When I lose the weight I'm going to...



  • be healthy
    start a family with my wonderful husband.
    be happy about the body im in.
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    Model again.
  • When I lose the weight, I'm going to smile more. Laugh more. Live more. I hold myself back from a lot of things because of being self conscious of the way I look. I want to just break free and be who I know I can be. I want to just be ME! The way that I feel inside...I want it all to just pour out!
  • T_William
    T_William Posts: 147 Member
    Get naked!

    Only kidding, but ill prob be topless in the summer quite abit :)
  • Be more fierce than I am right now!

    Also, become a Beachbody Coach and make mucho money!
  • hydee77
    hydee77 Posts: 17 Member
    Be able to shop at any store.
    Not go back to my old life style (being healthy is not a reason to live unhealthy)
    Go sky diving again
    Maybe get some pictures done
  • alice0711
    alice0711 Posts: 99 Member
    1. buy minidress
    2. booking the hoilday
    3. be proud of myself
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Wear fancy belts.
    Suprising amount of people getting tattoo's and I shall be one of them as well
    Bikini for sure
    Take the pressure off my joints and be fitter
    Take of the happy mask and actually be happy :)
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    When I lose the weight, I'm going to smile more. Laugh more. Live more. I hold myself back from a lot of things because of being self conscious of the way I look. I want to just break free and be who I know I can be. I want to just be ME! The way that I feel inside...I want it all to just pour out!

    +1,000 :)
  • lbgano
    lbgano Posts: 234
    When I've lost the weight AND firmed up, I will get a tummy tuck to get rid of that loose baby tummy skin that diet and exercise won't touch.
  • abalicious
    abalicious Posts: 361 Member
    Buy a really expensive pair of shoes!

    Buy a new wardrobe with cute dresses and throw out my over-worn tees and shorts.
  • meowow
    meowow Posts: 42 Member
    buy clothes I love! not clothes that cover up my hips.
  • emmadrama
    emmadrama Posts: 53 Member
    1) be confident naked in front of my boyfriend
    2) not have to worry about being the fattest girl when out with my friends.
    3) buy a dress that makes me ( my harshest critic ) feel fabulous and toned not have to worry about that bit on my arm, the shadow of my stomache etc.

    and then keep on working my butt off to keep it.
  • Linda1053
    Linda1053 Posts: 45 Member
    Wear my jeans with a fitted top instead of big jeans and baggy top.

    Wear nice skirts with heels on,.

    Feel good in my body!
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    1. Buy a gorgeous designer capsule wardrobe (my husband will pay...of course!)
    2. Get a boob job (maybe...if I don't chicken out!!!)
    3. Get some very classy boudour photos taken

    This!! Each one of these!
  • ElementalEscapee
    ElementalEscapee Posts: 552 Member
    This topic is brilliant! Just what I needed :D

    When I lose weight I am going to...

    -not be unhappy because of my body
    -cut my hair shorter like I want it
    -slip into the jeans I haven't been able to wear for two years and find that they fit perfect
    -wear pants and shirts that were previously too small for me and look great
    -look into the mirror-any mirror-and smile at myself
    -run with just a sports bra and short shorts :P
    -sit down and have my feet flat on the floor since my thighs will no longer expand a huge amount
    -not feel rolls of fat when I sit down
    -have my thighs not chaf together!
    -gain huge confidence
    -run more than a mile easily
    -not be embarassed every time I go out
    -actually WANT to wear a bikini
    -raise my arm ninety degrees and not be able to knock the flab on my tricep around
    -just grin at all the people who said I couldn't and walk by with my fab body and mind ♥
    -not being referred to as 'the fat friend'
    -have lots of self control
    -talk to people I like instead of looking the other way
    -not be envious of all those people thinner than me
    -just running my hand over my flat, toned stomach, not the fat
    -be the PHOTOGRAPHED, not the photographer
    -leap to be IN the picture, not out of it
    -not wonder any more if people will not be my friend simply because I'm fat
    -much more :D
  • bprague
    bprague Posts: 564 Member
    1. Buy an expensive pair of running headphones
    2. Run in a sports bra.
  • 1. go to the beach and pool as often as i can. I will have NO excuses~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    2. wear a one peice pair of swimmers (no shirt over the top or board shorts!!!
    3. give my self a huge reward, of going to BALI
  • Terri73
    Terri73 Posts: 238
    Shout it off the rooftops,,,,,,then new clothes.
  • ladyphoto
    ladyphoto Posts: 192 Member
    Model for my hubby the hottest, most awesome lingerie ever!!! (and like it!)