It's worse than I thought

I stepped on the scale this morning and, well, see title. I'm almost back to my original starting weight and I'm so, SO mad and myself and disappointed. But I have no one to blame but myself and I know that. I originally lost like 75lbs and and gained it back slowly over the course of like 5 years. I never wanted to be back over 200lbs...

Well, only thing to do is start again! I'm looking for accountability friends who kick me if don't log. Even if I go over on calories I know I have to log it. I've done this with MFP before and I can do it again!

I hope that by posting this not only can I find friends but also make this real for me. I've been hiding from the scale when it was only trying to warn me. No more hiding.


  • FatGirlOnaDate
    FatGirlOnaDate Posts: 10 Member
    Feel free to add me if you want! I did the exact same thing. I lost ~100 lbs 3 years ago, and then spent the last 3 years gaining it back plus some. I'm starting over (one week into it) and trying to find something that will stick this time. I'd love to know and hear from people who have been through something similar.
  • hmaddpear
    hmaddpear Posts: 610 Member
    You've got this. Getting back to accountability is the first step and you know what works.

    I am in a similar situation - I lost 80lb with MFP 6 years ago, and slowly put half of it back on in the intervening years. I took back control of myself at the beginning of the year at just over 200lb (a weight I never wanted to see again either) and have almost lost the pounds I've gained. I'm embarrassed. I'm annoyed with myself, but that doesn't matter. What does matter is showing up and doing the thing - in this case logging on and logging.

    Feel free to friend me, most of all I've committed to a year of logging in, so I'm planning on sticking around for a while!
  • abouthergrace
    abouthergrace Posts: 3 Member
    I’m in the same boat. I’ve gained back 86lbs of the 170lbs I lost. It took five years to back track. I’m not going back any further. I’d be glad to have an accountability partner.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,714 Member
    I have lost count how many times I lost and gained ..... You have the right attitude to succeed .... You are welcome to add me ...... YOU GOT THIS :)
  • flagrantavidity
    flagrantavidity Posts: 218 Member
    I lost 40+ pounds mainly doing cardio (running) lots and lots of running, I got to the point I could run 10 miles and I would just get bored. I burned myself out, started getting into bad habits like drinking and was bored running. gained 30 pounds and came back here to restart. Now I am doing strength training along with cardio mixing it up a bit. Stopped the bad habits, I quit drinking right now, I may resume in the future but I don't see the point except maybe on a rare occasion but I haven't found that occasion to justify sipping on a drink yet. I am not looking to loose more weight, I like myself at 145, but looking to recomp as opposed to just seeing the scale get lower.

    Feel free to add as a friend if your looking for support.
  • emalethmoon
    emalethmoon Posts: 178 Member
    I lost 90lbs in 2014-2015, and then after some trauma in my life as well as giving up on calorie counting, I gained 50lbs back. I've dropped 25 since mid-March, it's fixable!
  • rickc74
    rickc74 Posts: 416 Member
    I stepped on the scale this morning and, well, see title. I'm almost back to my original starting weight and I'm so, SO mad and myself and disappointed. But I have no one to blame but myself and I know that. I originally lost like 75lbs and and gained it back slowly over the course of like 5 years. I never wanted to be back over 200lbs...

    Well, only thing to do is start again! I'm looking for accountability friends who kick me if don't log. Even if I go over on calories I know I have to log it. I've done this with MFP before and I can do it again!

    I hope that by posting this not only can I find friends but also make this real for me. I've been hiding from the scale when it was only trying to warn me. No more hiding.

    How have the last couple of days gone for you? I have found being back on MFP, and this thread, to be motivating as I get back to it. I have eaten well, and exercised a fair bit this week. I'm down a pound this morning. I know it's water weight, but I'll take it.

  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    Same thing with me OP. I just had a baby last year, but it's no excuse. Immediately post-partum I was essentially where I started pre-pregnancy, and now a year later I weigh more than when pregnant. I had already regained some of the weight I had lost pre-pregnancy so I wasn't even at my most recent lightest then, so now I'm almost back to where I started when I lost the weight 3 years ago.

    I'm so upset with myself! I did good during pregnancy and didn't gain much, only to completely let myself go after pregnancy. Ridiculous! Who does that?!? Lol

    I need the accountability. Please add me!
  • rachbbailey
    rachbbailey Posts: 4 Member
    Very similar situation, lost weight 2 years ago, stopped, got cosy now I weigh more than before....
    Happy to support and motivate you when you need it!!
  • SquidVonBob
    SquidVonBob Posts: 290 Member
    rickc74 wrote: »
    I stepped on the scale this morning and, well, see title. I'm almost back to my original starting weight and I'm so, SO mad and myself and disappointed. But I have no one to blame but myself and I know that. I originally lost like 75lbs and and gained it back slowly over the course of like 5 years. I never wanted to be back over 200lbs...

