Low-Carb Sick Foods Please? :D

hi! i'm really ill, i think i have food poisoning, and i'm kind of at a loss of what to eat while on a low-carb diet. all the normal sick foods are out (BRAT- bananas rice applesauce toast), because they're all starchy or sugary. the only things i could think of to eat today were chicken broth (i added some chicken when i had it for dinner as my stomach was feeling a bit better) and sugar-free jello. does anyone else have any suggestion? thanks!


  • jp09m
    jp09m Posts: 89
    peanut butter... yummmm =)
  • cvaneaton
    Hope you feel better,,,tea with honey and lots of water would be my suggestion:flowerforyou:
  • sara_m83
    sara_m83 Posts: 545 Member
    i scanned through the last two weeks of your diary - please eat. You shouldn't have such a fear of carbs that it's preventing you from eating anything when you're sick. But beyond that, most of your diary entries range from 400-800 calories per day - total. Please eat.
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    i scanned through the last two weeks of your diary - please eat. You shouldn't have such a fear of carbs that it's preventing you from eating anything when you're sick. But beyond that, most of your diary entries range from 400-800 calories per day - total. Please eat.

    Wow, yes.. Please eat!
  • ritajean3
    ritajean3 Posts: 306 Member
    chicken soup, veg soup ect all they are is veg cooked in olive oil plus stock and cream for the chicken (you can use cream cheese) and tin tomato for the veg.
  • CindiBryce
    i scanned through the last two weeks of your diary - please eat. You shouldn't have such a fear of carbs that it's preventing you from eating anything when you're sick. But beyond that, most of your diary entries range from 400-800 calories per day - total. Please eat.
    I completely agree. You ate 148 calories Monday. That is starvation. This will ruin your metabolism and make weight loss near-impossible, especially since you have (according to your ticker) 325 pounds to lose.
  • whatwentwrong
    @sara- i really am trying to eat more :) i wouldn't say i have a fear of carbs- i'm just trying to stay under a certain level, to stay in ketosis. if i get pushed over then it takes about 3 days to get back in and it's not a fun 3 days. i haven't been hungry lately, and i've been eating when i'm hungry- i'm afraid if i start eating when i'm NOT hungry i'll go back to my old habits.

    @cvan and jp- thanks for the suggestions! so, i've been avoiding tea because i've heard it's dehydrating- however, i only ever drink mint tea, which doesn't have caffeine, so it should be fine right? and PB sounds reeeeally good, i might have a spoonful later tonight :D

    @cindi- i ate so little today (still monday here) because i'm sick/nauseous :(
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    and just an FYI, low carb diets have shown no metabolic advantage over a higher carb diet, so no reason you can't enjoy carbs and still cut weight
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    micronutrient deficiencies aren't good. Eat fruit and vegetables.
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    micronutrient deficiencies aren't good. Eat fruit and vegetables.

    Agreed. This is probably why you're sick. You need to give your body the tools (vitamins and minerals) to keep your immunity up and stay healthy. Otherwise, you become very vulnerable. One multivitamin a day is not enough to do this. I promise.
  • CathyKat
    I agree with sara_m83 you need to eat thats all your food diary is 400-800 calories i am so so right now i have dyshidrotic eczema on my hands ,now i think its on my feet to i have to keep using steroid hand cream my doctor gave me to use , plus benadryl what i read on my condition is brought out by stress or if you wash dishes alot , do things that irritate the eczema i didnt get this til 2 weeks ago yesterday , you can add me on here as friend ill see what i can look up later on low carb foods to help you , if your on facebook i go by CathyKat Moholland hope you feel better soon Huggs ((((((offthiscentury))))))
  • sonybalony
    sonybalony Posts: 335 Member
    I am hoping you feel better soon. :flowerforyou:

    Before I begin my post, I wanted to give you a little background on me.:bigsmile: In the last 2-3 months I have lost about 22 pounds, I generally don't eat sweets, or add sugar, and only occasionally breads, etc. I eat a TON of fresh fruit, veggies, etc and a reasonable amount of brown rice, oatmeal, whole real grains, etc. Meat-wise, I mostly eat chicken, turkey, minimal red meat, cheese, greek yogurt, and drink organic DHA 2% milk (no pork, large amounts of red meat, or regular milk as I have BAD reactions to them.:sick: ) I drink at least 64+ ounces of water a day:drinker: . I do struggle with getting up to my 1200 a day calories:grumble: , but I am learning to add healthy foods in that get me there, like nuts, avocado, etc:happy: . I am NOT even CLOSE to being a diet guru:glasses: , but I consider myself reasonably well informed, and straightforward. After reading your post I find myself concerned for your welfare:frown: .

