Menopause and weight

I have faithfully logged in for 26 days now. I have been exercising every day(training in dressage riding, brisk hiking, elliptical, yoga, pilates) and tracking my calories at 1200 calories. Some days I am under and only a few have been over. This may seem like I am lying, but I have lost not a single pound. I have stopped getting on the scale for the past week because it is too frustrating to the process. I even tried to smash it with a weight and smashed my finger instead! :) And my jeans are the same if not more snug.

I have 3 thoughts. I am almost 46 and headed into menopause..... I have begun taking a muscle relaxer due to a horse related injury....and finally, the extra exercise has built up muscle mass. I have, as I m sure all of you can say, always been a diet and fitness person because I feel better when I am thinner. But, I have never had this big of a problem with my weight not budging. Boo hoo. I don't want to give up but I don't want to get frustrated everyday either.

Thank you community


  • minimommy1
    minimommy1 Posts: 84 Member
    Try not to focus on the scale so much. Instead just focus on doing what is right. Have you ever weighed and measured your food to be sure your not over eating? Just asking. Sometimes we eat more than we think. Are you drinking enough water?
    Maybe you need to have some blood work done on your thyroid. Until you figure things out just keep doing the right things and keep me posted. Friend me if you would like.
  • Never give up the only satisfaction to achiving your goal is to take it on day a a time so doing this is gratafiying
    so give in shape and nevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvver give up ever you will hit your goal good luck :flowerforyou:
  • coloradocami
    coloradocami Posts: 368 Member
    Don’t give up and talk with your doctor…see if she has any ideas on how to jump start your weight loss.
    …are you doing any weight training? At our age it is so important plus the changes are much more noticeable (which is a great motivator)
    Good luck and you CAN do this!
  • sunrize_sc
    sunrize_sc Posts: 157 Member
    My guess would be that you're not eating enough. If you work out that much you need to be getting more than 1200 calories. Are you eating your exercise calories back? Maybe you need hormones? Don't give up!
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Is that NET calories or just what you eat? Really and truly you must feed your body appropriately. I am 55 and NET 1200-1400 calories. Lost 65 in 6 months and definitely slower now but lose 8# month. Measure too, not just scales...I lost over 7inches in the same time I lost 8#. Even if you just do trunk measurements it will help.
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    I am 48 as well, and eat more than 1200 calories a day. Are you eating enough?
  • Twins2007
    Twins2007 Posts: 236 Member

    Not entering menopause over here but can totally relate to your FRUSTRATIONS!!!
    After 4 years of eating anything and everything I wanted and not exercising regurlarly post the birth of my twin boys I decided to change my Life.
    After MANY hours on the elliptical and logging in everything I put in my mouth, I have only lost 26 pounds since February of 2011.
    26 pounds is great, don't get me wrong, but this includes MANY weeks without any real loss AT ALL...
    Dont' give up on yourself....Continue to view your journey as just that...NOT a marathon...
    Use this site for more encouragement and try to see if perhaps your calorie intake and exercise burned might be a little off...
    I used to log in my 45 minute elliptical workout as 610 calories burned (my machine said so!) but realized witht he help of another MFP member that machines exagerate...My workout was only 400 calories...And trust me IT almost got your scale treatment ;)
    Good luck!
    E :)
  • I know exactly how you feel. I am in menopause and it is coming off very very very slowly. I talked to my doc and she said she had been doing the Dukan diet and taking DHEA. AND she looked great!! I could tell she had lost weight. The DuKan diet is pretty much low carb but the first few days are nothing but meat. It got me started on losing a little. I have been on it now for 2 weeks and I've lost 3 lbs. I know that doesn't sound like a lot but I only have 15 to lose. I think the less you have to lose and the older you are makes it harder. I feel so much better since taking the DHEA too. Good luck and let us know your progress!!
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    Menopause and I are old buddies. Your metabolism will slow down, and my special bonus prize was a spare tire around my waist ! How lucky was I? Keep going, don't stop, Do you eat back your exercise calories? God's funny little joke on us all is that we need to eat to lose weight, and sometimes if we workout a lot we need to eat a little more to get our bodies to let it go and burn. Go to a couple of different on-line BMR calculators and find out how much on average you need to take in caloric wise to maintain the weight you are now. You'll see a difference from calculator to calculator. The same with estimating what you are burning when you exercise. I think the numbers here are a bit high. Subtract 500 from your BMR and as long as that result isn't under 1200 calories, you should lose a pound a week. Weigh yourself once a week, same day, in the morning, prior to eating.

    And be honest an put in everything you eat on your food diary, and don't guess, really measure.
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    I am on the 1200 cals a day but I also eat back my exercise cals as much as possible...maybe you are not eating enough?

