Newbie with PCOS

auttienkassiemom Posts: 5 Member
I'm a newbie. Hoping to try MFP and it will help me lose some weight. Charting and being accountable for my food and exercise are what I need I think. I have 3 doctors "screaming":explode: at me to lose weight, high cholesterol, sleep apnea, and polycystic ovary syndrome all at the wonderful age of 31. :sad: So since I know us, PCOSers, have a harder time losing weight due to insulin resistance has anyone had some success with MFP? What type of diet and exercise do you do?



  • danimoon67
    danimoon67 Posts: 38 Member
    I have PCOS and I have had much success in the last 18 months on WW and using MFP. I have really cut back on processed foods and "white" food (potatoes, rice, etc) using whole grains instead (brown rice, whole wheat bread, sweet potatoes, etc.). My body has responded very well to this. I have cut back on carbs in general, but definitely do not do a low-carb diet, just more sensible portions. Instead of my plate being half mashed potatoes, it now has a small serving.

    My main exercise for the 1st year was walking. When the weather was bad I'd do some Wii Fitness games and now I'm working on Couch to 5K.

    My body has been very receptive to this lifestyle change. I wish you much luck.
  • I have PCOS too with insulin resistance. I am having a hard time losing. I have been very dedicated to this for over a month now and have lost 0 lbs. Very frustrating, but I'm not giving up. :) Something has to give at some point.
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Are there any supplements that one with PCOS can take to aid in weight loss. Such as a supplement to raise insulin sensativity?
  • Are there any supplements that one with PCOS can take to aid in weight loss. Such as a supplement to raise insulin sensativity?

    Metformin is often prescribed for it. I was able to get a jump start on the weight loss by taking it and it keeps me from gaining like crazy when I'm not so good with what I eat.

    I also have PCOS with IR so I really watch the amount of carbs I have with each meal. Main meals are about 30g and snacks are 15g with a total of 150g for the day.
  • Andee08
    Andee08 Posts: 147 Member
    Welcome! PCOS makes it hard to lose weight. I have lost 20 pounds since April and I am continuing to lose. I started with baby steps (just watching my calorie intake) and then moved to eating better carbs (whole grain and less sugar) and now I am doing the 17 day diet to wean myself off of the breads and sugars. I have found that the sugars and grains were the hardest part of the diet for me since that is what I crave (thanks IR!), but since I have tried to cut them out I am doing much better and my lovely stomach has drastically decreased. Good luck!
  • lorib75
    lorib75 Posts: 490 Member
    My Dr gave me a Rx for Metformin, but I guess I didn't listen when he told me how and when to take it. I was taking it in the morning before I ate anything and it made me SOOOOO hungry. Any suggestions?

    ps My picture is of my daughter and I with "bubba teeth" in. LOL:laugh:
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Are there any supplements that one with PCOS can take to aid in weight loss. Such as a supplement to raise insulin sensativity?

    Metformin is often prescribed for it. I was able to get a jump start on the weight loss by taking it and it keeps me from gaining like crazy when I'm not so good with what I eat.

    I also have PCOS with IR so I really watch the amount of carbs I have with each meal. Main meals are about 30g and snacks are 15g with a total of 150g for the day.

    Thanks for the reply, I'm familiar with Metformin and its use to cope with type II diabetes, but are there any natural alternatives or supplements that are even somewhat effective?
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    My Dr gave me a Rx for Metformin, but I guess I didn't listen when he told me how and when to take it. I was taking it in the morning before I ate anything and it made me SOOOOO hungry. Any suggestions?

    ps My picture is of my daughter and I with "bubba teeth" in. LOL:laugh:

    I just remember that if it is slow release you should take it with your evening meal, my grandmother takes the slow release and I recall her Dr. advicing her to take it at dinner.
    xASHYxSMASHYx Posts: 175 Member
    cinnamon has actually been shown in studies to be more effective than metformin. 1/2 tsp a day on cereal or other food is all it takes to make a difference. Or if you would rather you can buy the cinnamon supplements. Also Chromium is supposed to be really good for anyone with IR or blood sugar issues. Hope that helps :)
    Oh or also my doctor recommended Vitex as a natural hormone balancer, but you can only use this if you aren't currently on birth control.
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Also Chromium is supposed to be really good for anyone with IR or blood sugar issues.

    My naturopathic doctor recommended a "Chromium plus Vanadium" supplement for me. She suggested it may help control my cravings by keeping my blood sugar under better control.

