Starting again!

Hi there! I am new to myfitnesspal. I am one of the people who were dieting all life long and always got back, even gaining more. I tried every diet in this world, including WW and CC. All of them works, but I am "all or nothing" person, who want to immediete results. I slowed my metabolism and didn't excercise.
I realy hope to find somebody who could support me and give some tips. I hope that it will be my last attempt as well, as I decided to involve myself in excercise. Unfit, plump, but motivated!


  • thaliaraynne
    I have a lot of the same problems..feel free to add me if you would like
  • allybub
    Hi i have always been a slow yo yo er and have lost a lot of weight over the years as you say only to put it all back on and more, this time i am going for the healthy life style option and hoping to keep it off, i have lost just over 3 stone which is about 20kg, i am hoping to loose another 7 lbs which is proving quite tough. it has taken me nearly a year started last november. feel free to add me if you want will try and help if i can.
  • 2011AK
    Thank you for the kind offer!