Over 60 years of age



  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Barbie..I wear Champion exercise shoes. They are like Shape Ups only cheaper. I have two pair..one for work and one for at home. I love them. Have never had a more comfortable shoe and they do make me walk faster. Don't know why, just that they do. I haven't tried exercising in them, or dancing (Zumba). I may have to give them a try.

    :flowerforyou: Firesign...we have a Meijer store about 12 miles from us. They have the best produce. Freshest and a large variety. I just don't shop there very often. I noticed that here in the town I work in there is a vegetable stand in front of the drug store. I need to visit it. We do have a Walmart just across town but we NEVER buy produce there. It is usually already bad on the shelves.
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    grassette...Two years ago I had some major surgery and could not do much for about three months. Are you taking any therapy? This alone can sometimes be quite a workout. Be sure that you keep in touch with your doctor before doing anything.

    After 5 years, Swiss Miss, I have decided to ignore my doctors and to get out there and walk, do aquafitness and swim. I take Tylenol for the pain. I seem to have some kind of soft tissue injury in the hip that causes pain, plus a herniated disc. After sitting around gaining weight and waiting for it to go away, I have decided to work through it, and see if I can get on the other side. The worse thing that can happen is that it gets bad enough to see what it is.

    So far it is working. I am feeling better, losing weight, and getting stronger. The pain is lessening, and I don't have that velcroed feeling any more.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    grassette, I have come to the opinion that the best thing to do is to listen to my body. If I am over-doing it or doing something I shouldn't then my body will let me know. Also, I feel that most people our ages are not active enough. They have fallen to the belief that we should slow down as we get older. That only makes aging more unpleasant. We need to exercise to have healthy bodies to enjoy our later years.
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement, Swiss Miss. Today, I was out on my bicycle for the first time in 6 years. We have a wonderful bike path along the river just where I live. My doctor told me that I had a 20% chance of breaking a bone because I am an in the orange zone for ostereoperosis (already broke a wrist). So, it was scary because I was afraid of falling, but I did it! And I will do it again tomorrow.

    Foooey on this getting old busines!. My eyes aren't what they used to be, and new aches and pains show up every day. But, I want to get active again before I get old before my time! I want to go cross country skiing again this winter (on the flats until I'm really in shape). Otherwise obesity, heart disease and stroke will get me before I'm ready!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: grassette, so glad that you are going on with your activities. You are an encouragement to me. We can't always go by what the doctors are telling us. You know your body and what you are capable of. You do know that exercise will built up your bones? I also love biking but don't do it often enough.
  • Have you room for one more in your group? I'm 63, live in Central America and want/need to lose 30-40 pounds in the next year. (I want to say "in the next week"!):laugh:
  • I'm 64 and joined myfitnesspal about a week ago. I'd love to be part of an "older" group.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :flowerforyou: To any older people out there looking for a group to get encouragement, I would recogmend the "Senior Golden Sneakers" thread.

    here is the link.....it's great group
  • landrum46
    landrum46 Posts: 21 Member
    Am 65 and yes I would be interested in conversing with others in my age brackett.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :flowerforyou: To any older people out there looking for a group to get encouragement, I would recogmend the "Senior Golden Sneakers" thread.

    here is the link.....it's great group

  • SCVirginia
    SCVirginia Posts: 7 Member
    I'd like to join this group. I'm 62 and have been putting weight on for the past 20 years. It just seems to creep up on you. I need encouragement and help from others. I'm not new to MFP but I am new to posting on the message boards.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    SCVirginia, welcome !!! This group has not seen a whole lot of action. Mainly, because there are several other ones for older people. I am also in "Senior Golden Sneakers". It is one that has a lot of older people. Most of them, however, may have 40 year olds and I have found that 60 year olds can have different needs. That is why I started this one.
  • SCVirginia
    SCVirginia Posts: 7 Member
    When I saw 60 and over I wanted to join for the same reason. At this stage, its harder to lose weight. It seems I have fought weight since I turned 30. I know I am less active. I recently retired and need to get out more. Its my own fault, just lazy. I was going to walk this morning, but its pouring rain. So I think I'll go to the mall and walk inside. I'll check out "Senior Golden Sneakers", but like the smaller groups since I'm not used to posting. As you can see, I haven't lost anything yet. I'll lose 3 pounds and gain it back.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    SCVirginia, I am so glad that you are here. I want this thread to become more active. It is a small one so you should feel comfortable. The problem I find with the larger ones is that it is nearly impossible to respond to everyone. I know that there are some who can do this but I work full time and just don't have the time.

