Need help with diet plan

Hi everyone. I was just wondering if I do a 1200 calories plan would I lose weight? Also since I'm a picky eater I was wondering if I eat 1 hot pocket for lunch and 2 for dinner and 1 slim fast for a snack work? Also going on the treadmill for 30 mins a day..? Would I lose any weight?


  • harper16
    harper16 Posts: 2,564 Member
    edited July 2020
    Weight loss is caused by being in a calorie deficit. The minimum a sedentary female should be eating is 1200 calories a day.

    Use MFP to calculate your calories. Set your activity level before any added exercise. Log your food and any exercise. Eat back your exercise calories.

    How much weight are you trying to lose?

    Do you plan to live your life on slim fast and hotpockets?
  • Angel3690
    Angel3690 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm trying to lose atleast 50 pounds. Hopefully this diet plan will work for me 😅
  • harper16
    harper16 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Angel3690 wrote: »
    I'm trying to lose atleast 50 pounds. Hopefully this diet plan will work for me 😅

    Find a diet plan that you'll stick with for life. Unless your plan is to live off slim fast and hot pockets. Healthy weight loss is 1.5 lbs a week. Until your reach 30-35 lbs to lose then it drops to 1 lb a week. Under 20 lbs to lose it drops to .5 lbs a week.
  • Angel3690
    Angel3690 Posts: 9 Member
    I think I can live off of hotpockets and slimfast lol but I'm not sure if its healthy? Today I ate 1250 calories & lost 70 calories.. I need to exercise more..
  • savannahs21
    savannahs21 Posts: 364 Member
    I am starting Slimfast on Sunday. You would lose weight if you are eating a calorie deficit.
  • harper16
    harper16 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Angel3690 wrote: »
    I think I can live off of hotpockets and slimfast lol but I'm not sure if its healthy? Today I ate 1250 calories & lost 70 calories.. I need to exercise more..

    Mfp is designed for you to eat back your exercise calories.
  • Angel3690
    Angel3690 Posts: 9 Member
    What is a calorie deficit? Sorry I'm new to all of this and thought if I eat less calories than I would normally eat.. I would lose weight
  • harper16
    harper16 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Angel3690 wrote: »
    What is a calorie deficit? Sorry I'm new to all of this and thought if I eat less calories than I would normally eat.. I would lose weight

    When you enter your info into mfp what calories does it give you? Setting your weight loss at 1.5 lbs a week.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Angel3690 wrote: »
    I think I can live off of hotpockets and slimfast lol but I'm not sure if its healthy? Today I ate 1250 calories & lost 70 calories.. I need to exercise more..


    You need to eat fewer calories than your maintenance. Google your maintenance here:

    1200 calories is just a default minimum based on your weekly weight loss goal. Unless you are petite, sedentary and/or elderly it's likely that you could lose weight eating more.

    You don't have to exercise. Exercise is great for health and fitness. The bonus is, it burns a few calories. But weight loss is easier managed by eating less.

    Slimfast and hotpockets are going to get old really fast. Measure and log other foods too. Learn portion sizes for "regular" foods to help you manage your weight in the future too. A smaller you will require somewhat fewer calories forever.
  • Angel3690
    Angel3690 Posts: 9 Member
    It gave me 1700 but I changed it to 1200 😅..
  • harper16
    harper16 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Angel3690 wrote: »
    It gave me 1700 but I changed it to 1200 😅..

    Eat the 1700 calories. Why not follow a healthy weight loss plan?
  • Angel3690
    Angel3690 Posts: 9 Member
    harper16 wrote: »
    Angel3690 wrote: »
    It gave me 1700 but I changed it to 1200 😅..

    Eat the 1700 calories. Why not follow a healthy weight loss plan?

    I'm a very picky eater and don't know what else to eat to help the calories go up to 1700..
  • harper16
    harper16 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Angel3690 wrote: »
    harper16 wrote: »
    Angel3690 wrote: »
    It gave me 1700 but I changed it to 1200 😅..

