Weekend Disaster



  • theresamommyof4
    theresamommyof4 Posts: 206 Member
    Well, weekends are definitely more social than the rest of the week, so it's really hard to stay on track. I totally blew it this weekend. I was up 9 lbs Monday morning. NINE. One day of being back on track and 4 of those are gone, but still. It's a pain to work so hard all week and have to start all over again. I don't do it very often, but when I do the anger at myself is enough to keep me on track for another few weeks. I just have to will myself to remember how horrible it was, and usually that's enough to keep me in line.
  • bzr21
    bzr21 Posts: 13
    I was like that in the beginning. You just have to learn self control, period. Once I really started seeing that I was getting some where in my weight loss, I just got over myself. I still have issues now but I know that if I let myself go and eat wheatever I want, I'll be right back where I started. And for me, that is just not an option. I consider this a lifestyle change and my lifestyle is not going to be binge eating on the weekend and trying to kill myself during the week to make up for it. Just STOP. You are the only one that can control yourself. Don't have junk food in the house. My child is not allowed that food so it is not in the house. Goodness knows we do not want our kids eating crap food while we are trying to get healthy.

    Tough love hun, tough love.

    Though love is exactly what I need. And Thank You!!! I know what I am doing wrong, but I keep doing it, then I beat myself up over it and let it get me down. The truth is, it shoud get me down. I am not doing what I am supposed to do on the weekend and I am paying for it. It is time to make the change and to get my head right. It is time for life changes. I have improved my workout better than I ever imagined and now I have to match my eating habbits to my workout habbits.