I've reached a plateau

RobWPowell Posts: 8 Member
Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening All! Hope this finds everyone in good spirits and managing this pandemic life the best you can. I have lost 30lbs since February 1st. I regularly record my fitness routine and diet although it's not been as consistent as I'd like due to life. However, for the last 3-4 weeks I've hit a plateau. Bouncing around 1-1.5lbs +/- each weigh in (I weigh every Friday a.m.). And I'm feeling sluggish. Any suggestions? I know the diet needs to be shocked and probably my fitness should be changed or evolved... Does anyone have this issue or overcome this?


  • harper16
    harper16 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Have you recalculated your calories to make sure you are still in a deficit? How much weight are you trying to lose? How many calories are you netting a day? Do you use a food scale? Do you eat back your exercise calories?
  • Sand_TIger
    Sand_TIger Posts: 1,077 Member
    Harper16 asked all good questions that would help us figure out the problem. If you're in a plateau and feeling sluggish though, I have a couple initial thoughts.

    One would be to take a look at your food and make sure you are getting all the vitamins you need as well as the right ratios of protein, fat and carbs. That ratio can be different for different people.

    Also you might need some change to your exercise routine, either higher or lower intensity, different type, etc. Your body might be getting a little too good at whatever you are doing. It also helps to make sure you are getting enough rest every night, and/or quiet time such as breathing practice, meditation, or time reading a good book. The mind and body need downtime and that helps you lose weight, as well as improve your mind.

    Finally, make sure you are getting enough water per day.

    Those are my thoughts and I wish the best for you.
  • RobWPowell
    RobWPowell Posts: 8 Member
    Both good points. Thank you @Sand_TIger and @harper16. I take in between 1500 and 1700 calories a day with the exception of one day a week I go to 2000 calories. For the most part I know the weight and portion sizes. I was once religious about scale discipline however, I'm pretty good at eyeballing it now. Wouldn't hurt to bring out the scale again though. I've lost 29-31 lbs since mid January and am looking for another 15-20 with a few body measurement goals, mileage pace, resistance goals as well. I agree with you @Sand_TIger, my diet and nutrition balance needs some work. Overall a change in routine as my body is probably in some form of muscle memory mode and not being challenged. I'll try to add more detail in a future post if changes have the desired effect. Again, thanks for the feedback and comments.
  • kendefilipps
    kendefilipps Posts: 6 Member
    Not sure 3 weeks is necessarily anything to worry about. Your body, especially when you are losing weight, goes through adjustment periods. You may just be in an adjustment period. However, I will say, I adhere to a Keto diet and run a caloric deficit every day. I am down about 40 lbs. But from late March until just recently I was in a weight stall - something well beyond a plateau. I tried many things to no avail. I think I have now cracked the code - at least for me. 1. I thought I was doing a good job staying hydrated, but possibly wasn't. I have greatly increased my water intake. 2. during my exercise routines I use a fitness app and monitor my hear rate, concentrating on staying about 50/50 in the "Fitness(Fat burn)" zone and the "Aerobic(endurance)" zone. I have picked up my exercise intensity to now stay 70% in the Aerobic zone/30% in the Anerobic zone. Not only has this improved my overall fitness and exercise capacity, I believe it has contributed to breaking my weight loss stall. I basically was not exercising at a high enough intensity - for me. 3. I will also mention that during this period I would have cravings for fish that were persistent and would not quit until I consumed some. I bring this up only because thyroid issues can cause weight loss resistance and iodine is essential to healthy thyroid function, and fish is a good source of iodine. So I have increased my consumption of fish and also upped my Omega 3's. I bring this up because one can not rule out health issues as a cause for weight loss resistance which seems to be more than just a plateau. Because of these intense cravings, I plan to have a full thyroid panel run upon my next visit to my GP. Good luck.
  • RobWPowell
    RobWPowell Posts: 8 Member
    Good stuff @kendefilipps, much appreciated. I have a decent fitness app but do not track the zone as I should. Good advice there. As for my health, I agree, the GP and I are on first name basis these days. Age has a way of creating those relationships!
  • mhassan160
    mhassan160 Posts: 312 Member
    Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening All! Hope this finds everyone in good spirits and managing this pandemic life the best you can. I have lost 30lbs since February 1st. I regularly record my fitness routine and diet although it's not been as consistent as I'd like due to life. However, for the last 3-4 weeks I've hit a plateau. Bouncing around 1-1.5lbs +/- each weigh in (I weigh every Friday a.m.). And I'm feeling sluggish. Any suggestions? I know the diet needs to be shocked and probably my fitness should be changed or evolved... Does anyone have this issue or overcome this?
    I do hit a plateau at 227lb , my starting weight in was 270lb and start last year November, since may I stuck to 227-225lb, change everything exercise and meal time and it works , finally now I’m down to 219lb. Our bodies are too smart so have to make different changes to reach the goal !
  • babyluthi
    babyluthi Posts: 285 Member
    How long does a plateau last for please?
  • okc0mputr
    okc0mputr Posts: 20 Member
    I had the same issue. I changed my diet and exercise routine, and broke up my workouts to 2 days on, 1 off / 3 days on, 1 off, now I'm back to where I want to be
  • DoneWorking
    DoneWorking Posts: 247 Member
    edited July 2020
    I posed this question when I did my big weight drop eight years ago. It was suggested to me that I should vary my daily calorie intake but still stick to my weekly total. The first week there was no difference but by the second week, I dropped four pounds and I started losing a pound and a half a week regularly again. Supposedly, this confuses the body and it doesn't know what to do so it gives up and starts dropping weight again. Worked for me. Coincidence? Who knows? YMMV
  • RobWPowell
    RobWPowell Posts: 8 Member
    Yes! My 'week' starts today (Sunday) so this should be a good experiment. I agree that your body is smarter than our brain at times and it probably gets conditioned. I'm upping the intensity and distance this morning with a change in resistance work later in the day. My calorie adjustment started yesterday adding more healthy fats and a more balance of macros. I'll see what happens by Friday. I target 1-2lbs a week for healthy loss but like you, I have seen 4-5lb weeks. I suspect most of that was fluid. Great feedback all!
  • Kaitie9399
    Kaitie9399 Posts: 1,305 Member
    babyluthi wrote: »
    How long does a plateau last for please?

    That really depends on the person and their body. I've gone weeks without the scale moving (most of April and some of May) and then finally the scale started moving again. Stress plays a role in our weight-loss too. So as others have said, try changing things up and maybe see if life is stressing you out, try and work on overcoming that stress.
  • unforgettable2010
    unforgettable2010 Posts: 104 Member
    babyluthi wrote: »
    How long does a plateau last for please?

    The body can adapt to many things. Sometimes you have to change your workouts and diet just to shock your body.

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