    "o Chromium and Vanadium - these two minerals can actually help the insulin transport sugar to the cells, or even replace its function. Chromium works to make insulin more effective and Vanadium can actually do the job of insulin and transport sugar to the cells." - excerpt from
  • lorib75
    lorib75 Posts: 490 Member
    Thank you, I'll try that!!
  • CarriePich
    CarriePich Posts: 1 Member
    What is Vitex? I have always been given the pill for PCOS and it makes me so emotional. I would rather try something else if possible. I did just start the cinnamon and Chromium pills this week also.
    xASHYxSMASHYx Posts: 175 Member
    What is Vitex? I have always been given the pill for PCOS and it makes me so emotional. I would rather try something else if possible. I did just start the cinnamon and Chromium pills this week also.

    Vitex is a natural hormone balancer for female hormones. As my doctor explained it to me, it will help bring your hormones to a more normal level, since women with pcos tend to be either really high or too low in certain hormones it will adjust them as needed. I used to be on a natural hormone balancer and loved it. I would definitely recommend giving it a go. I hate the pill, but right now I have to be on it and it feels like my hormones are always going crazy.
  • Welcome to MFP.
    Last year I had great luck using this site, reading labels, following portion control and being physically active without working out and lost close to 40 lbs. I fell off the wagon around Christmas and then got pregnant in January.
    I will be getting back on that wagon again in October.
  • Sophie983
    Sophie983 Posts: 119 Member
    I was diagnosed 2 years ago. I lost 10 kilograms that year and all my health problems went away .. my period is always on time, my blood results were normal ...
    Then I lost another 10 kilograms, but I gained it back ...

    I don't eat processed food (ok, maybe once a month) ... My biggest problem is that I eat a lot! :) I normally eat healthy food, but a lot of it and that's why I was gaining weight.
    I never use artificial sweeteners and white sugar. I don't eat white flour... nobody should, really :) I adore fruit and that can be a problem for me ... I am trying to eat only 1-2 pieces of fruit per day, but i often fail.

    For the last 20 days I've been exercising almost every day ... tracy anderson mat method or cycling and daily walks with my dog.
    I managed to lose 2,2 kilograms, which is not that bad.... :)

    PCOS girls fell free to add me... I am very interested in your diaries, because i need new ideas :)he
  • Sophie983
    Sophie983 Posts: 119 Member
    I am taking cinommon capsules. They are brilliant.
  • RillSoji
    RillSoji Posts: 376 Member
    I have PCOS too. Let me just send some virtual hugs your way!

    I've been slowly loosing weight but the last few months I've lost more inches than weight which was nice and frustrating at the same time. I have insulin resistance and an ovarian cyst that makes cycles very painful but tolerable if I'm regular (aka on birth control). Changes I've made since being diagnosed and deciding to do something about it:

    -1 Tbl Raw/Orangic Apple Cider Vinegar per day mixed with 1 pint of water (drink with a meal). This is supposed to help shrink my ovarian cyst and reduce insulin resistance and making it so you can loose weight a little easier. I've only been doing it a week and after not loosing any weight for 4 weeks I lost a pound this week. So we'll see how this experiment goes. (Yes, I tried metformin and long story short it didn't work for me. I know it works for others though.)

    - No processed foods.

    -I cook all my own meals now and when I do go out to eat with my hubby once a week-ish I try to make good choices. No fried foods, pick something with a lot of veggies with it, only eat half, ect.

    -NO more that one 'treat' per week and try not to go overboard on it.

    -Eat low GI foods

    -No more soda. Water is all your body needs.

    -No more cow's milk. My acne cleared up when I switched to almond milk. (I still have other dairy but in moderation)

    -I make my own cereal - granola from scratch whole ingredients and I add a bunch cinnamon to it.

    -Eat meat sparingly/Eat twice as much plant protein as animal protein. I try to keep meat down to 1lb per week. I've been surprised at just how filling veggies can be and in how many recipes you can replace ground beef/turkey/pork ect with beans. Even meatballs you can make half beans half ground turkey.

    -Eat good fats (sparingly). Your body needs fat. Low fat food is okay but stay away from fat free. Use real butter and olive oil. Natural fats - No man-made fats.

    -Whole Grains only. No white flour, white rice ect. I make my own bread and I'm trying to get up the courage to try making my own pasta and crackers. Also be sparing on white potatoes.

    -Exercise 6 days a week, even if it's just a walk around the block. My goal workouts are: Circuit training on mon, wed, and friday. Cardio with variety on tues and thurs. Basketball or long walks on Saturday. Rest on Sunday.

    -No doughnuts, even though doughnuts are sooooooooo tasty. I allow myself doughnuts only twice a year during a couple semi-annual worldwide conferences that I watch from home.
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