    Well, only thing to do is start again! I'm looking for accountability friends who kick me if don't log. Even if I go over on calories I know I have to log it. I've done this with MFP before and I can do it again!

    I hope that by posting this not only can I find friends but also make this real for me. I've been hiding from the scale when it was only trying to warn me. No more hiding.

    How have the last couple of days gone for you? I have found being back on MFP, and this thread, to be motivating as I get back to it. I have eaten well, and exercised a fair bit this week. I'm down a pound this morning. I know it's water weight, but I'll take it.

    I've been doing well actually. I've worked out every day except for my rest day, I've stayed within my calories and not been snacking. I haven't weighed myself yet but I plan to tomorrow. It might be up though due to ToM. I'll let you know.

    The thing that worries me is dinner 5 days of the week. My family is big on family dinners and has a rotating cooking schedule so everyone cooks. I only have control over what I eat for dinner 2 nights of the week.

    But I'm proud of you for doing well! Don't look a lost water weight horse in the mouth. Use the loss to fuel your motivation!
  • rickc74
    rickc74 Posts: 416 Member
    rickc74 wrote: »
    I stepped on the scale this morning and, well, see title. I'm almost back to my original starting weight and I'm so, SO mad and myself and disappointed. But I have no one to blame but myself and I know that. I originally lost like 75lbs and and gained it back slowly over the course of like 5 years. I never wanted to be back over 200lbs...

    Well, only thing to do is start again! I'm looking for accountability friends who kick me if don't log. Even if I go over on calories I know I have to log it. I've done this with MFP before and I can do it again!

    I hope that by posting this not only can I find friends but also make this real for me. I've been hiding from the scale when it was only trying to warn me. No more hiding.

    How have the last couple of days gone for you? I have found being back on MFP, and this thread, to be motivating as I get back to it. I have eaten well, and exercised a fair bit this week. I'm down a pound this morning. I know it's water weight, but I'll take it.

    I've been doing well actually. I've worked out every day except for my rest day, I've stayed within my calories and not been snacking. I haven't weighed myself yet but I plan to tomorrow. It might be up though due to ToM. I'll let you know.

    The thing that worries me is dinner 5 days of the week. My family is big on family dinners and has a rotating cooking schedule so everyone cooks. I only have control over what I eat for dinner 2 nights of the week.

    But I'm proud of you for doing well! Don't look a lost water weight horse in the mouth. Use the loss to fuel your motivation!

    That's awesome, good for you for sticking to it, that's great!

    Yeah, the dinners sound a bit challenging. Can you do lighter breakfasts and lunches on the 5 days that you don't do the cooking? Either that or just smaller portions of whatever dinner is...or both, maybe.

    Haha, thanks...I'll take the water weight horse and run with it, for sure 🤣
  • Elliewebber
    Elliewebber Posts: 24 Member
    Happy for anyone to follow me :)
    Previously lost 100+lb using MFP then depression hit and I munched it all back plus some :s
    5 foot 6 23 years old :)
    HW 320
    CW 314
    GW 158
  • tnh2o
    tnh2o Posts: 159 Member
    Even on the nights you don't don't cook, see if you can make sure there is salad or other vegetables you can load up on.
    My goal is to log EVERYTHING I eat Good, bad, and ugly Then start eliminating the food that I can do without. I really dislike logging everything but for me I know it is the only way. I can "just cut back" but only to a point.
  • wwstewart
    wwstewart Posts: 135 Member
    I really need to get better at logging. I'm tired of losing and then...just stopping and gaining it all back plus some. I think I need to get more serious about this. I'm too old to keep letting myself down. It's nice (sort of) to know I'm not the only one who struggles with this. But...we've got this.
  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,088 Member
    I stepped on the scale this morning and, well, see title. I'm almost back to my original starting weight and I'm so, SO mad and myself and disappointed. But I have no one to blame but myself and I know that. I originally lost like 75lbs and and gained it back slowly over the course of like 5 years. I never wanted to be back over 200lbs...

    Well, only thing to do is start again! I'm looking for accountability friends who kick me if don't log. Even if I go over on calories I know I have to log it. I've done this with MFP before and I can do it again!

    I hope that by posting this not only can I find friends but also make this real for me. I've been hiding from the scale when it was only trying to warn me. No more hiding.

    just think of it as a long term bulk. now it is time for the cut.
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    @psychod787 I'm keeping that one.
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Feel free to add me I'm on every day. I had to start over too and was disgusted with myself. I'm making great progress now and super motivated.