Should I give up???

Okay, well I have lost 14lb in a month, calorie counting is going really really well.

So I thought I would, to give myself a great month and lose 10lb exercise every day. So I chose the 30 day shred! I have only been doing it since September 1st, but I am working my *kitten* off, I jumped on the scales today (even though I promised myself I wouldn't) and I have put on nearly a pound!

I don't want to put weight on, even if it muscle until I have got down to 130lb, should I quit the exercise and continue the diet until I get to my mini goal of 130lb and then start the exercising again? Or if I push through will I lose weight? I refuse to work my butt of for nothing in return and with the scales going up, this is what it seems like!

Can anyone else relate, have you started exercise put on weight then lost is and more ? More specific was it the 30 day shred you did? How long does it take for you to actually lose weight this way. By day 10 I should have lost over 3lb to start on target! Now I am going to have to lose nearly 4lb thanks to the weight gain! Seriously feel like quitting!


  • DafphineSpencer
    you may gain and lose the same lbs several times as you replace fat with muscle, but do NOT quit. The more lean muscle you have, the quicker your body will eat that fat you are wanting to get rid of.
  • IamBrande
    This is normal... you will gain some, lose some, stall some etc... Just keep doing what you are doing, and the results will happen. Maybe not in numbers immediately, maybe in how your clothes fit, maybe in measurements... Maybe in how you feel about you.

    how would you feel about you if you quit??? if the answer is what I think it is, then quitting is not an option, and how you feel about you, out weighs numbers on a scale...
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,719 Member
    It's water weight. Whenever you take on a new "challenge" to your body, your body will retain water to repair muscle and to store glycogen in the liver and cells. Dieting alone catabolizes lean muscle tissue with is why people stall quickly and stay stalled for a long period of time.
  • texancountess
    I know a lot of people who put on weight at the start of 30DS only to have it all come back off plus quite a bit during the 3rd level. Definitely keep exercising no matter what - quit the 30DS if you are worried about it, but replace it with something. Exercise is good for you in so many ways. I'd stick it out with the 30DS because again, I know people (not on here) who have gotten amazing results with it.

    Good luck!
  • mcdonl
    mcdonl Posts: 342 Member
    This is normal... you will gain some, lose some, stall some etc... Just keep doing what you are doing, and the results will happen. Maybe not in numbers immediately, maybe in how your clothes fit, maybe in measurements... Maybe in how you feel about you.

    I do believe that is what they call a NSV!!!

    I just had this same convo with my wife at lunch. After 1 week of P90X I lose 7 pounds, she gains one... we both FEEL BETTER, feel stronger and already feel like our clothes fit better.

    Dont get hung up on the scale, just keep up the work and keep coming here!!
  • rudegyal_b
    rudegyal_b Posts: 593 Member
    you should see my weight graph, i go up about every 4 days, but its steadly going down...also when you start a new exercise your muscles retain water to help with healing, so def do not give up
  • ShandiH
    ShandiH Posts: 232 Member
    DON'T GIVE UP! And, don't be afraid of muscle gain. That 1 lb gain means you'll be able to burn fat more efficiently and faster than without it. Keep at it!!
  • militarywife100
    im having the same problem and its really frustrating.... ive been doing 30DS for 2 weeks and havent lost a pound... i want to give up..... feels like im working so hard and not getting any results... i know how you feel.
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    should I jump off a bridge? NOPE :indifferent:

    Really hide the scale... I've never done JM before but I've heard it's intense! and your body could be changing and your weight be shifting... don't look at the scale, look at the measurements, your clothes, how you feel as a way to measure your success.. and trust me at the end you will be glad you didn't jump off the bridge.
  • chadam1015
    chadam1015 Posts: 58 Member
    I might get yelled at by other MFP friends but I was doing Insanity and the same thing happened to me. I was working so hard to see the scale go up. So I stoped that and started "running". I have continued to lose and still feel really good. Its up to you what you want to do but I want to reach a scale goal before I start toning. Good luck!
  • squeezylemons
    DO NOT give up exercising. You probably put the weight on because muscle weighs a heck of a lot more than fat. If weighing more is stressing you out, track your progress by taking measurements (e.g. around your waist, hips, top of the thigh etc.) as MFP also allows you to do it that way. The measuring tape and the mirror are far more accurate gauges of fitness and weight loss than weight and BMI.
  • Scoobies87
    This is a difficult one. I think a lot of people would advise you to keep going, because even though the scales say you have put on 1 pound, the differences will show. I have heard a lot of people saying they put weight on with the 30ds, however the differences are amazing!

    I bought the 30ds 3 weeks ago and haven't got around to doing it because I too am scared of putting weight on. The scales are so discouraging. That is why I have changed my weigh-ins to monthly.

    I recommend you to the same, that way you will see the results in your clothes and toning rather then getting discouraged.
  • Scoobies87
    This is a difficult one. I think a lot of people would advise you to keep going, because even though the scales say you have put on 1 pound, the differences will show. I have heard a lot of people saying they put weight on with the 30ds, however the differences are amazing!

    I bought the 30ds 3 weeks ago and haven't got around to doing it because I too am scared of putting weight on. The scales are so discouraging. That is why I have changed my weigh-ins to monthly.

    I recommend you to the same, that way you will see the results in your clothes and toning rather then getting discouraged.
  • newtotown25
    I have done 10 days on level 1 and 1 day on level 2 and so far I have gained 3lbs.

    I have lost 40lbs overall but only about 8lbs in the last 3 months. The number of people who have commented on my weight loss in the last week has been amazing! I regret not taking measurements before 30 DS as I've clearly lost inches!

    Stick with it.
  • Miss_Chievous_wechange

    I don't want to put weight on, even if it muscle until I have got down to 130lb, should I quit the exercise and continue the diet until I get to my mini goal of 130lb and then start the exercising again?

    You have your focus all wrong! Do not concern yourself with the number on the scale. Instead concern yourself with the number of inches you are losing. That is what matters! Muscle is good and you should not stop exercising!!!
  • csloan30
    csloan30 Posts: 10 Member
    Don't give up. The same thing happened to me. I started exercising everyday...then after a few weeks. started calorie counting. There have been a few times where I would stall for around 3 to 4 days. and Other times when I would gain a pound or two and it would take 3 or 4 days before it would go back down. I would say the healthy amount of weight to lose is 2 pounds a week. Exercise is key because it is telling your body to work off more calories...and it just plain makes you healthier. YOu will gain some extra muscle, but that is most likely because you haven't worked out in a long while (like me) so give it a little bit and the pounds will start dropping off. :)
  • ItsMeLori
    Its not from the workout, it is water weight. You can't gain that much muscle doing 30 Day Shred, especially being a women. I have lost 15 inches from working out. My weight has been slow but I look and feel much better. I am on Level 2 on 30 Day and love it. Don't stop. Look back into your menu and see if you have changed anything. Also make sure you take rest days. Muscles can become inflamed.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    yes, give up the madness, and take up a rational plan.

  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    This is normal... you will gain some, lose some, stall some etc... Just keep doing what you are doing, and the results will happen. Maybe not in numbers immediately, maybe in how your clothes fit, maybe in measurements... Maybe in how you feel about you.

    how would you feel about you if you quit??? if the answer is what I think it is, then quitting is not an option, and how you feel about you, out weighs numbers on a scale...

    This 100%!!! Please take measurements!!! Its amazing to see the scale stay still but the measurements go down :) instead of not caring about gaining muscle look at it in a positive way!! I bet you are at least .5 to 1 inch smaller :)
  • Miss_Chievous_wechange
    yes, give up the madness, and take up a rational plan.

