Keto beginner

Hello!! I am so excited to be starting my fitness journey. I have been doing keto for about a week now and I’m definitely green to it all. I’ve done my best to look up recipes and information but it is all a bit overwhelming. Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated!!


  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,357 Member
    Hi there ... I am a keto'er.... May I suggest you joining this group of awesome people

    Feel free to look at my food log .... for recipes ....make sure you up your sodium so you don't get the keto flu or leg cramps ...pickles are our best friend ...enjoy and wishing you the very best on your journey are welcome to add me :)
  • KatRosales13
    KatRosales13 Posts: 7 Member
    Ty!! I’ll do that 🙂
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,357 Member
    You are very welcome :)
  • thespread
    thespread Posts: 2 Member
    See my post on nutrition analysis. Been doing keto for about a month. The first 5-7 lbs is just water weight as your body uses up its carbohydrate stores. I’m down 10 lbs now. For me, this is pretty easy to follow because fat is very satisfying. Bacon and brussel sprouts! Have found a couple bread recipes that are pretty good. Concur on the dietdoctor
  • flowerhouse
    flowerhouse Posts: 140 Member
    Hi I’ve been doing keto for five weeks with good weight loss results - feel free to add me. I agree with everything said so far. It does get easier as the weeks go on - I found the first two weeks quite tough
    Good luck