60 yrs and up



  • InkedAtty57
    InkedAtty57 Posts: 19 Member
    New to this thread... 62... it has been a few months since I have been on MFP... just hired a personal trainer/nutrition advisor to help me adjust my goals to deal with the inevitable changes that come with the 60s...
  • lois2077
    lois2077 Posts: 5 Member
    Good Day All, Back at it today, after 4 months of doing nothing, UGH! Had a week that I was very sick, food poisoning, lost 8 pounds though, HA! Have kept 4 of those off, so not all bad. Did a cardio workout and yoga today and feeling pumped! I've been reading all the comments that I have missed and your words are very motivating. Thanks guys!
  • trekkie123
    trekkie123 Posts: 251 Member
    lois2077 wrote: »
    Good Day All, Back at it today, after 4 months of doing nothing, UGH! Had a week that I was very sick, food poisoning, lost 8 pounds though, HA! Have kept 4 of those off, so not all bad. Did a cardio workout and yoga today and feeling pumped! I've been reading all the comments that I have missed and your words are very motivating. Thanks guys!

    Welcome back!
  • trekkie123
    trekkie123 Posts: 251 Member
    New to this thread... 62... it has been a few months since I have been on MFP... just hired a personal trainer/nutrition advisor to help me adjust my goals to deal with the inevitable changes that come with the 60s...

    Good luck!!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    @InkedAtty57 sounds like a good idea to get some expert advice to adjust to the 60’s.

    @lois2077 glad you feel better and got some silver lining to being ill.

    I had a busy weekend with a family zoom meet up and friends over for a social distancing talk in the back yard. Unfortunately it kept trying to rain and our neighbor decided to burn his weeds. So we had drops of ash and rain and smoke to deal with. My husband went to talk to them to cool it. Luckily it was a neighbor we didn’t know. It is so funny since we don’t use our backyard much and people don’t burn things much. Today has been busy too. I have an online class Wednesday night I need to do the reading/video watching for. I got my husband out in the sun for a walk. So my exercise is done for the day.

    I checked my work email and they said they will decide about lay offs this week. I have been on furlough and we were warned that about 15% reduction in staff is necessary. I am glad that I will know soon. I love my job and we were preparing for retirement in a few years but not yet ready.
  • n2gardens56
    n2gardens56 Posts: 74 Member
    Good morning everyone. I have been checking posts for the last couple of weeks but haven't added anything because not much going on. I have had 2 days off work, going back tomorrow, and have been able to wean myself off sugar/flour and junk for 5 days. I feel fantastic, so I am praying that I can keep this up. I wake up clear headed and go to bed alert too. I have been running more for the last month and love doing that. I have to get up earlier to beat the heat, but love where I run, it is all woods, National Forest, so see wildlife and get great fresh air. I run with my dog Jack, and he can be off leash because we never see traffic, graveled forest road. Makes my day to get out in nature and breathe the fresh air. Sort of dreading going back to the office tomorrow, I will miss my trail running. Hope everyone has a great day.
  • lois2077
    lois2077 Posts: 5 Member
    Mornin All, Just finished my workout and ready for another day. Weather here in Ontario, Canada is good, heat wave has subsided, so today a little gardening is the plan. We're still in partial lockdown, but at my age I prefer full lockdown, so I'm staying home and just phoning family and friends, no get togethers.
    trekki123... thanks for the good wishes.
    KeriA... Yes, I'm feeling much better, thanks for that.
  • GreenValli
    GreenValli Posts: 1,054 Member
    edited July 2020
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) I participate in this thread and two others so I haven't felt alone even though I go almost no where and have had to give up my two weekly dance classes and my weekly exercise class. I feel so fortunate to be able to communicate via the internet.

    Hi Barbie Cat, Glad to meet you. I understand you missing those dance classes! I use to take a line dancing class at the gym. That was so fun! The last 5 years I have been going to the gym and it has helped me to lose weight. I was so disappointed when the gyms closed for the last several months. They finally opened recently only to close again this week. Thanks to the governor!

    I have done well not gaining weight since I was not able to go to the gym, but I have not lost anything more and hope to lose another 20 pounds. A bad knee and hilly community keep me from doing any serious walking for exercise.

    Are you doing zoom meetings? Or video chats of some kind?
  • GreenValli
    GreenValli Posts: 1,054 Member
    Hi, everyone...I'll turn 64 this summer, and am a New Englander. After having been very overweight for most of my adult life, I lost about 40 pounds when my husband died, and have kept it off since, with little "blips" up and down a few pounds here and there.

    This is the first time I've ever been able to keep a chunk of weight off, so I feel good about that. I'd like to take off another 50 pounds, but am trying to do it without pressuring and stressing myself. I do best with the thought that "any progress is good", so I don't get overly frustrated with how slowly I lose, and stop trying.

