How long to maintain before buying new clothes?

I’m nowhere near my goal currently, but my clothes are loosening up and I’m starting to dread living in clothes that don’t fit for the next few months while I lose weight. I’m planning to save some money to buy new clothes when I’m in my maintenance range. But should I maintain for a while before I buy new things, since so many factors determine the best maintenance weight and I won’t know right away? What did you do?


  • dekrugermolly
    dekrugermolly Posts: 26 Member
    That's a really good question. I think that maybe you should get a new outfit or two during your weight loss so you have something cute that fits you. Even going to get a couple of things on the clearance rack at walmart would be helpful. I think you will know when you are at a weight you want to stay at, and that is when I would suggest going all out for new clothes :)
  • asthesoapturns
    asthesoapturns Posts: 313 Member
    As I've lost weight I've bought a pair of cheap jeans here and there. The size I was before I started losing was an 18 or 16, I'm currently a 10, and will probably be an 8 or 6 when I'm at whatever weight ends up being my final goal. In no universe could I wear those 18s, even belted now, 9mths in. For the summer I've bought some dresses since they will be more forgiving of a shrinking me.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    You could see if you can find some dresses at a thrift store. That way they will last longer on you since the waist can't fall off!
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I don't think you have to maintain before buying clothes. I lost so fast that I was 2-3 sizes smaller and my "old" clothes looked clownish and would fall without a belt. I had to buy 2 outfits just to get me through to the next size down. Then, my aunt told me I HAD to get new clothes because the other ones were too big and ridiculous. She insisted on taking me. I ended up 4 sizes down! Just try to find sales and things that mix and match so you don't need too many items.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I don't think you have to maintain before buying clothes. I lost so fast that I was 2-3 sizes smaller and my "old" clothes looked clownish and would fall without a belt. I had to buy 2 outfits just to get me through to the next size down. Then, my aunt told me I HAD to get new clothes because the other ones were too big and ridiculous. She insisted on taking me. I ended up 4 sizes down! Just try to find sales and things that mix and match so you don't need too many items.
  • Jacq_qui
    Jacq_qui Posts: 430 Member
    I didn't downsize clothes last time I lost weight - and life got complicated, I lost track of staying with MFP and sooner or later those clothes started fitting again! I won't make that mistake again! If you can fit in the next size, go for it. You don't have to replace your entire wardrobe. Also - clothes that fall down all the time don't make you feel your best :)
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,291 Member
    edited June 2020
    Between my starting weight and my goal weight, there is almost 60lbs difference. So waiting till maintenance to buy new clothes was never an option :smiley:

    My usual jeans are cheap - being obese, I never wanted to invest in expensive jeans at the rate I was wearing them out (thighs rubbing together). So I just bought smaller jeans when the old ones were too baggy. Alternating two jeans is plenty for me to keep my lower body 'clothed and presentable'.
    Upper body requires a larger selection. I kept on wearing some of my older clothes where I could 'get away with' a looser fit. But I still went clothes shopping a few times:
    - it's a really nice confidence booster to fit into smaller clothes, and I feel better wearing nicely fitting clothes
    - I have meetings with other organisations sometimes and I need to be a bit more 'presentable' then, so I really couldn't wear those baggy clothes in those circumstances.
    I focused on cheaper brands and sales, since I knew it was for a temporary wardrobe.

    As the summer is approaching now, I've bought some more clothes, some slightly tight still, to tide me over till the fall and winter. I think I have about 5 tops/blouses/... that really fit my current size, plus some older stuff that's still wearable. That should be enough (especially since I probably won't go back to the office till September). I'm 2/3rds to my goal, so I like showing off what I've accomplished so far :smile:
    I might try to sell some of the clothes afterwards when I've reached my goal, or I might just give them to charity.