Motivation before and during photos


Here's my newest--always recommiting after failure--photo.

Im too scared to step on the scale but it was 185 last time I did. Im short so it has nowhere to hide. Makin this a thread to post consistent photos and hopefully see some progress. I was 114-123 lbs before. Here we go!


  • Wifeband0311
    Wifeband0311 Posts: 24 Member
    Please join me and my photos!
  • harper16
    harper16 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Thousand extra calories today. Settings for 1 lb a week so 1400 cal a day. Celebrated a new job. I keep thinking its just one day but enough days like today is what made me gain 65 lbs. New day tomorrow. Work out tomorrow. Think healthy think positive

    Congrats on the job, and lots of good luck on your weight loss journey.
  • Wifeband0311
    Wifeband0311 Posts: 24 Member
    edited July 2020
    500 extra calories yesterday as opposed to 1000. Each thing I ate I thought about and wrote down what time I ate what food. I even brushed my teeth and put in my retainer. My friend puts in crest white strips so she really can't remove them. Today I'm on my second drink and shooting to stay within the 1400. Looking for the magic balance between drinking and losing weight. It's been a long gain.
  • Wifeband0311
    Wifeband0311 Posts: 24 Member
    edited July 2020
    Only 200 calories over yesterday. "Only x calories over." Always a combination of glad I didn't overeat more and disappointed that I overate at all. New day.

    On a positive note, I exercised. Tabata in the morning and quick walk around the park in the afternoon. So maybe I did ok.
  • wanttobeafittermom
    wanttobeafittermom Posts: 6 Member
    Before 😖 (now)


  • MaltedTea
    MaltedTea Posts: 6,286 Member
    I can see a difference already! Love the fact that the most recent pic includes your smartwatch too.
  • Wifeband0311
    Wifeband0311 Posts: 24 Member
    edited July 2020
    800 cal of drunk snacks. Didnt look at my photo. Couldnt stop to think because all i could think about was pain. Hard not to feel discouraged. New day tmrw
  • Wifeband0311
    Wifeband0311 Posts: 24 Member
    Just did my first day of insanity with shaun t. Ive done it before with great results. Even if i cant do all the moves for all the timed minutes if I just stick with workout and dont drunk eat I know results are possible
  • Dobbythefreelef
    Dobbythefreelef Posts: 32 Member
    Keep going! 200 calories over is better than a 1000! Dont let bad days cloud the improvement!
  • Pool_Boy
    Pool_Boy Posts: 405 Member
    I wanted to coast today and convinced myself not to work out since I did yesterday but it's a trap. I had alcohol yesterday but I didn't drunk eat. Luckily there was a bunch of watermelon to grab my attention and I joyfully ate it instead of raiding the fridge. It's always an immense relief the next morning when I haven't but in a back of my mind kind of way. I almost feel like I should be proud of myself but it's such a "normal" thing to not overeat that I feel like I'm reaching the least I should be doing and not reaching a highlight.

    Waiting for my sandwich to digest a little more and then hitting the workout video.

    My brother stupidly told our mom that I was feeling down and she knows I'm feeling down but she's more afraid that I'll never lose weight. She doesn't yell or anything but she talks to my dad about how they need to force me to exercise where I can hear. She'll stop talking about my weight as I enter the room and once I turn around and go back up the stairs she starts talking about it again in a defeated quiet voice. She's not trying to start a fight but is sad at my weight. It crushes me. When I hear her talk like that I want to gain even more weight and become 200 or 300 pounds just to "teach her a lesson" of how she makes me feel when she talks about me like a lost cause. When she does it to my brother he gets pissed and it actually makes him lose weight. I'm not motivated by spite and I never will be. I just want to give up. I wish she wouldnt talk about me like that but you know how moms will be moms and they cant stop themselves from saying things that they believe even if their kids dont like it.

    Such unhealthy thinking.

    I'm going to exercise after writing this but I do it with a heavy heart, not a feeling of joy or the desire to improve myself. I just want my mom to stop looking at the floor and sighing like that. I want her to stop.

