
So, summer is over and so is the calorie filled Sam Summer (my favorite). Now trying to really find a beverage to enjoy on the weekend with my friends. Tried looking some up but not really finding consistency. I heard that vodka and soda is a good option but online I'm finding that it still is 100 cal/ bev. Is this true? Not sure what is a good choice for a cocktail with the least amount of calories......


  • wendibartel
    I think 100 calories for an alcoholic beverage isnt that much but then again I dont drink more then one or two so maybe thats just me
  • thurberj
    thurberj Posts: 528 Member
    Try vodka and diet cranberry sparkling drink/soda. It is relatively new from Ocean Spray.
  • brit7880
    brit7880 Posts: 59 Member
    I drink vodka/water with lemon and lime.. it tastes like lemonade... 100 calories is very low for alcohol!
  • clarebrad
    clarebrad Posts: 188 Member
    yay another lemon lime water vodka person is very nice drink.:drinker:
  • Jelleebean
    a single 275 ml mix of bacardi and diet coke is only 52 cals :D
    my personal preference is diet gingerale..... golden mule.... mmmmm....:drinker:
  • aidenjacob
    aidenjacob Posts: 4 Member
    I agree, 100 cals for a beverage is not that bad. Most light beers are around 100 calories.

    Or you could do flavored vodka with Crystal Light.