How to loose as much weight as possible in 2 & 1/2 weeks?



  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Don't eat. Lay in the sun. Only drink enough water to maintain consciousness, maybe a pint every two hours.

    Hope you win! Or lose, or whatever that ridiculous competition is supposed to accomplish for you.

    I dont think its ridiculous, Some of us are motivated by competition, you shouldnt judge ones way of motivation, this site is to encourage. So what if she wants to win, its only 10 days of hard dieting its not like she hasnt been sensible the rest of the time.

    I say go hard i hope you win, either way you will all be winners with the amount of weight you all would of lost! And with all those winnings go treat yourself with new outfits and spoil the kiddies which im sure you will do anyway! Good luck!

    Nope. It is ridiculous. End of discussion.

    Wow, way to be a jerk!

    OP, make sure you keep your sodium in check, eat extra clean, stay away from anything that makes you bloat. I agree with the posters who say to keep it healthy, and best of luck to you on weigh-in day!

    Wrong again. Pointing out irresponsible behavior is called 'honesty' not ' being a jerk'.

    Sorry you feel that way.
  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
    Irresponsible behavior? Sorry, but there are numerous, responsible things that the OP can do to make sure she has the best weigh in that she can in 2.5 weeks. Keeping the sodium low, keeping processed foods low, drinking adequate water, avoiding carbonated drinks.....all responsible things the OP can do to ensure she has the best weigh-in she possibly can.
  • tattereds
    tattereds Posts: 120 Member
    Irresponsible behavior? Sorry, but there are numerous, responsible things that the OP can do to make sure she has the best weigh in that she can in 2.5 weeks. Keeping the sodium low, keeping processed foods low, drinking adequate water, avoiding carbonated drinks.....all responsible things the OP can do to ensure she has the best weigh-in she possibly can.

    ^^ this :happy:

    Good luck OP!
  • anjulie787
    anjulie787 Posts: 24 Member
    how is it irresponsible?