Searching for accountability friends



  • ggrady3
    ggrady3 Posts: 15 Member
    I ate well today, and exercised even though it was after my scheduled time (I rather exercise in the morning but could not today), and I was tired.
  • cazzlle74
    cazzlle74 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi 👋🏻

    I’m 46 and have at least 20kg to lose 😬
    I have just started back on MyFitnessPal after joining up years ago. This time I think it would be great to have friends on here. I’d be happy to be that support for you (and others) - we can make this a positive journey together 🥰
  • ggrady3
    ggrady3 Posts: 15 Member
    The last three days I ate something with lots of calorie and sugar. Oh oh. I walked yesterday when did not feel like because in the morning, and this evening I walked in the rain. Yea for me!
  • Robical
    Robical Posts: 19 Member
    I am almost 50 yo and I still cannot believe it. I am sick of being fat and I want to lose 80 lbs. How how I joing this group? :)
  • hikerchick1012
    hikerchick1012 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey y’all! I’m 32 and planning to lose 70 lbs. I would love to have any of you as friends/accountability partners. Feel free to add me!
  • DarrellB1980
    DarrellB1980 Posts: 20 Member
    Hey I’m Darrell and I totally understand your struggle I am just looking to live a healthier life’s style and this app though just starting out has for sure help me organize and make the tweaks I needed to drop the extra weight but the support part is key!! Good luck and you can add me for support also😊Good luck on your journey you got this👍
  • gettin2goal
    gettin2goal Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I am 41 and working on getting rid of 70 lbs. I would love to connect with others! Trina
  • PonkiDoodle
    PonkiDoodle Posts: 12 Member
    Hi! I'm 39 and need to lose 70 lbs. You can add me as well, I find things are a lot easier with a support system.
  • monababy01
    monababy01 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Erin, I’ve returned to fitness pal after a long break. Trying to get back into daily workouts while juggling a new job. My end goal is similar to yours, but I’ve got a longer way to come down from 220. I live in Moreno Valley and I would love to connect with a local gal so we can back each other up. 😀

  • lymaraina1
    lymaraina1 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello from VA. I would love to be your accountability partner but have no idea how to go about this. What do you recommend?
  • ggrady3
    ggrady3 Posts: 15 Member
    I like reading each comments and encouragements. I do not know how to join the group or add anyone. If someone knows, please let us all know. I need support, so I text this group just to let someone I am trying keep my exercise goal. I did not know if anyone would respond. Thanks for who responded. Thanks Darrell for the encouragement. When I think I got it, I mess up, but I am still pushing through. So, to everyone pick a time you going to do your exercise and make a commitment. Do one day at a time. The daily challenge, five day challenge, and valley loop has help me even though I do not have anyone to compete against. Also, I am logging in my food diary. I wanting to get healthy and moderation. I am watching what I eat, but I have not made my plan yet.
    I almost bought some Pringle’s today, but I put them back. Yea! I walked this morning, but I was tired. I made it back home! Yea!
    If you met an accomplishment today, yea! Like Darrell said, “you got this.”
  • ggrady3
    ggrady3 Posts: 15 Member
    Faithwalton2016, thanks for the suggestion. I tried the LWR YOUTUBE (exercise). I liked it. I am going to try it again, tomorrow. Thanks.


    P.S. To everyone eating healthy and in a timely fashion and exercise has been tough. Pushing through.
  • carriestrine
    carriestrine Posts: 214 Member
    edited June 2020
    Im 34 and I had about 85lb to loose (gulp!) from my staring weight of 234. That's the first time I've typed it/said it out loud.

    Ive been slowly at it since March and am down 15lb.

    CW: 218.2 but very eager to get below 215. Havent seen that number on the scale since 213.

    Afternoon snack cravings are killing me right now, and im beginning to strength train along with cardio.

    Looking for friends to encourage and support! Please add me if you're on a similar journey!
  • JodiMG7
    JodiMG7 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! I am also looking for accountability friends. I’m a momma of two and 33 looking to lose around 40lbs. Add me if you’re on a similar journey!
  • AnneGenevieveS
    AnneGenevieveS Posts: 441 Member
    I've been on MFP (on and off) for 8 years, and most of my friends aren't active on here anymore.

    I'm also here looking for some new friends to keep me accountable and inspire me! I've lost about 40 pounds since my most recent peak weight, and I have 30 to go. This is my 3rd round of significant weight loss.

    I try to stay positive and get back up when I fall off track, but we all know the struggle. I have two teenagers. Hypothyroidism, anxiety, and arthritis/disc issues in my spine can't hold me down! I love to exercise, but I am very busy, and often can't find the time, so I try to get up and jog or walk before work.

    That's my brief story. Nice to meet you, future MFP friends. Feel free to friend me.
  • ivetgali
    ivetgali Posts: 79 Member
    Hi! My goal is to lose about 50 pounds or so. I need accountability friends. I find it very useful to motivate eachother. I'll add you 🙃