Cheat day?

carleydean87 Posts: 7 Member
OK so I'm back on my weight loss journey I have put so much weight back on 😫 last time I did mfp I lost 42 pounds which I was then at my ideal weight. This time I need to loose 56 pounds I could kick myself πŸ˜ͺ anyways I'm just wondering if you guys have a cheat day once a week? Only reason I ask this is I like to go out for a meal with my husband once a week and I don't fancy trying to work out how many calories are in the food and it would give me something to look forward to having a slice of cheesecake with it too 🀣 would I still loose the weight?


  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    If you still remain in a calorie deficit then yes you will still loss weight, although many restaurant meals can be higher in sodium so the scale might jump up a day or two later.

    Many people bank or save some calories from the week (100 each day or so) to use in the weekend (or whenever they have a high calorie day). As long as your calorie intake during the week isn't too low or makes you too hungry or miserable, then that is also an option.

    If you notice you aren't losing weight then you might have to roughly track those outings or reduce portions, restaurant food calories add up really really fast.
  • BrianTSpaz
    BrianTSpaz Posts: 6 Member
    I have a cheat day but, I do it differently than most. I haven't really heard of anyone doing it but, it works for me been doing it almost 2 years now. My cheat day is also my fasting day, On Saturday I'll make note of what time I finished dinner and I won't eat anything until that same time on Sunday, I'll have 3 liquid meals consisting of 1 liter of water and a 8oz cup of green tea with a table spoon of Apple Cider Vinegar through out the day, Then once its time to break my fast I'll have some eggs and 2 bratwursts and let it digest then I'll usually pig out until a hour before bed. I tend to eat my dinner late which gives me about 2 - 2 1/2 hours to eat and I'll pace myself so I don't get a stomach ache. Its important to add the food you choose to break your fast with is important, as acidic foods like pasta sauce, fruits, ect will upset your stomach. I stick to whole foods when initially breaking my fast. Its been working for me and I find it also keeps me from getting cravings and makes it easy to stick to my eating plan during the week. I will note that when I started doing this it took a bit for my body to adapt to it. When I first started doing this at a certain point in the day it would become hard to focus on things and if I moved to quickly I got lightheaded but now that I'm used to the routine the lightheadedness rarely happens and I'm able to stay focused, I can do physical/strenuous activities while in the middle of my fast now.
  • carleydean87
    carleydean87 Posts: 7 Member
    Ah yes I get you! If I'm being honest I only eat 1 meal a day because I'm bad for my coffee during the day and it clocks up the calories. I have coffee and water all day then I have my meal at around 5.30pm then I have a snack like a banana at around 8.30pm. I have never been able to eat during the day I'm just never hungry until 5pm ish but I have been making healthy meals instead of the junk I used to eat.
  • carleydean87
    carleydean87 Posts: 7 Member
    Sardelsa sorry I have just noticed my comment I replied to you isn't showing up for some reason? I never thought of saving calories through the week! I always have some left over each day too! 😊
  • Neil7905
    Neil7905 Posts: 276 Member
    Can you believe it??!! I asked my wife 'when is it cheat day?' it's a deal breaker apparently!! She's no fun anymore πŸ€ͺπŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚
  • Geneveremfp
    Geneveremfp Posts: 504 Member
    Sardelsa sorry I have just noticed my comment I replied to you isn't showing up for some reason? I never thought of saving calories through the week! I always have some left over each day too! 😊

    Sounds like your already have the calories spare for it. It's what I do if I know I'm going to be having a meal bigger than usual.

    Just a question /note - I don't know what your calorie goal is and I might be wrong but it sounds very low if most of your calories are from coffee. It's a classic mistake to go too low and try to lose too quickly. You're more likely to lose muscle rather than fat and it's much harder to sustain - leads to binges really easily. Something to think about
  • Keef75
    Keef75 Posts: 546 Member
    I agree with the above, I never eat back my cals I have burnt training and if I know I have a special occasion coming up then I will go under on my cals a few days in the lead up... if it’s just a sporadic meal then I would just go under for a few days after...
  • carleydean87
    carleydean87 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm allowed 1200 cals a day at the moment and each coffee I have is 50 cals because I don't like sweetener πŸ˜ͺ so I have coffee and water throughout the day and today's meal is chicken breast, jacket potato with mixed salad with 25g of cheese 😊 i then have enough calories for a dish of chopped up fruit later.
  • carleydean87
    carleydean87 Posts: 7 Member
    sorry if it takes a while to reply I'm new to this and don't see any notifications anywhere?
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    1200 might be too low for you and that could be why you feel the need to go a little crazy with a cheat day in the first place. Are you trying to lose too fast? How tall are you? You could try to increase your calories, and lower your deficit, that might help you feel less restrictive and will allow you to have more flexibility day to day. You could still have your restaurant meal but pay attention to the scale over time if you aren't losing you could be wiping out your deficit you might have to track it or choose your options wisely (grilled chicken with a shared cheesecake vs. fried chicken and cheesecake all to yourself)
  • carleydean87
    carleydean87 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm only 5ft 1 🀣 I'm not trying to lose weight fast id rather it come off slowly and stay off 😊 I have no idea how many calories I should be eating to be honest I have just gone off what mfp set me at. I'm not hungry whilst I have changed to healthier eating as I have never really eaten during the day. I just keep thinking when lockdown is over and my kids are sleeping at their grandparents we usually go for a meal for date night and I'm worried on tracking calories because I would have no idea whats in the food so thought would it be easier to just class it as a cheat day? I love the idea of saving calories through the week for it though I never thought of that 😊
  • harper16
    harper16 Posts: 2,564 Member
    sorry if it takes a while to reply I'm new to this and don't see any notifications anywhere?

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  • carleydean87
    carleydean87 Posts: 7 Member
    I have done it now thankyou!