    Eat the 1700 calories. Why not follow a healthy weight loss plan?

    I'm a very picky eater and don't know what else to eat to help the calories go up to 1700..

    The only food you like are hot pockets? If you don't mind how old are you?
  • Angel3690
    Angel3690 Posts: 9 Member
    TeaBea wrote: »
    Angel3690 wrote: »
    I think I can live off of hotpockets and slimfast lol but I'm not sure if its healthy? Today I ate 1250 calories & lost 70 calories.. I need to exercise more..


    You need to eat fewer calories than your maintenance. Google your maintenance here:

    1200 calories is just a default minimum based on your weekly weight loss goal. Unless you are petite, sedentary and/or elderly it's likely that you could lose weight eating more.

    You don't have to exercise. Exercise is great for health and fitness. The bonus is, it burns a few calories. But weight loss is easier managed by eating less.

    Slimfast and hotpockets are going to get old really fast. Measure and log other foods too. Learn portion sizes for "regular" foods to help you manage your weight in the future too. A smaller you will require somewhat fewer calories forever.

    I would eat like over 3000 calories a day Lol so I thought if I ear 1200 calories a day I would definitely lose weight.. Should I eat less than 1200?..
  • harper16
    harper16 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Angel3690 wrote: »
    TeaBea wrote: »
    Angel3690 wrote: »
    I think I can live off of hotpockets and slimfast lol but I'm not sure if its healthy? Today I ate 1250 calories & lost 70 calories.. I need to exercise more..


    You need to eat fewer calories than your maintenance. Google your maintenance here:

    1200 calories is just a default minimum based on your weekly weight loss goal. Unless you are petite, sedentary and/or elderly it's likely that you could lose weight eating more.

    You don't have to exercise. Exercise is great for health and fitness. The bonus is, it burns a few calories. But weight loss is easier managed by eating less.

    Slimfast and hotpockets are going to get old really fast. Measure and log other foods too. Learn portion sizes for "regular" foods to help you manage your weight in the future too. A smaller you will require somewhat fewer calories forever.

    I would eat like over 3000 calories a day Lol so I thought if I ear 1200 calories a day I would definitely lose weight.. Should I eat less than 1200?..

    Please re read this thread.
  • Angel3690
    Angel3690 Posts: 9 Member
    harper16 wrote: »
    Angel3690 wrote: »
    harper16 wrote: »
    Angel3690 wrote: »
    It gave me 1700 but I changed it to 1200 😅..

    Eat the 1700 calories. Why not follow a healthy weight loss plan?

    I'm a very picky eater and don't know what else to eat to help the calories go up to 1700..

    The only food you like are hot pockets? If you don't mind how old are you?

    I'm 20 but I like other foods they are not as much healthy tho? Like pizza or anything fried loll
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    harper16 wrote: »
    Angel3690 wrote: »
    It gave me 1700 but I changed it to 1200 😅..

    Eat the 1700 calories. Why not follow a healthy weight loss plan?


    You wondered if hot pockets and slimfast are healthy, yet you CHOOSE to under eat.

    Enough calories help you get macronutrients - protein, fat, and carbs. A varied diet will help you get micronutrients - vitamins and minerals. I eat hot pockets at times too, but I always add a serving of fruit and veggies for fiber. 1 serving of fiber (slimfast) is too little. Fiber is also a filling component for many people.
  • Angel3690
    Angel3690 Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you and @harper16 for the help! I will try adding for calories to my diet!
  • OwloftheFuture
    OwloftheFuture Posts: 39 Member
    I am a picky eater too! I am doing Keto and the way I am doing it is by eating the foods I like. So eggs, bacon,meat, cheese, and other random stuff. I hate vegetables so I have to drink them with protein powder to mask the taste and the color. I think it's been what has made it successful for me. I have a recipe I created and I recommend it.