Just looking for motivation

I’m a 45 year old female. I’ve struggled with my weight on and off all my life. I’m currently 5’8” and 140 lb. Trying to get to 130 lb., that doesn’t seem like a great effort or feat. Well you haven’t been in my shoes. I’m currently keeping my calories to 1300 a day and trying to do at least 500 calories of cardio a day, but not helping, still gaining weight. Please someone help.


  • harper16
    harper16 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Healthy weight loss is .5 lbs a week. What is your weight loss set at? Are you using a food scale and logging everything that you eat? How much weight have you gained since you started your diet plan? Could it be water weight from the increased exercise?
  • age_is_just_a_number
    age_is_just_a_number Posts: 630 Member
    Stick to it, you’ll get there.
    Track your intake.
    I try not to eat back my exercise calories. I find exercise calories out always seem to be overestimated and calories in are underestimated.
    You haven’t provided much information like how long you’ve been trying for those last ten pounds and how far you’ve already come. Remember this is a lifestyle journey and you need to celebrate successes along the way. Sometimes I feel like my body wants to stay at a new set point for awhile before it will adjust any further.