    You can do this!!!!! I have faith in you!! Keep going toward your goal!!! You can add me if you want.
  • Wifeband0311
    Wifeband0311 Posts: 24 Member
    Doing good since beginning of this week. Did insanity. Didnt snack. Not had a drink yet. Im trying out this new thing where I can drink but not before 8pm. Do like a nightcap thing. Even if i want to have more than a few I will be too tired to really drink all that much more. I also take my medicine at 830pm and theres not really a reaction but it makes me feel guilty to drink and take medicine. Of course some days I just take my medicine later lol. Its always so surprising when I get so hungry on days and times I dont drink when I usually do. "Where my extra 500 cal at" lol
  • Wifeband0311
    Wifeband0311 Posts: 24 Member
    Had as much pasta as I wanted but within limits. It was maybe 4 oz dry or somewhere around 500 cal. It blows my mind how much I can afford to eat without feeling restricted when I don't drink starting at 3pm or 5pm or before dinner. Like seriously. This 8pm thing is grounding me since I would usually drink more in early evening to get drunk, delaying my dinner time sometimes three hours then eating after all the alcohol, and then drunk eating until I went to bed.

    Didnt workout to the max of just before asthma attack but I still drip sweat. I got a pedometer and I'm really excited. I hate how expensive and creepy smart watches are and I strictly wanted a calorie burning counter, heart rate, and no smart interface. My close friend has also decided to do insanity with me so I'm really excited about not doing something alone. My husband has some real body shame and doesn't want to have me witness it. To be honest I understand because I wouldnt be able to focus as hard as I do if he were with me because Id be thinking about him. Wanted to make mimosas for my treat tonight but you cant really rebottle mimosas. Maybe I'll get a couple of those little prosecco bottles.
  • Wifeband0311
    Wifeband0311 Posts: 24 Member

    I went for a lovely walk at the lake with my husband. We hadn't gone back and were going to a smaller park because the parking lots were locked up for quarantine. I decided to take a day off insanity and that it was ok bc I did other exercise and eating in calories. I noticed a while back that I had neck wrinkles and my stretchmarks have increased like the tops of my shoulders, under my knees, and spanning all the way from elbow to boob.

    This is the longest I've gone with this little alcohol in a long time and my stomach is really uncomfortable. I constantly feel like I haven't eaten enough because suddenly I'm not ingesting so many calories. I can't even really enjoy a drink right now even though I'd like to sip one while knitting because it feels like a cross of having to poop and not having enough in your stomach for too long.

    Maybe its the heat. I know some of it is my period. Since getting an iud the nausea is different, like stop you in your tracks hard, but I only can put my finger on it here and there.
  • Wifeband0311
    Wifeband0311 Posts: 24 Member





  • Wifeband0311
    Wifeband0311 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm primarily losing weight for me but when I hear her talk like that it totally distracts me from the real reason and I just respond really poorly to someone I love saying they don't believe that I can do it, you know?
    I want to fit my clothes. I want to do everything I can not to get diabetes and heart disease. I want walking up the stairs to not wind me. I'm also tired of not fitting in tight places and like when I do elbow planks my stomach touches the floor you know. Theres also a vain part of me that is freaking out quietly about neck wrinkles haha. My husband also wants to lose some weight and I'm trying to encourage him like "if i can do it you can do it, too! :smile: "

    I think I am just a regular person who reeeeeally enjoys alcohol. I think if I were addicted I wouldnt be able to wait til 8pm and have maybe one drink some days and none more than half the time. What I really enjoy is pouring a drink and like thinking I can feel good but a lot of the time the actual pouring gives me the feel good and I save it for the next day. I don't notice if I have any withdrawal symptoms besides being hungry all the time. But what do I know I havent talked to a specialist haha.

    Thank you for asking me detailed questions :)
  • Wifeband0311
    Wifeband0311 Posts: 24 Member
    I didn't work out yesterday. My husband didn't want to squeeze in going to the park and I chose not to exercise anyway before I went to the doctor to get a biopsy and a few stitches. It's only 3 but it's the first time I've ever had stitches before and I kept rubbing/pulling it in my sleep.

    Yesterday I chose for my treat a chocopie and one mini kitkat. It was very satisfying. I love to eat them frozen.

    I know I could exercise today but I'm falling into the trap of "oh you did good now splurge"