Calorie Count Messed Up

Hello guys!

I have been consistently reaching my 10,000 steps and burning 2,000+ calories every day. 2 days ago, my calories were increasing a bit due to my exercise (which is what is supposed to happen).
1. Today, my calories started decreasing even though I burned more calories and completed more steps today, than 2 days ago.
2. I ate the exact same things today as 2 days ago, but it keeps telling me that I have way fewer calories available.

Does anyone know how to fix this? I hope this makes sense!


  • harper16
    harper16 Posts: 2,564 Member
    How are you burning over 2,000 calories a day?
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Are you using some device to send steps and exercise across?

    Do you mean your overall calorie goal is 2000+ or are you saying your steps and exercise is amounting to 2000+ a day?

    "Does anyone know how to fix this? I hope this makes sense! "
    At the moment it doesn't make any sense because only you know key information.