What is it you're most looking forward to after losing the weight?

BigMamaLynsey Posts: 390 Member
I'm looking forward putting on a swimsuit and go swimming, I have not done this in about 14+ years. I am extremely uncomfortable in my own skin.

Also I'm excited about wearing a pair of shorts for the first time since I was a child. I always cover up my legs and arms and Its annoying when it's hot in the summer.

Started: 14st 13lbs
Currently: 13st 13lbs

Loss of 14lbs in 8 weeks so far 😊


  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,734 Member
    I don't think I'll ever be shorts or swimsuit ready mentally (too many stretch marks and saggy skin), but I'm already excited about wearing single layers and short(er) sleeves for hiking in the summer!
  • cgcdavis7
    cgcdavis7 Posts: 85 Member
    Seriously just wearing jeans and a cute t-shirt and feeling good. I for years have worn cardigans or jackets to "hide" how fat I am knowing I can't really hide anything.
  • preshalin
    preshalin Posts: 52 Member
    Walking around with no shirt on B)
  • Plasicage
    Plasicage Posts: 355 Member
    Wearing whatever I want to wear without seeing that tummy.
  • tnh2o
    tnh2o Posts: 161 Member
    I'm going backpacking in September. Every once I lose will make it so much easier.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    tnh2o wrote: »
    I'm going backpacking in September. Every once I lose will make it so much easier.

    Where are you off to?
  • ElTriste1973
    ElTriste1973 Posts: 234 Member
    The stamina and feeling strong... do anything physical intensely is enough reward
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    Being confident and happy with myself. Knowing I can do it. Feeling in control of *something* while the rest of the world is spinning crazy. Able to climb stairs without a pause, leap tall buildings in a single bound...oh wait, that's someone else.
    I just want to step outside my front door without worrying that people are looking at me because of my weight. :(
  • Getting to wear the clothes that i want.

    I bought I really nice coat last winter, it took me ages to find. I'd had it in mind for years and could never find one like it, then i found it. It was a size too small but I HAD to have it and just I figured I'd lose enough to fit into it eventually and that never happened.. then covid happened and now I'm even fatter than before! THIS winter I will be wearing that coat and I can't wait.
  • sh3wolf
    sh3wolf Posts: 17 Member
    Feeling better about my health and my self. Not having to be ashamed of my weight. Being able to fit into the cute outfits I like to wear without wanting to hide my stomach. Maybe even having more confidence to go out and meet people.
  • slessofme
    slessofme Posts: 7,740 Member
    Seeing that the work that I put in is reflected in my shape. Also, having some visible muscle definition. Well defined thighs make me feel very accomplished.
  • unforgettable2010
    unforgettable2010 Posts: 104 Member
    Competing on stage again..... And six pack pics. lol This time I’ll get plenty of six pack pics...lol
  • MaltedTea
    MaltedTea Posts: 6,286 Member
    Taking up even more space and being even more boisterous?! 🤷🏿‍♀️ But that's likely more about trying to be less introverted.

    I started this journey - for the last darned time - to avoid cholesterol meds. So I'm looking forward to the doctor's confirmation later this year that I truly don't need them.

    And, second (but really first), added flexibility, mobility, etc Aha-haha-aha 😏
  • tnh2o
    tnh2o Posts: 161 Member
    @4legsRbetterthan2 I'm going on the AT in NE Tennessee around Carver's Gap.
  • ClaireFinn19
    ClaireFinn19 Posts: 1 Member
    @BigMamaLynsey Well done great achievement x
  • mermaidthatlifts
    mermaidthatlifts Posts: 57 Member
    being happy looking in the mirror at the gym. I struggle with self confidence and the lack of it probably makes me look sad/weird. I'm very close to my goal and still not "happy" with the girl in the mirror.
  • Versicolour
    Versicolour Posts: 7,164 Member
    Honestly, cutting my toenails and being able to breathe while I do it