    You need to eat. It scares me to see those calories so low:frown: . I was a laboratory technician for years and seeing a lot of Ketones in urine samples was not considered such a good thing:sad: .

    I found this review, perhaps if you would like to read it, it would give you an alternate understanding of what Ketosis can do.


    I found this information very interesting in their conclusion.

    "For those of you who still feel like you want to eat a very few servings of fruits and vegetables and almost no bread or pasta or pizza crust and like the idea of checking your urine for the presence of ketones just consider one more thing. The following activities would allow you to burn the maximum number of calories that ketosis could provide (up to 150 calories per day):
    � stair walking for 15 minutes
    � walking 2 miles in 30 minutes
    � gardening for 30-45 minutes
    � raking leaves for 30 minutes
    � dancing (fast) for 30 minutes"

    North, L. and Weaver, B. (unk). Review of Dr. Atkins' New DIet Revolution [Review of the book Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution]. Retrieved from UIW Web site: http://www.uiw.edu/nutrition/atkins/Atkins.html

    Please consider an alternative to what you are currently doing.

    With Warmth and Friendship from Missouri!

    :flowerforyou: ~ Sonia
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Ketosis is not unhealthy....................You are confusing Ketosis and Ketoacidosis - 2 totally different things.

    Secondly, she has stated that she has food poisoning, so please stop with the low carb bashing.

    To the Original Poster:

    Food Poisoning is icky. Broths made from chicken bones with the marrow (you will know because it will gel) is very good for you and filled with nutrients.

    Sugar-free jello is also good......Ginger tea (steep some ginger in hot water) - very soothing to the stomach.

    Other than that, letting your digestive tract heal and fasting is good for this.

    You will not ruin your metabolism with a few days of not eating that much. It takes a lot more than a few days for the body to go into "starvation mode" especially when you have a considerable amount of weight to lose.
  • shankleefranklee
    premade chicken broth, even in the box. maybe bake chicken breasts, cut if up, and let it soak in the broth on the burner for a few. veggie broth + cut up onions is good. wheat toast, or unsalted saltines. pedelight. apple sauce.

    find what you can keep down and eat that.
  • sonybalony
    sonybalony Posts: 335 Member
    there is a HUGE difference between ketonacidosis and ketosis, I WAS referring to ketosis... No she said she thinks that food poisoning is what it is... So obviously she doesn't know... Here is my concern...

    "Ketosis most commonly occurs when people are following a high-protein and low-carbohydrate diet. When the body is forced to use protein and reserves of fat because there are not enough carbohydrates in the body, it has achieved ketosis. The ketosis side effects range from relatively minor side effects, such as bad breath and gas, to more significant side effects, such as weakness, nausea, and dizziness. Among the most severe ketosis side effects are liver damage and kidney damage.

    Sounds a little like the last case of food poisoning I got...

    Back to the important person here... the OP~ are you under a doctors supervision to be at 400-800 cal a day? I have no problem
    with a diet that limits processed carbs, my problem is with a restriction to a high degree, especially in combination with such low
    calorie. How long have you been doing this and how much have you lost? If your doc is good with it and is monitoring you... Go for it... If not... Reconsider ALTERNATIVES...

    Read the article, being informed about ALL aspects of a diet and how your body behaves is NEVER a bad idea.

    I really hope you feel better soon!!!

