3 months, 4lbs lost. So frustrating!

Hello everyone,
I’ll begin with my stats: F, 37yo, 5’2, 112lbs.
I have been logging for 3 months now (with the exception of last weekend when I was away). I am weighing and measuring everything (down to cooking sprays, etc). I started mid April at 116, and I have been stuck at 112-113 for 4-5 weeks now. I’ve been eating somewhere around 1000-1200 cals a day every day except Saturday’s, which I always log but always go well over on, and using a weekly average. I usually average somewhere around 1400 cals/day for the week. What am I doing wrong??? I am so frustrated, and I am starting to feel really hungry and grumpy all the time honestly. Part of me wants to give up I really feel my best at about 108-110 and was hoping to get there. Advice? I find for the past few weeks I’ve been eating more junk (but still fitting it into my cals) because I am just craving everything.


  • mrsmcmo
    mrsmcmo Posts: 109 Member
    edited July 2020
    Yes I do. Then only time I don’t weigh is if we order in, which is usually twice a week. Pizza on sundays and usually some other form of take out on Saturday. I do still log what the websites say for calories though.
  • Dogmom1978
    Dogmom1978 Posts: 1,580 Member
    Eating out pizza or anything else, unless you order from a chain that gives you the calories, it’s really just a guess.

    What do you have your activity level set to? I set mine to sedentary and then log my activities, otherwise MFP deducts way too much for lifestyle.
  • mrsmcmo
    mrsmcmo Posts: 109 Member
    Yeah I know, I wonder if I should start adding extra calories when we eat out just in case.
    My activity level is set to sedentary, and it gives me 1210cals/day. But I personally find it mentally easier to eat less than that 6 days a week and then go over once a week and take a “day off” (but still log).
    Is it possible that my body just doesn’t want to be any less than 112? I have lost weight before (went from 130-105), and I seem to remember being stuck at about 114 for awhile. I’d have to go back into my diary to see how many weeks that was.
  • mrsmcmo
    mrsmcmo Posts: 109 Member
    Ok thank you! Great advice.
  • nanastaci2020
    nanastaci2020 Posts: 1,072 Member
    How active are you? If sedentary/desk job/no active hobbies: your energy use daily would be around 1375-1400 per day. So your options may be to exercise/move more, or to tighten your food choices to be 1200-1300 daily for a very slow path to your desired range, or to accept where you are.
  • mrsmcmo
    mrsmcmo Posts: 109 Member
    Im actually relatively active, I’m a stay at home mom with 4 kids and we do a lot (I actually really like housework so I do quite a bit), however I don’t log any exercise.
  • Dogmom1978
    Dogmom1978 Posts: 1,580 Member
    Do you take the kids hiking? Go for walks in the neighborhood? I would increase activity if you can and have pizza less often. I know, it’s really hard. Pizza is my absolute FAVORITE food, so I miss having it more often, but I want the scale to be my friend and NOT my enemy; so, as someone else suggested, I would start with cutting the pizza (either the qty or the frequency).
  • nanastaci2020
    nanastaci2020 Posts: 1,072 Member
    edited July 2020
    mrsmcmo wrote: »
    Im actually relatively active, I’m a stay at home mom with 4 kids and we do a lot (I actually really like housework so I do quite a bit), however I don’t log any exercise.

    Being active burns a little more - but the math says you are either losing very slowly or you're maintaining. Your estimated average of 1400 cals in daily could be a little off and/or your deficit is small enough that loss will be very gradual. If you want that to change: the logical conclusion would be to firm up logging (limiting foods you have to guess with) and/or cut the 1400 avg down to 1300-1350, or setting goals for an extra 20-30 minutes of activity daily. An extra 30 minute walk daily could burn another ~150 calories daily.

    Note these changes won't have drastic results - but could mean losing 2-3 pounds in a month instead of 0-1.
  • mrsmcmo
    mrsmcmo Posts: 109 Member
    Awesome, thank you guys so much for the awesome tips!
    We do go for walks in the neighborhood, but I’ll try to increase my exercise frequency and cut the order-in’s to less frequently (or just eat less). What a long haul this has been! I honestly figured it would take probably somewhere around the 3 month mark but it’s frustrating to not see a change in 4 or 5 weeks.
    Any idea of what maintenance cals might be for me (daily)?
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    edited July 2020
    You are so close to goal! At a low BMI (and presumably a low BF%), it just needs to be really slow. I'm taller & weigh more than you, and the fastest I lose is 2lb/mo. At that, I need a maintenance break after 10 weeks or so. I just get deficit weary.