    You just joined so don't worry about not losing any weight yet. Just eat healthy and watch your portions. Become more active. There is a book that I read a few years ago that encouraged me to get more exercising. I can't remember the name but will let you know when I think of it.

    Have a wonderful day.

  • SCVirginia
    SCVirginia Posts: 7 Member
    Becky, Thanks! I'm already feeling comfortable with this site. Maybe after I learn more about the sites, I'll go on others. Hopefully no rain tomorrow and I will be able to walk. Can't complain though, we really needed the rain. Have a great day at work.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Hi Virginia,
    someone said "the best exercise is the one you'll do" so find something you like :bigsmile:

    I believe that the hardest part of any exercise is the part where you get up off the couch (or out of the computer chair)......after that, it's easy:bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: I am lucky to have two standard poodles who love to walk in all weather so we walk every day usually several times and for long distances My exercise is walking in the neighborhood with frisky poodles and the three line dance classes I go to every week.

    :laugh: Becky, everything I read encourages more exercise
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    I am an active but have some disabilities to contend with. I walk at least 6 days per week, 2 miles. I am going to join a line dancing class the end of Sept. and I want to do some gentle yoga soon.
    I have to watch my calorie intake, I want to eat 1200 calories not including exercise . By the way I am 64 yrs old. sign me up.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :bigsmile: Hi Chris, I see from your profile that you are newly retired. I am 65 but I retired when I was 58. We moved twice after I retired and once we got settled, I found line dance classes and a good place to walk. I didn't really get started on my weight loss journey until a little over two years ago which is when I found MFP. I love this site.:bigsmile:
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    I have just started doing Tai Chi and just love it! For one thing, it uses up more calories than any other exercise I do. I love the slowness of it, the concentration on form, and how the joints just loosen up as you move them, and do they move in Tai Chi! I am also finding that it improves my balance. I am getting to the point where I can stand on one leg, something I haven't been able to do for years! This seems to be one exercise that seniors can do, and keep on doing as they age, so I am committing to it.

    One of my friends started the search for a good Tai Chi instructor. She is Chinese, and careful to avoid people who are not good. She took demo classes with a large number of Tai Chi instructors until she found the right one. I accompanied her on her search, and encountered some Tai Chi styles that were too hard on the knees for me. But this instructor, a young Chinese woman new to this country, and a recognized Tai Chi master in China, to be just perfect. She is patient, and spends time with her new students teaching them a basic move of the Yang style every week. This special quality is also one that I have not found in every Tai Chi instructor. So, it pays to shop.

    Yesterday, our group did a practice in an English garden facing the St Laurence River where it opens up into a wide lake. It was so beautiful doing Tai Chi out of doors in the fresh air, and in contact with the beauty of natural things. I am looking forward to incorporating a 90 minute routine into my daily activity.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I have just started doing Tai Chi and just love it! For one thing, it uses up more calories than any other exercise I do. I love the slowness of it, the concentration on form, and how the joints just loosen up as you move them, and do they move in Tai Chi! I am also finding that it improves my balance. I am getting to the point where I can stand on one leg, something I haven't been able to do for years! This seems to be one exercise that seniors can do, and keep on doing as they age, so I am committing to it.

    One of my friends started the search for a good Tai Chi instructor. She is Chinese, and careful to avoid people who are not good. She took demo classes with a large number of Tai Chi instructors until she found the right one. I accompanied her on her search, and encountered some Tai Chi styles that were too hard on the knees for me. But this instructor, a young Chinese woman new to this country, and a recognized Tai Chi master in China, to be just perfect. She is patient, and spends time with her new students teaching them a basic move of the Yang style every week. This special quality is also one that I have not found in every Tai Chi instructor. So, it pays to shop.

    Yesterday, our group did a practice in an English garden facing the St Laurence River where it opens up into a wide lake. It was so beautiful doing Tai Chi out of doors in the fresh air, and in contact with the beauty of natural things. I am looking forward to incorporating a 90 minute routine into my daily activity.

    This sounds exciting. I have heard great things about Tai Chi. And, to do it in a garden. Wow, must have been like heaven.

    WELCOME, Chris. You are just what I have been looking for...people over that age of 60 who want to get and stay healthy.

    :flowerforyou: Barbie, you are so right about exercising. From all that I have read, it gets more important as we get older. We will stay limber (or at least more so), and therefore, will have less falls. That is what I am after since I am so clumbsy.:sad:

    I wasn't here yesterday. I was just too busy. I like to visit in the morning before work and during lunch. Well, yesterday I had a doctor appointment in the morning and then a luncheon at noon. There went my day!!!!
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