will mention to my GP on next check up thanks guys
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    If your pee is clear or almost clear, it means you are well hydrated. When I went from drinking 4 glasses a day to 10 plus I was in the bathroom a LOT!...my body has since adjusted! :)
  • aftergypsies
    aftergypsies Posts: 248 Member
    I have to pee a lot. It's been this way for years now. I've never had it checked out but it's become a normal thing for me. I noticed though that when I drink more lately it's less of an annoyance. I'm not sure why.