    I totally agree with others that when your goal is a 250cal deficit, it's really easy to erase your deficit with inaccurate logging, especially with restaurant meals. When I was in your situation, the solution was simply more accurate counting and that was such a relief. So simple. What if you took a little maintenance break and, using a trending app, tried to maintain for a month while logging as carefully and you possibly can? That would tell you your TDEE for your activity level and *for the way you log*. Then when you are ready to tackle the last 4 pounds, just set your expectation for 2 lb/mo for 2 mo and go for a 250cal deficit from the TDEE you observed.

    The thing about measuring inaccuracies is if you are consistent about your inaccuracies (e.g. you have the exact same coffee with cream every day and do not log it), the result will be a lower observed TDEE. If the coffee is 50 kcal daily, your actual TDEE will be 50 cal higher than you observed. But it's really irrelevant. If you bite 250 calories off that, you will lose 0.5 lb/wk. Following that logic, if you have pizza every week and you are under-counting it by 700 calories, your observed TDEE will also be low by 100 cal. Nonetheless, if you accurately log on everything else and eat at a 250 cal deficit from your observed TDEE, you will reach goal.

  • nanastaci2020
    nanastaci2020 Posts: 1,072 Member
    Well, if you've not lost or gained in the past 5-6 weeks: you've probably been eating at maintenance. So at current activity level: 1400 + whatever error is involved from estimating the takeout meals. Takeout meals are a guess at best anyhow. Made a little easier if they are chain places that have set serving amounts, such as Subway. Not much variance there from one ham sandwich to the next. But even a chain pizza place: hard to know that they put the just-right amount of cheese and toppings on, and some slices are bigger than others, etc. And a non-chain place? Who knows...
    mrsmcmo wrote: »
    Awesome, thank you guys so much for the awesome tips!
    We do go for walks in the neighborhood, but I’ll try to increase my exercise frequency and cut the order-in’s to less frequently (or just eat less). What a long haul this has been! I honestly figured it would take probably somewhere around the 3 month mark but it’s frustrating to not see a change in 4 or 5 weeks.
    Any idea of what maintenance cals might be for me (daily)?

  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,686 Member
    Your maintenance level is probably not far off 1400-1500 calories. I'm 5'5.5 and 121 lbs. and supposedly my maintenance is 1470. I'm older though, which makes some difference. My actual maintenance is higher (about 1700) because I am not entirely sedentary.
  • Strudders67
    Strudders67 Posts: 984 Member
    edited July 2020
    I'd say that your maintenance cals are possibly under 1400.

    I'm only half an inch shorter, although I am a bit older. At 52kg (114lb) I was given 1340 or 1360 cals. At 50kg (110lb), I now have 1320 cals.

    ETA: I'm set to Sedentary, but track my exercise (lots of walking, as the gyms are closed) and eat those cals too.
  • nanastaci2020
    nanastaci2020 Posts: 1,072 Member
    If your maintenance cals were under 1400, you'd be gaining weight based on your eating 1400 avg and possibly higher with 2 takeout estimation days weekly.
  • mrsmcmo
    mrsmcmo Posts: 109 Member
    edited July 2020
    If your maintenance cals were under 1400, you'd be gaining weight based on your eating 1400 avg and possibly higher with 2 takeout estimation days weekly.
    I think they’re somewhere around 1400 or 1450 (but maybe closer to 1500 - I know about 6 years ago or so I was maintaining on 1600, I’m not sure how many less cals is be burning due to being 6 years older). On average, that’s about what I’m eating and I’ve been stuck at this weight for weeks, I think I’d be gaining if it were less.

    I honestly just feel my best somewhere around 108-110. I was at that weight for about 3ish years (besides a pregnancy). I know 2-4lbs doesn’t seem like a big deal but I notice a difference on my frame. I would consider just maintaining 112 though if I can’t break through for much longer though because I’m getting exhausted and I’m starting to feel very deprived.

  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    I know what you mean. I feel best at the low end of my healthy BMI range too. 5 lb makes a difference to me too. Again, I suggest a maintenance break to regain your energy and establish your TDEE. Give yourself 2 months to lose the last 4 lb.
  • mrsmcmo
    mrsmcmo Posts: 109 Member
    ahoy_m8 wrote: »
    I know what you mean. I feel best at the low end of my healthy BMI range too. 5 lb makes a difference to me too. Again, I suggest a maintenance break to regain your energy and establish your TDEE. Give yourself 2 months to lose the last 4 lb.
    I am seriously going to consider that. Thank you!