Self Control! help!!

Does anyone else have a hard time eating healthy ESPECIALLY on the weekends.

We always have friends and family come over and they always bring food... a lot..and not very healthy food. I've tried just cooking myself a healthy meal.. but meanwhile they are eating tacos..or bbq.. its so hard to say no. And they are not going to go on a diet for me haha

how can i find the self control :( i need that not only on the weekends but everyday.. that's my weakness :( i love food! And it doesn't help that my boyfriend is a cook!


  • newmommy2cash
    Ok first of all....Hi Lizzzzzie! <3 Kisses!

    Ok, what I would recommend is eating the right portions if you d choose to eat the food. Use your best judgment when choosing what foods to eat.

    What I try to do is make sure when people come over with food, I have my whole wheat bread and whole wheat tortillas or soy cheese (American flavor), whatever, handy so that I can still eat the good stuff I just doctor it up a bit.

    You can find self control by thinking about what would be best for your body, your health, your sanity, LOL! I don't know about you, but it drives me crazy after I eat something horrible and I can't get to a gym or I eat bad for days in a row. It's not worth it to me to put myself through that or to back track. If your BF make something, for example, chicken and rice. Ask him to season yours lightly and make brown rice, you can add veggies or a salad.

    I'm just rambling, but you get the point. ;) There are ways to still enjoy the good foods, but in a healthier way. It also helps to not look at is as being on a diet, diets are temporary and make it easy to bounce back and forth, look at it as a lifestyle change. You're making healthier choices.
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I know with summer it's really hard to eat right. You could try using healthier food in the cooking.. Like for taco's I use whole grain tortilla shells. Like 95% lean ground beef or sometimes I use chicken. Personally I will never give up the foods I like. If my family is having a cookout, I'm going to drink a beer or two and eat! Just gotta find the right balance between health food and junk. Limit yourself to eat less when you know it's not a good thing to put in your body.