    You should be losing weight, so try eating more x
  • Dottie27
    Dottie27 Posts: 159 Member
    Don't give up. I know, firsthand, what you are going through and it is very frustrating. Some things that other MFPs shared with me:
    sodium-my doctor only recommends 1500 mg. a day, water-8 glasses a day, fiber-best to be over 20, zig-zag calories (if 1200/day, try 1100 one day and 1300 the next), add strength training to exercise routine.
  • Thank you! And I do have that spare tire! Something new. I saw pictures of myself while visiting my sister and couldn't believe it. I only have 15-20 to lose. I use the fitness pal exercise counter. I don't measure my food but I know all of the palm, thumb finger size rules for portions. Maybe I should get a scale. I don't eat back my exercise calories and have thought maybe I'm not eating enough. I drink tons of water but also drink tons of coffee(no sugar though!)

    Thank you for suggesting I talk to my doctor. I will research the DHEA. I appreciate all of your comments and it is great to hear from other women who are and have experienced menopause. It is something that I never really thought about and wouldn't happen for a long time. Time flies!
  • chyloet
    chyloet Posts: 196 Member
    Well, when you find a solution, let me know. lol! I am heavier now than I have ever been in my life and granted that is totally due to a change in my lifestyle (ie, sedentary, stressful job and poor eating habits) and of course aging (the big 4-0 this year). I recently went to a medical weight loss center out of sheer frustration and they gave me the pharmaceutical version of crack, I am sure of it! I thought that my heart was going to jump out of my chest right after I literallly bit my boyfriends head off. So, that's not going to work for me. I'm totally frustrated and saddened at the thought of living the rest of my life feeling this way in my body and seeing myself in pictures?! Forget about it!
  • madlou
    madlou Posts: 20 Member
    Hi There,

    I would also like to sympathise with you.

    I am 46 and have been fighting with the menopause for 7 years now, such a joyous time, NOT!!!! :sad:

    I understand your frustrations, I have also stuck to the set calories, walked more, ate less sugar etc, but alas the scales still say " get off " !!

    I used to have a waist, this has turned into one of Michelin's finest spare tyres, the joyous hormones have put on about 18 pounds, it might not sond much but your shape changes completely.

    Extra fat on your back just under your bra, extra bellies and a waist that has disappeared into oblivion.

    Overall menopause tricks the body into hanging onto the fat and accumulating it in other places, its " normal " apparently, but it doesn't stop you feeling like you want to scream :noway:

    As you, my clothes feel neater around the waist, and shopping is one big depressing experience.

    So after all that is said and done, a lot of menopausal woman do lose the extra padding, or so I am trying to convince myself :laugh: , really.

    I think it just takes about a month or so for you body to get the balance and start to lose pounds, heres to it.

    keep at it, I know I will

    good luck:bigsmile:
  • kgb6days
    kgb6days Posts: 880 Member
    Menopause absolutely makes a huge difference. I used to struggle to keep weight on, and could drop 10 lbs without hardly any effort. Now I'm 54, and it has flip flopped. I now struggle to keep weight OFF, and can gain 10 lbs without much effort. I'm eating my 1200 calories, and eat my exercise calories and I'm maintaining perfectly. However, I'm attempting to LOSE. I'm about ready to resort to liposuction to get rid of my belly fat!
  • Well at least menopausal women have a great sense of humor!
  • Jomalone2
    Jomalone2 Posts: 129 Member
    I feel you pain. I had a total melt-down at the doctor's office last week. I've been working out like a mad-woman since January and got on the scale at the doctor's office and had lost ONE measly little bitty pound. My husband went with me just to be an alibi when I told the doctor I had been doing EVERYTHING right for the past 7 months. He has changed my hormones in hopes of helping to turn things around. So please, go see your doctor. Many well-meaning people will tell you to exercise more, increase protein, increase cardio, decrease carbs, etc., etc., etc., but if your hormones aren't right then you are spinning your wheels for very little results. Good luck. This menopause thing is something our moms just didn't do a good job of warning us about. :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    Well I am in peri-menopause (I may be menopaused though) - and - and yes it is possible to lose the extra weight you build up when peri-menopausing.... I am still working on it - but so far 15 lbs lost.... My cardio is pretty intense (but on an elliptical) and I eat about 1200-2000 calories per day - I don't count calories every day (but I did in the beginning)... just here and there just to see where I am on a day. I hope I can maintain once I am at my goal. I also take vitamins and herbs to make sure I get everything I need...

    I can see that it may be possible you have lost visceral fat (fat inside your body, but replaced with muscle weight...) I would measure different parts of you body and see if you are loosing inches ...and take progression pictures --- fitness is not just about weight...
  • Loved your post!! "took your husband as proof". I needed a laugh but know exactly what you are feeling. Let me know if you have any luck.
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