    My hobbies are all sedentary, so I have to make it a point each day to find ways to be active, increase NEAT, and get away from the computer. I have my Fitbit set at 5K steps daily, and always try to get over that amount. (It's harder when it's 90+ degrees with high humidity.)

    When it comes to weight loss, mindless boredom snacking is my biggest challenge.

    My ambitious mini-goal for summer is to take off 10-15 pounds. Hopefully, participating here will be a helpful boost in that direction.


    Losing 10-15 pounds for the summer! You can do it!

    I am losing pretty slowly now, but if I look at the MFP "REPORTS" and see the graph for the year or several months I can see the graph trending down, it helps me to continue eating as I know I should.
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,718 Member
    Hey, y'all. Just checking in here. Been on and off the rails the last couple of weeks. Did a refocus yesterday to get to work on dropping the last 15 pounds or so. Been getting plenty of walking and hiking with the dog - Daisy does not understand the "rest day" concept. Probably a good thing. HAHA! :D
  • BobWillers
    BobWillers Posts: 33 Member
    I'm trying hard but I'm scared to get on the scales in case I fail.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    I am back down to my low so my focus today is water and keeping calories low. I had semi higher calories a few days last week/weekend so I can afford less calories this week. However I need to get water intake up again and continue to exercise 6 days a week. Often I let weekly cleaning with family substitute for Saturday exercise. I have read posts for the last few pages and plan to check here often. I have another thread but it is all ages and only women who are working on losing the amount I am. So this thread sort of balances the other.

    n2gardens that run sounds so nice. I used to do interval runs around a lake but my Dr nixed that with Arthritis issues in my knee. I really miss it. I was doing aquafit until the Y closed. So now I am starting to find other alternatives for exercise.

    @lois2077 I think you are wise to stay in full lock down. The few times we tried social distance meet ups there were some lapses. It is too hard to control other people and old habits.

    @alteredsteve175 Hope the refocus goes well. I take my husband for walks but he doesn’t complain if I skip a day. I have been losing but he has gained the COVI 16 lbs. However I seem to have a recent stall so I am really focusing to keep losing. I have more than 15 pounds to go.

    @BobWilers I weigh daily so that way I get used to it. My weight varies a lot so I have to be patient. I have an app on my phone that charts the trend. So far it shows a downward trend. Hope you see results for your efforts.
  • teresadannar
    teresadannar Posts: 199 Member
    Purchased the following last night on line: Resistance Bands Set Of 11 Exercise Bands For A Home Workout By Reneg8
    Any reviews?
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,718 Member
    Thanks, @KeriA. I have been through some stalls, too, but I know I will reach my goal if I am diligent.

    @BobWillers - I weigh daily and track the numbers with the Libra app on my phone. Once you log for a few days, you will see that fluctuations are very normal. A weight gain is not failure. The important thing is the trend line which should go in a general downward direction.
  • BobWillers
    BobWillers Posts: 33 Member
    I plucked up courage and mounted the footplate...........I've lost 4.4 pounds over 24 days. Good or bad?
  • teresadannar
    teresadannar Posts: 199 Member
    BobWillers wrote: »
    I plucked up courage and mounted the footplate...........I've lost 4.4 pounds over 24 days. Good or bad?

    Bob, it's very good! Congrats!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    :) There's a group of people I connect with on Zoom several times a week. I have one neighbor who walks with the dogs and me every morning. Another friend drives over from the other side of town to walk with me once a week. My neighborhood has wide streets and little foot or auto traffic so it's easy to stay distant and still walk and talk.

    :) My husband bought a Ninja Foodie and is teaching himself to cook with the help of YouTube videos so we have interesting meals here.

    :) I watch TV while riding my recumbent exercise bike in the living room. I do some yard work when it's cool. We have a small yard so the work isn't overwhelming.

    :) I go only to the store for necessities.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • trekkie123
    trekkie123 Posts: 251 Member
    BobWillers wrote: »
    I plucked up courage and mounted the footplate...........I've lost 4.4 pounds over 24 days. Good or bad?

    Bob, it's very good! Congrats!
    BobWillers wrote: »
    I plucked up courage and mounted the footplate...........I've lost 4.4 pounds over 24 days. Good or bad?

    Bob, it's very good! Congrats!
    BobWillers wrote: »
    I plucked up courage and mounted the footplate...........I've lost 4.4 pounds over 24 days. Good or bad?

    That’s fantastic Bob!!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,735 Member
    BobWillers wrote: »
    I plucked up courage and mounted the footplate...........I've lost 4.4 pounds over 24 days. Good or bad?

    Little over a pound a week, on average? Practically perfect, as long as you have at least (say) 15-20+ pounds total to lose. Nice work!
  • njag3981
    njag3981 Posts: 2 Member
    Getting off the app, having issues with mfp not worth the trouble anymore.