Losing weight is so hard

Losing weight is so hard. After all that effort I only lost 2lbs


  • harper16
    harper16 Posts: 2,564 Member
    How long did it take you to lose the 2 lbs?

    How much weight are you trying to lose?
  • nanastaci2020
    nanastaci2020 Posts: 1,072 Member
    Being overweight is also hard! Not having energy, being limited in where you can go and what you can do. Losing weight is difficult, but it will get easier with time. Being overweight does not get easier with time - it gets harder!

    Originally saw this way of thinking on a motivational poster of some sort: but you get to choose which path you prefer.
  • age_is_just_a_number
    age_is_just_a_number Posts: 630 Member
    2 pounds is 2 pounds! Way to go!
    Little by little, a little makes a lot..
    Congratulations for taking your first steps toward a healthier you.

    You’ve found a great app and community to improve or maintain your health and fitness. Whatever you’re goals are, there is a place for you here.

    You are in the right place. Remember this is not a program or a diet, it is a lifestyle to a healthier you.

    Browse around the community to find a group that suits you or stick with these threads. We are all here to help each other out and provide inspiration or motivation.

    Start by reading some of the inspiration stories in the blog. You’ll find a theme there starting with:
    - make a small sustainable change eg., if you like to drink pop, then switch that out for water or sparkling water with lemon or lime in it.
    - Once you’ve adjusted to that change then make another small sustainable change eg., if you like to eat rice, switch that out for brown rice
    - Track what you eat
    - Monitor your macros
    - Monitor your metrics (weight and measurements)
    - Then adjust as needed
    - As you lose weight, your body is going to change, not only in appearance, but also in how it reacts to different foods.

    You’ve made a fantastic first step by logging into MFP.

    We are all here to support each other.
  • Priscy2708
    Priscy2708 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you tgillies003 for your very insightful comment. I've never been this detailed or concerned in any of my previous diets. But I'm sure with the help and support from members like you, I will achieve my goals.
  • Priscy2708
    Priscy2708 Posts: 3 Member
    I lost the 2lbs in a week and my goal is to lose 80lbs as soon as possible
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    AlexandraFindsHerself1971 Posts: 3,106 Member
    It takes time. I'm not thrilled, to say the least, with the fact that my loss pattern is stair steps. I lose five to six pounds in a go, maintain the lowered weight for three to four weeks, then lose another five to six pounds. And the stress from world, national, local, and personal life events (we're moving) has made that slow even more. I feel sort of bad sometimes because since January I've only lost 35 pounds.

    But that 35 pounds has made SUCH a difference to how I feel and how my clothes fit, right from the first five pounds, that I can't get too upset; keep at it, and you'll start to feel better and have your clothes fit looser, even before the scale says too much.
  • RelCanonical
    RelCanonical Posts: 3,882 Member
    Priscy2708 wrote: »
    I lost the 2lbs in a week and my goal is to lose 80lbs as soon as possible

    2 pounds in a week is an excellent rate of loss. Healthy, sustainable weight loss is slow. I know that it can be very difficult to be patient, but a very important part of long-term success is being able to find a way of eating and activity that doesn't feel so hard everyday. For many people, the way to make it less hard is to lose slower.

    It took me 2 years to lose 70 pounds. This is my second rodeo. The first time, it took me only 10 months to lose 50 pounds. Guess which one felt quicker? The second time, because I was able to continue living my life rather than being exhausted from too few calories and too much exercise for the amount I was eating.
  • harper16
    harper16 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Priscy2708 wrote: »
    I lost the 2lbs in a week and my goal is to lose 80lbs as soon as possible

    2 lbs a week is healthy weight loss, for how much weight you currently need to lose. I'm sure your goal is to lose weight in a healthy manner, right?

    When you drop to 60 lbs to lose it drops to 1.5 lbs a week.
    40 lbs 1 lb a week
    20 lbs and under .5 lbs a week.
  • cgcdavis7
    cgcdavis7 Posts: 85 Member
    There's really no way around the fact that it will take time. You have HAVE to come to terms with that and accept it. 2lb is a lot. Find something that weighs 2lb, feel the weight of it and be glad that's off your body. Just know the process is exponentially longer if you quit. Good luck love.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,917 Member
    Priscy2708 wrote: »
    I lost the 2lbs in a week and my goal is to lose 80lbs as soon as possible

    Sometimes the fastest way to lose 80 pounds is not to lose a lot of pounds weekly.

    Um, what? ;)

    We all want to lose weight, like, yesterday. Realistically, losing 80 pounds is going to take some time, quite a lot of time. Even if you were willing to risk your health to lose super-duper fast, it would take the better part of a year, right? (It took me the majority of a year to lose 50 pounds, 4+ years ago now.)

    It's really hard to keep up an extreme routine for months. A common pattern we see here is people heading out of the gate with really aggressively low calorie goals, and a challenging exercise schedule . . . only to burn out or hit a wall after a month or so. Now, maybe you're different. I'm not saying that would necessarily happen to you.

    I'm just encouraging you to think about that sustainability piece, and what it will be like to go on and on for months.

    So, losing a pound a week is something that's usually not a super high hurdle, for someone with 80 pounds to lose, maybe even a little more in easy weeks, for a while. And a steady pound a week for a long time actually can result in more weight loss than losing 10 pounds in a month, then going off track for a long weekend and eating lots, then having difficulty getting back on track for a week or so (maybe a 3-4 pounds or so regain woven in there, not to mention maybe a bit of "hangry" short temper with the family, plus the emotional roller coaster . . . . ).

    Even if both routes get to the same result after 2 months, 8 pounds in 8 weeks, it seems to me like the aggressive one may be much more stressful and disruptive.

    My advice would be to think things over, and shoot for a routine that gets you consistently moving in a positive direction, losing weight steadily, but that requires as little willpower, motivation, and drama as possible. It's hard to maintain ultra-high willpower and motivation, in the face of aggressive effort, for a year. You know you best.

    Best wishes! :)