
Hi. I have been doing amazing for the past 10 weeks and lost 11.5 pounds so far.

The past three days I have gone over my calories by about 1,000+ calories each day.

How do you think that will affect my weight?


  • spennato
    spennato Posts: 360 Member
    generally 3500 excess calories = 1lb extra weight.....:huh:
  • amandaterp
    So since I did less than 3500 extra a day....what does that mean for me?
  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    3500 is a pound so look up what your maintenance cals would be see how much over maintenance you went over add those up then you'll know how much you'll prob. gain
  • cspence2270
    cspence2270 Posts: 229 Member
    You might not notice it this week at all. I've done this too and I still had a loss the week after my slip up it was just smaller then it could have been. However, if you can stop it now I would recommend it .. if you keep going over your calorie goal you will most likely end up with a gain. Last week I lost 3 lbs and then this weekend I lost it and ate like a horse or like I used to eat. Polished off an entire small pizza on Saturday and then ate like crazy on Sunday and on Monday-- Red Lobster. I'm down 1.2 lbs this week but I was down another pound on Friday am before my little free for all. So today I was very good and worked out extra hard and long. So I'm right back on track and hopefully not much damage done. I think it's ok to do this now and then. You need it, after all this is a life change and I do plan on letting loose on occasion just not on a regular basis anymore. Good Luck