September Challenge: Foxy for Fall (closed - sorry!)

Hey everyone! This is the thread we will use for the next 30 days to check-in daily! Let's do this!


  • Hi everyone!

    My goals for this week (unitl next Thursday):

    Drink 10 glasses of water per day
    Either run outside for 30 minutes or do the 30ds
    Walk my dogs daily (with the exception of Saturday-Sunday as I will be out of town this weekend).
    Start the 200 sit up challege again!

    Hopefully I make each goal :)
  • Dare2BThin
    Dare2BThin Posts: 211 Member
    My goals this week,
    Exercise no less than 5 days a week
    Drink at least 64oz of water
    Lose at least 1.5 lbs
  • chedeco
    chedeco Posts: 109
    Hi all! I'd love to know everyone's first name, age, and where they're from if you're comfortable with sharing that information. My name is Michelle, I'm 26 (27 in October!) and I live in Massachusetts.

    My goals for this week (until next Thursday) are as follows:

    1.) Get to the gym at least 4 out of the 7 days.
    2.) Take at least 1 new class at the gym.
    3.) Drink 64 oz of water a day.

    I'm psyched to get to know all of you and see how you're doing! :smile:
  • Missmissy0003
    Missmissy0003 Posts: 250 Member
    H! I live on the mississippi gulf coast and I'm 41. Looking forward to this but I did horribly today. My appetite was out of control. I'll do better tomorrow.
  • ski3r4life
    @tfrank319... what is ds?
    @dare2bthin good goals :)
    @missmissy0003 osn't is like super hot in mississippi?
    @chedeco happy almost birthday!

    My goals for the week!
    - Fall back in love with running
    - Cook once
    - Fall back in love with food... you know that feeling when you really love what you are eating and are savoring every bite??
  • kristyklein8
    Sorry, I have been bad :frown: Yesterday, I didn't have time to work out since we were picking up my boyfriends new car and then we went out and ate at Red Lobster afterwards. I ended up eating a cheese biscuit but made sure to ask for double broccoli instead of the rice pilaf...And I also had a couple of drinks with dinner....then we ended up going to visit my boyfriends brother and his family and ended up having a couple of more beers at their place (no Mic Ultra) :frown: Needless to say I have not completed any of the challenges....yet. I also have broken most of my goals. Am going to work out after work today instead of joining everyone else in Nebraska to watch the first Husker football game of the season. Gotta get some of these things done!! Wish me luck.

    Also, my name is Kristy, I am 27 and am from central Nebraska!! GO HUSKERS!!
  • 30ds=30 day shred :)

    Today it is pouring and I am out of town so hopefully this can clear up so I can at least go for a walk. Or use the hotel fitness center, but I feel like that is a last resort! Maybe swimming will suffice for today :)

    Have a great weekend!

    Oh and I am 23 from Iowa.
  • Missmissy0003
    Missmissy0003 Posts: 250 Member
    Ok, I'm doing much better calorie wise for today! It will be pouring rain this entire weekend. Maybe I'll work on getting my treadmill set up and my mini mississippi mississippitrampoline.

    @skr yes, mississippi is pretty hot but I love the heat. I'm miserable when its cold.
  • chedeco
    chedeco Posts: 109
    Hi everyone,

    Today was tricky but not a total loss. It's the first day I've had with my bf in 3 weeks so we had BBQ chicken pizza for dinner. I only had one slice and was full and I logged it, so that was good. I didn't go over my daily Coke allowance nor did I eat dessert. I count those things as a win. I bought Jillian Michael's 30-Day Shred Workout DVD today as well as an "Ab Gym" made by Gold's Gym. It's gonna help me do some of those sit-ups in this challenge (I have a hard time doing sit-ups the old-fashioned way without hurting my neck.) I also got a yoga block and strap which will help with my flexibility. I don't know if I told you all my overall goals or not (I know I told you my goals for this next week) but my overall goals include weighing 110 lbs, running a 5k, being able to actually do the splits all the way to the ground, being able to bend over from a standing position and grab my calves with my hands so that my nose touches my knees, and I'm sure there are more that I'll share as I think of them. Today, I feel good. Hope everyone else is doing well also! I stayed under my calories and fat grams today, btw! :wink:
  • Dare2BThin
    Dare2BThin Posts: 211 Member
    I miss being able to complete a whole work out DVD, when I 1st started I would do the whole hour, now I struggle, Im working on it slowly building my strenth back to do it. Im doing 15 mintue intervals until I complete it. Sit up and push up are my enemys Grrr.
  • chedeco
    chedeco Posts: 109
    I'm wondering if the daily challenges can be posted here as well as on ski8r's status updates? I did well today in terms of food/calories, could do better in terms of exercise.
  • Dare2BThin
    Dare2BThin Posts: 211 Member
    I've learned that its hard for me to drink water on the weekend, because I barely drink anything, we are always on the go on the weekends.
  • ski3r4life
    How has everyone been doing during the labor day weekend? Yes, I can start posting the daily challenge here also. Daily challenge Day 5: What's the thing you have been having trouble with the first 5 days of the challenge? And how can you make a plan that will make things different this week?
  • I am still here, just have a crazy slow internet connection for some reason today!

    Today I have hit my water and exercise goals, so I am pretty happy about that :)

    Catch up with all of you tomorrow!
  • chedeco
    chedeco Posts: 109
    I have been having an unreasonably hard time keeping my water intake up to the amount where it needs to be. I think tomorrow I will go looking for a water bottle that holds more liquid so that I can have that with me at all times instead of having to try and fool with four Poland Springs bottles a day. Also, I think that my new 30ds workout DVD, along with my Ab Gym, and my yoga accessories are going to help a lot with keeping my exercise/flexibility goals even when I can't make it to the gym for whatever reason. So that's the plan for this week, gym and/or home exercise every day, no excuses. And I'm still working on cutting Coke out of my diet. I'm down to 1 a day as opposed to my original 3 or 4 a day, so that's a step in the right direction. How's everyone else doing?
  • ski3r4life
    My nutrition has been horrible! I end up starving and going over on calories because the calories I start the day with are calorie dense and do not fill me up! This ends tomorrow :)
  • hungrymarathongirl
    My first check in. Sorry....was away camping. Back on track today. Ran 3 miles and did Ripped in 30 Level 1.

    My goals for this week: No endless snacking at night and stay away from my kids cereals and other bad carbs! I also plan on completing Ripped in 30 program this month plus training for a half marathon on Sept 25 which means running at least 4 times a week and doing R30 5 days a week.
  • The weather here is BEAUTIFUL so I will definately get outside for my minimum of 30 minutes tonight :)

    Stay on track everyone and Good Luck this week!
  • ski3r4life
    Daily Challenge Day 6: Remember the last time you had a really successful lifestyle day. Remember the last time you were really down and depressed and remember the day when things turned around. Maybe that day will inspire you and remind you of all the strength you are capable of to turn things around for September also!
  • ski3r4life
    How is everyone doing today?? Today I met all my goals for the first time I can remember in so long! I forgot how easy it is to stay within calories when you eat the RIGHT kinds of food. Fruits. Vegetables. Protein. Ahhhh yeah! I'm looking for a repeat tomorrow :)