
Hey all you beautiful people wonders if I can have some advice I’m in month 2 week 2 of insanity I haven’t done it since Thursday I had to take a week off I felt exhausted and burnt out headaches dizzy nearly passed out at work and I felt like my legs couldn’t even carry me I felt awful I work nights as well so haven’t been sleeping well my question is am I going to mess up my progress I’ve come so far and I only have another 6lbs to lose I’ve already lost 5 stone I’m planning on starting again tomorrow where I left off but I’m so upset with myself and worried it’s like I’m not actually relaxing at all !!
I’m still watching what I eat but the motivation to restart is hard as I was getting bored of the routines any advice would be fantastic right now hope to hear from someone soon 💪


  • harper16
    harper16 Posts: 2,564 Member
    It sounds like you might not be fueling your body.

    If you only need to lose 6 lbs healthy weight loss is .5 lbs a week. What do you have your weight loss set at?
  • amirookes6489
    amirookes6489 Posts: 10 Member
    I’m currently 140 lbs and would like to get to 134-135 lbs I started my journey a year and a half ago at 210lbs
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    Make sure you are eating enough for your level of activity. Nothing can "mess up [your] progress" except giving up and gaining back weight by eating well over your calories expended. If Insanity workouts do as they claim and you burn 1000 calories an hour, then you must up your calorie intake by 1000 calories per hour exercised to make up for it. If you are only trying to lose 5-6 pounds, you are in the land of fine-tuning your calorie intake and your exercise habits to something you can sustain. This is not the time for rash actions like sudden intensive exercise and calorie restriction. This is time for fine tuning and maintenance.
  • amirookes6489
    amirookes6489 Posts: 10 Member
    I’m currently on 1250 cal per day am I able to get some help as to what a better calorie intake would be at all I have tried working it out before but I’m scared to do it wrong and increase my calories too fast and gain weight if you know what I mean
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I’m currently on 1250 cal per day am I able to get some help as to what a better calorie intake would be at all I have tried working it out before but I’m scared to do it wrong and increase my calories too fast and gain weight if you know what I mean

    If 1,250 is your MFP goal, are you logging your exercise and eating those calories back? Your goal doesn't include your intentional activity.
  • Strudders67
    Strudders67 Posts: 984 Member
    edited June 2020
    Go to Goals then View Guided Set up, which is where you would have originally entered your weight, height, age etc etc. Make sure it has your current weight and under 'What is your Goal?', select to lose at a rate of 0.5lb a week. Save. Eat the number of calories you're given. On top of that, log your exercise and eat those calories too. If you haven't been doing that, it's no wonder you feel burned out. MFP is designed such that you're supposed to eat your exercise calories.

    As you have so little left to lose, the deficit will be small and it'll take a while to lose those last 5 or 6 pounds - don't try to go faster, it's not a good idea from a health perspective - but it's good practice for what you'll be eating in maintenance.
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
  • amirookes6489
    amirookes6489 Posts: 10 Member
    I re adjusted mfp and it’s telling me to consume 1740 cal per day would it do me any hard to increase to that now that I’m on 1200 or would it cause weight gain ?
  • harper16
    harper16 Posts: 2,564 Member
    I re adjusted mfp and it’s telling me to consume 1740 cal per day would it do me any hard to increase to that now that I’m on 1200 or would it cause weight gain ?

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,564 Member
    I re adjusted mfp and it’s telling me to consume 1740 cal per day would it do me any hard to increase to that now that I’m on 1200 or would it cause weight gain ?

    If you add all the calories back at once, you may see a scale jump from extra carbs/sodium (which increase water weight a bit while they're metabolized) and extra weight of food in transit through your digestive system (however much more 540 more calories worth of your food physically weighs). But none of that is fat, so not worth worrying about.

    With fat loss going on in the background, even though it will be temporarily masked on the scale, it won't take long for it to sort itself out, and you'll start seeing loss on the scale again (just slower loss than before, as you're intending).
  • Xlivnfree1982
    Xlivnfree1982 Posts: 237 Member
    I did Insanity when it first came out. I was 220 lbs (biggest weight since I had my son), I started this program and just made it through Alpha. However I dropped to 155 lbs! At first I felt like you. If yourfeeling that way I would say your not eating enough. I upped my calories and I noticed the weight falling off and me feeling a lot better! Add healthy calories to your meals or snacks! I felt better. If your hungry eat! Make sure your hydrated. I am starting T25 in July. I will up my calories also. Finishing up 30DS now, got good results so far, but I am having a issue this last week with lean muscle loss...😔 Time to research for me. This is all a journey! Good luck.
  • jodiebodell
    jodiebodell Posts: 2 Member
    Just curious if anyone has completed Insanity with Sciatic pain?
    This is my second time doing the program (first time over 7 years ago) I'm currently on week 5, I can exercise no problem, walking and moving isn't an issue but I can't sit down or lie down! I'd be gutted to have to finish at this stage, just wondered if anyone had any tips to help with the pain?
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,564 Member
    I did Insanity when it first came out. I was 220 lbs (biggest weight since I had my son), I started this program and just made it through Alpha. However I dropped to 155 lbs! At first I felt like you. If yourfeeling that way I would say your not eating enough. I upped my calories and I noticed the weight falling off and me feeling a lot better! Add healthy calories to your meals or snacks! I felt better. If your hungry eat! Make sure your hydrated. I am starting T25 in July. I will up my calories also. Finishing up 30DS now, got good results so far, but I am having a issue this last week with lean muscle loss...😔 Time to research for me. This is all a journey! Good luck.

    If you are seeing a material amount (pounds) of lean muscle loss within a week, there are two possibilities.

    One is that the data is coming from a BIA device (like the home scales, or maybe a more sophisticated gym BIA), and it's an inaccurate measurement.

    The other is that you have a very severe and dangerous health condition, and you should be seeing your doctor absolutely ASAP. (Since you're doing 30DS, I'm assuming you aren't already immobilized in bed and in the equivalent of a hunger strike, which would be about the fastest way for a healthy person to lose muscle mass).

    Muscle doesn't decline quickly (like in a week) without serious health problems or complete immobilization.

    I'm betting on "inaccurate measurement", which would be good news, right?

    OP, apologies for the digression.