Morning routines?



  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,478 Member
    This morning: wake up at usual time, surf net for a moment on phone, go to loo, to scale, wash and dress up. Take utility readings. Get laptop to table and connect to monitor, log into citrix...




    Get error message that my office computer is not available. Contact IT. Curse. Sit about for 2.5 hours. Think I should develop an app that pings my office computer and switches my alarm off if there's no response.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    we have a farm so... mornings start around 4am.

    Wake up, coffee, animals, gym by 8 at latest.

    Home between 10 or 11, depending on how long I was at gym and what errands I had to run.

    My breakfast is usually closer to lunch for most people. My lunch usually around 2 or 3. Dinner after animals, usually 730.

    Bed at 8.

    Wash, rinse, repeat.
  • MeganD1704
    MeganD1704 Posts: 733 Member
    Wake up at 5:15 to workout. I lay my gym clothes and pre workout bottle out the night before.
    Add water to preworkout, biological needs, scale, drink pre workout fast and get workout clothes on.
    Go downstairs to basement gym for 1-1.5 hrs workout.

    Shower, drink pre set coffee with collagen and cream (brews at 6:15), get ready while sipping coffee. Go to work for 8 (I also make my breakfast the night before and take it with me to workout).

    Sleep in till 7-8
    biological needs, sit on couch with coffee for as long as I want/till obligations take me away.
    My weekend workouts could be as late as ten am or not at all (prefer just walking on weekends vs strenuous workout).
  • irontree3
    irontree3 Posts: 1 Member
    Up at 4:15, out the door for 5 mile run with my dog Betty. Home, shower, sitting in front of my computer in home office by 7am. I am so a morning person! By 5pm I'm worthless!
  • Kerry_R
    Kerry_R Posts: 25 Member
    My routine used to be up at 5am, workout, shower, get ready (feed the cats, make sure hubby is up, daughter is getting ready for school, etc.) then I leave at 7am to get to work for 8am (I like to grab the free breakfast and cup of tea in the canteen before I start officially at 8.30am).

    At the moment, I'm up at 6am, workout, grab a cup of tea/protein shake (depending on the workout), have a few moments of quiet to myself before everyone else gets up. I'm still on the work laptop by 8am with my breakfast (I like to keep some routines the same).
  • hipari
    hipari Posts: 1,367 Member
    Office days:
    Wake up 7-8, browse phone in bed, go to the bathroom, weigh in, maybe come back to bed and browse some more, get dressed, eat breakfast while playing games on iPad, do my makeup, pack my bag, leave for work.

    Working from home:
    Wake up 7-9, browse phone in bed, including work messages to see if there’s anything urgent, go to the bathroom, weigh in, put on pj’s, get breakfast and eat while opening laptop, planning the day and wasting time on social media, then switch to work.

    Days off:
    Wake up 7-10, browse phone/iPad in bed, go to the bathroom, come back to bed and continue browsing or take a nap, go to the bathroom again, repeat this until hungry, weigh in, put on pj’s, start round of laundry and the dishwasher, eat breakfast while playing games or on social media with iPad, lounge on the couch and possibly watch a movie.
  • asthesoapturns
    asthesoapturns Posts: 313 Member
    My routine is get up, do toiletries, get dressed, feed and water the dictators, shove muffin into mouth, and get out the door. I get up at 4:45a and am out the door by 5:15a. I have coffee at work. A leisurely morning would be lovely but with my sleep disorder even getting 6hrs of sleep is hit or miss.
  • ebrookes73
    ebrookes73 Posts: 18 Member
    edited July 2020
    The four-legged variety? :D

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,639 Member
    In the time of corona?

    Wake up some time between 9:30 and noon**, look at email/FB updates on my phone for a few minutes.
    Get up, make bed, put 12oz water from filter pitcher in microwave to warm to body temp (I do not like challenges first thing in the morning), turn on NPR.
    Weigh in, log in Libra.
    Drink water with thyroid meds, chase with a 2nd 12oz water.
    Putter (maybe some stretching/yoga, or water houseplants, or put away dry/clean dishes . . . .)
    Make coffee with hot milk, oatmeal with fixins', 12oz cold matcha.
    Eat, drink, read MFP forums.

    Probably afternoon, by then. :smile:

    Retirement is kinda excellent.

    Submitted as a slacker view, for contrast with all the stories of energy and productivity: I'm not a morning person, never have been. Now I can indulge that.