    ~ Sonia
  • lockef
    lockef Posts: 466
    and just an FYI, low carb diets have shown no metabolic advantage over a higher carb diet, so no reason you can't enjoy carbs and still cut weight
    I am hoping you feel better soon. :flowerforyou:

    Before I begin my post, I wanted to give you a little background on me.:bigsmile: In the last 2-3 months I have lost about 22 pounds, I generally don't eat sweets, or add sugar, and only occasionally breads, etc. I eat a TON of fresh fruit, veggies, etc and a reasonable amount of brown rice, oatmeal, whole real grains, etc. Meat-wise, I mostly eat chicken, turkey, minimal red meat, cheese, greek yogurt, and drink organic DHA 2% milk (no pork, large amounts of red meat, or regular milk as I have BAD reactions to them.:sick: ) I drink at least 64+ ounces of water a day:drinker: . I do struggle with getting up to my 1200 a day calories:grumble: , but I am learning to add healthy foods in that get me there, like nuts, avocado, etc:happy: . I am NOT even CLOSE to being a diet guru:glasses: , but I consider myself reasonably well informed, and straightforward. After reading your post I find myself concerned for your welfare:frown: .

    You need to eat. It scares me to see those calories so low:frown: . I was a laboratory technician for years and seeing a lot of Ketones in urine samples was not considered such a good thing:sad: .

    I found this review, perhaps if you would like to read it, it would give you an alternate understanding of what Ketosis can do.


    I found this information very interesting in their conclusion.

    "For those of you who still feel like you want to eat a very few servings of fruits and vegetables and almost no bread or pasta or pizza crust and like the idea of checking your urine for the presence of ketones just consider one more thing. The following activities would allow you to burn the maximum number of calories that ketosis could provide (up to 150 calories per day):
    � stair walking for 15 minutes
    � walking 2 miles in 30 minutes
    � gardening for 30-45 minutes
    � raking leaves for 30 minutes
    � dancing (fast) for 30 minutes"

    North, L. and Weaver, B. (unk). Review of Dr. Atkins' New DIet Revolution [Review of the book Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution]. Retrieved from UIW Web site: http://www.uiw.edu/nutrition/atkins/Atkins.html

    Please consider an alternative to what you are currently doing.

    With Warmth and Friendship from Missouri!

    :flowerforyou: ~ Sonia

    Why come into a thread that specifically says "Low carb" in the title just to say the OP should eat more carbs?
  • sonybalony
    sonybalony Posts: 335 Member
    I was checking out this topic because I was interested in learning if there were any good low carb foods for when you get sick... For me, when I am nauseated, toast has traditionally been all I could hold down, and as I am not eating much bread and since tummy flu season is coming up soon, I was interested in the answers.

    I am NOT necessarily opposed to eating low carb, if she was eating enough food (consistently MORE than 400-800 cal a day) I probably wouldn't have even mentioned anything. But the lovely combo of low carb and very low calorie concerns me (she has MFP set for more, so I assume calories are not "officially" supposed to be that low). Especially as she IS sick and it could be food poisoning, it could be side effects of the ketosis, it could be the flu for all she or we know...

    Each person can absolutely make up their own mind, it is the OPs body... But shouldn't each of us be very aware of what we are doing when we do stressful things to our bodies? (In this case any kind of diet, exercise program, etc) Information is a terrific stepping stone to health, IF she has the info and chooses to do things this way, more power to her! I wish her all the luck and health she can handle!

    From her profile, which she has now made private, it appeared that she has been doing this at least 2-3 weeks. If she just started this last month, is wanting to lose over 300 pounds, is eating consistently between 400-800 calories daily, is on a Atkin's type diet, and has not lost ANY weight, there 'may' be an issue.... just saying... she may want to consult a Doctor or Nutritionist, and evaluate whether this is working for her.

    Again hon, I hope you fell better soon! :flowerforyou:

    ~ Sonia
  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    Hi , 1st I hope you are feeling better. I eat yogurt when I have an upset . it will coat the tummy and help get rid of bad bacteria.
  • HollyTsiaussis
    HollyTsiaussis Posts: 415 Member
    Why are you guys throwing facts at her? She knows the amount of calories she's eating is too low. She did not ask for you guys to tell her that. She only asked for you guys to suggest low-carb foods that would not make her sick. If she wanted to know your opinion on the amount of calories she eats on a daily basis, she would have asked.
  • Scoobies87
    I normally eat toast with marmite on when I am sick... However, trying to rack my brains for low carb foods (They are a large part of my diet, one I was recently thinking of cutting down on until I read this thread)

    Yoghurt, Salad, Berries, chicken, fish...

    I'd recommend pure orange juice for some much needed vit C too.