It’s getting real!

Oriana0525 Posts: 4 Member
edited July 2020 in Introduce Yourself
I should of lost weight before COVID-19 but being in this house eating everything, drinking sodas again 😩. I’m back up to my biggest weight. My knees hurt again, and now so does my back. I feel like I don’t even like vegetables like I used to. I like to workout but the healthy eating is hard. I feel like I have to relearn everything I know I’m supposed to be doing. Anyways I could use some motivation and promise to give you the same. I’m here trying to love myself and get this weight off feel free to add me. I’m 32 wife, homeschool mom and student in Texas!

*Every New Day is A chance to change your life*


  • livinatthegym77
    livinatthegym77 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi. Feel free to add me if you would like. Also back at this after the covid gains :neutral:
  • Oriana0525
    Oriana0525 Posts: 4 Member
    Ok and anyone else feel
    Free to add me. I was able to loose 5lbs my first week back!