    With respect to the OP implied question about morning workouts: Not my thing, mostly. During Concept 2 Holiday Challenge season, I'll sometime do 2 x 2K between meds and breakfast, but any even remotely intense workout is just miserable for me, when fasted. Even that short, I underperform, and it feels so much harder & more unpleasant. My heart rate doesn't come up with activity like it would later, after eating, so that's probably the source of feeling miserable. That 2 x 2K (around 10 minutes actual rowing) is about my practical maximum.

    When we're doing on water rowing (boathouse closed now), and the Y is open (closed now), I'd go to rowing at 8:30 or spin class at 9, after a light breakfast. That works OK.

    Other than that, afternoon or evening workout are much, much better for me. When I had one of those distracting job things, I did workouts in the evening.

    ** I was up until 3 or 4AM, OK? :lol: (I tend to get 11PM zoomies.) Night owl, big time.
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    Up at 5:30, dress in run clothes
    Coffee and breakfast, feed cats, goats, chickens, put postage on any packages going out (home business)
    Catch up on Facebook and Reddit and junk
    Theoretically out the door by 8 for a run
    Pick up groceries or feed or whatever if needed, drop mail at PO
    Home to shower, check work email, snack, work until lunch about 12.30
  • age_is_just_a_number
    age_is_just_a_number Posts: 630 Member
    Wake up 7am (pre-Covid it was 6)
    Drink 16oz glass of water
    Take the dogs into the back yard
    By 7:30 I’m in the basement with BeachBody on demand and I’m exercising. Right now I’m doing 21 day fix extreme real time. Finished day 19 yesterday.
    30-60 minutes of exercise. Then additional stretching and/or foam rolling
    Then shower and get dressed
    Then breakfast

    I’ve tried eating before workout, but found I didn’t have enough time in the morning to digest somewhat before exercising.

    Occasionally, on the weekend, I’ll get up later, have breakfast and an hour later do my workout. I do find these workouts I have more stamina.
  • fstrickl
    fstrickl Posts: 883 Member
    During corona and working from home it’s been great!

    5:55 AM - wake up (this gives me 5 min to groggily check my phone and get up) and put on workout clothes.
    6:00 AM - feed the dog and take her for a quick walk/pee
    6:15/20 AM - start a 30-45 min work out
    6:50 AM - log that workout in MFP and scroll
    7:00 AM - hop in the shower (if it’s a hair wash day it’ll take longer) and get ready (I still get dressed and do some makeup because it make me feel ready)
    7:45 AM - make breakfast and quick tidy of dishes
    8:15 AM - commute to my dinning room for the workday
  • rosebud69155
    rosebud69155 Posts: 445 Member
    M-F schedule:
    Wake up at 4 am.
    Get dressed.
    Bathroom (pre-workout always makes me after to pee :D )
    Shower and get dressed for work.
    Pack lunch.
    Leave for work.
    And somewhere in all that I give my youngest kitty some cuddle time, it's whenever he demands it. LOL.

    Weekend schedule is kind of the same, with the exception of waking up at 4 and having to pack my lunch. I ALWAYS workout in the morning, and I like to do it fasted.
  • ladyzherra
    ladyzherra Posts: 438 Member
    I wake up when my daughter comes in my room first thing in the morning. I take my time: brush teeth and hair, drink water, take vitamins, make her breakfast and my own (for after the workout), get dressed. Then I do 30 minutes of SOMETHING -- usually stationary bike, weights, step aerobics, or dance.
  • dsc84
    dsc84 Posts: 208 Member
    Alarm goes off at 4AM
    Turn off alarm-debate why do I wake up at 4
    Yell at cat to shut up begging to be fed
    Give in feed cat
    Walk Sleepily to kitchen- Drink water
    Mix preworkout/get dressed for gym (Sleep in my gym clothes- so put on socks)
    Text wife to see if she's joining me for the day
    Wait 5 minutes for wife to respond- if she responds I get her water and either coffee or preworkout ready for her
    No response or a negative response throw on shoes and drive to gym
    430/445 Leave for Gym
    Heavy lifting for an hour to hour and 20 minutes
    Drive home
    Take dog for walk (gotta get that cardio) for 30 minutes
    Shower, grab breakfast or protein shake depending on day/get ready for day
    Walk to basement to work (covid 19 has me working from home)
    Start work by 730
    Remember happily why I get up at 4