

I am new to here and am looking for like minded people to lose weight with who wont judge and will give support. I had a gorgeous baby boy last year - he'll be 1 in 6 days!! - and although i have tried and some what been successful on my own i now feel i need the support of others.

if you like you can add me!

hope to hear from you all soon.



  • Congratulations on the birth of your son! I don't have children of my own but six years ago, I married a man with five children (of whom he had full custody), so overnight, I got five kiddos! It has been a roller coaster of a ride (mostly the fun, thrilling chutes!) but it has wreaked havoc on my health/weight which is doing a number on my self-esteem, too. I am here to get serious about tracking my food and exercise. Been here for three whole days (that's good for me--low self discipline).

    Let's stay in touch!:smile:
  • bb_1982
    bb_1982 Posts: 66 Member
    Hi :smile:

    I used MFP for a while and had some great results but I hit a plateau and got really un-motivated. But im back and determined to get to goal weight by my 30th next year!!

    I've added both of you :flowerforyou:

    Good luck to us all... we CAN do this :smile: xx
  • Welcome ! hope we can all inspire and motivate you ( the best thing about this sight! ) :)